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Gohed Hapi Taem Iu Patient for Weit lo Jehovah

Gohed Hapi Taem Iu Patient for Weit lo Jehovah

WASWE, iu luk forward for taem wea Jehovah bae finisim evri wicked samting and mekem evri samting niu? (Rev. 21:​1-5) Barava nao! Bat hem no evritaem isi for gohed patient for weit lo Jehovah, especially taem iumi deal witim olketa problem. Taem samting wea iumi hope for kasem hem delay, datwan savve mekem heart blo iumi sik.—Prov. 13:​12, ftn.

Nomata olsem, Jehovah expectim iumi for patient and weit for hem duim samting lo taem wea hem markem. Why nao hem expectim iumi for duim datwan? Wat nao savve helpem iumi for gohed hapi taem iumi weit?


Bible sei: “Jehovah hem patient for weit for showim kaen fasin lo iufala, and hem bae getap for showim mercy lo iufala. Bikos Jehovah hem God blo justice. Evriwan wea gohed for weit lo hem olketa hapi.” (Isa. 30:18) Olketa toktok hia Isaiah talem for olketa stubborn Jew lo bifor. (Isa. 30:1) Bat samfala Jew wea faithful tu stap, and olketa toktok hia mekem olketa garem hope. Olketa toktok hia mekem pipol blo Jehovah distaem for garem hope tu.

So iumi mas patient for weit bikos Jehovah tu patient for weit. Hem markem taem for finisim disfala wicked world, and hem weit for datfala day and hour for arrive. (Matt. 24:36) Lo datfala taem, bae hem showaot klia hao evri samting wea Satan accusim lo Jehovah and olketa wea worshipim Jehovah, hem no tru. Then Jehovah bae finisim Satan and olketa wea sapotim hem, bat Jehovah bae ‘showim mercy lo iumi.’

Go kasem datfala taem, Jehovah maet no finisim olketa problem blo iumi, bat hem sei iumi savve hapi taem iumi gohed for weit. Olsem Isaiah talem, iumi savve hapi taem iumi hope for wanfala gud samting bae happen. (Isa. 30:18) a Wat nao savve helpem iumi for hapi? Iumi savve duim fofala samting.


Focus lo positive samting wea happen lo laef blo iu. King David lukim staka wicked samting lo laef blo hem. (Ps. 37:35) Nomata olsem, hem sei: “Gohed stap kwaet front lo Jehovah and weit lo hem for duim samting. No feel nogud lo man wea hem win lo olketa nogud plan blo hem.” (Ps. 37:7) David seleva followim datfala advaes taem hem focus lo promis blo Jehovah for sevem hem. Hem focus tu lo olketa blessing wea hem kasem finis from Jehovah. (Ps. 40:5) Olsem David, if iumi focus lo olketa positive samting lo laef blo iumi and no focus lo olketa problem wea gohed raonem iumi, bae iumi faendem hem isi for weit lo Jehovah.

Gohed busy for praisem Jehovah. Man wea raetem Psalm 71, wea maet hem David, hem sei: “Bae mi gohed for weit, bae mi praisem iu go moa.” (Ps. 71:14) Hao nao bae hem praisem Jehovah? Hem bae story abaotem Jehovah lo olketa narawan and singsing for praisem Hem. (Ps. 71:​16, 23) Olsem David, iumi savve hapi taem iumi gohed weit lo Jehovah. Iumi praisem hem taem iumi duim ministry, story abaotem hem lo olketa frens and famili, and singim olketa song blo iumi. Taem iu singim wanfala song blo iumi, hao if iu ting abaotem olketa lyrics blo hem and hao datwan encouragem iu?

Kasem encouragement from olketa brata and sista. Taem David kasem olketa challenge, hem sei lo Jehovah: “Lo front lo olketa loyal wan blo iu, nem blo iu nao bae mi putim hope blo mi lo hem.” (Ps. 52:9) Iumi tu savve kasem encouragement from olketa faithful brata and sista blo iumi, taem iumi spendem taem witim olketa lo meeting, ministry, and tu, lo olketa hapitaem.—Rome 1:​11, 12.

Strongim hope blo iu. Psalm 62:5 sei: “Mi weit kwaet nomoa for God bikos mi putim hope blo mi lo hem.” Hem barava important for garem strongfala hope especially if end blo world no kam kwiktaem lo taem wea iumi expectim. Iumi mas sure dat olketa promis blo Jehovah bae kamap tru nomata iumi mas weit longtaem for kasem. Iumi savve strongim hope blo iumi taem iumi studyim Bible. For example, tingim evri profesi wea kamap tru finis, hao olketa difren Bible raeta agree witim each other, and olketa detail wea Jehovah talem iumi abaotem hemseleva. (Ps. 1:​2, 3) And tu, iumi need for gohed ‘letem holy spirit leadim iumi taem iumi prea,’ mekem iumi keepim frenship blo iumi witim Jehovah taem iumi weit for promis blo hem for iumi laef olowe hem kamap tru.—Jude 20, 21.

Olsem King David, iumi savve sure Jehovah lukaftarem olketa wea weit for Hem and Hem showim loyal love lo olketa. (Ps. 33:​18, 22) So continue for hapi and patient for weit lo Jehovah taem iu focus lo olketa positive samting lo laef blo iu, praisem hem, kasem encouragement from olketa brata and sista, and gohed strongim nambawan hope blo iu.

a Lo Hebrew languis, word wea iumi transleitim “gohed for weit” hem savve minim tu for “barava laekem or hope for samting bae happen.” Diswan showimaot hem no rong for iumi laekem Jehovah for finisim evri nogud samting wea mekem iumi safa.