Two New Members of the Governing Body

Two New Members of the Governing Body

ON WEDNESDAY, January 18, 2023, a special announcement appeared on, stating that Brothers Gage Fleegle and Jeffrey Winder had been appointed to serve as members of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Both brothers have a long history of faithful service to Jehovah.

Gage Fleegle and his wife, Nadia

Brother Fleegle was raised in western Pennsylvania, U.S.A., by his God-fearing parents. When he was a teenager, his family moved to a small rural town where the need was greater. Shortly thereafter, he got baptized on November 20, 1988.

Brother Fleegle’s parents always encouraged him to enter the full-time service. They often hosted circuit overseers and Bethelites in their home, and Brother Fleegle could see how happy these brothers and sisters were. Not long after baptism, he began regular pioneering​—on September 1, 1989. Two years later, he fulfilled a goal that he had set at the age of 12​—the goal of serving at Bethel. He began his service at Brooklyn Bethel in October 1991.

At Bethel, Brother Fleegle worked in the Bindery for eight years, after which he was assigned to the Service Department. During that time, he served in a Russian-language congregation for a few years. In 2006 he married his wife, Nadia, who joined him in Bethel service. Together, they have served in the Portuguese field and for over ten years in the Spanish field. After many years in the Service Department, Brother Fleegle was assigned to work in the Teaching Committee Office and later the Service Committee Office. In March 2022 he was appointed as a helper to the Service Committee of the Governing Body.

Jeffrey Winder and his wife, Angela

Brother Winder was raised in Murrieta, California, U.S.A. He was brought up in the truth by his parents, and he got baptized on March 29, 1986. The very next month, he decided to auxiliary pioneer. He enjoyed it so much that he wanted to continue. After several months of auxiliary pioneering, he began regular pioneering on October 1, 1986.

As a teenager, Brother Winder visited his two older brothers who were serving at Bethel at the time. That visit kindled his desire to apply for Bethel service when he was older. And in May 1990, he was invited to serve at the Bethel facility in Wallkill.

At Bethel, Brother Winder worked in various departments, including the Cleaning Department, the Farm Department, and the Bethel Office. He married his wife, Angela, in 1997, and they have been serving together at Bethel ever since. In 2014 they transferred to Warwick, where Brother Winder assisted with the construction of the world headquarters facility. In 2016 they moved to the Watchtower Educational Center at Patterson, where Brother Winder worked in Audio/​Video Services. Four years later, they moved back to Warwick, and Brother Winder was assigned to work in the Personnel Committee Office. In March 2022 he was appointed as a helper to the Personnel Committee of the Governing Body.

We pray that Jehovah richly bless these “gifts in men” as they continue working hard for Kingdom interests.​—Eph. 4:8.