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Duara ya Balon Membro na Mananguley ya Ulop

Duara ya Balon Membro na Mananguley ya Ulop

NEN Mierkoles, Enero 18, 2023, walay makapaliket ya anunsio ed Impakabat ya si Brother Gage Fleegle tan Brother Jeffrey Winder et aturon manlingkor bilang membro na Mananguley ya Ulop na Saray Tasi nen Jehova. Sarayan brother et matoor tan abayag lan manlilingkor ed si Jehova.

Si Brother Gage Fleegle tan say asawa to, si Sister Nadia

Binmaleg si Brother Fleegle ed Pennsylvania, U.S.A., tan Tasi iray atateng to. Nen tinedyer ni, inmalis iran pamilya ed nisulinek ya kongregasyon ya daiset so Tasi. Ag-abayag, sikatoy abautismoan nen Nobyembre 20, 1988.

Si Brother Fleegle et lanang ya papasesegen na atateng to ya manlingkor ya full-time. Mabetbet dan iimbitaan iray manangasikaso na sirkito tan saray Bethelite ed abung da. Anengneng nen Brother Fleegle ya malikeliket irayan agagi ed panlilingkor da. Ag-abayag, kayari ton nampabautismo, sikatoy nan-regular payunir nen Setyembre 1, 1989. Kayari duay taon, agawaan to may in-goal to nen 12 ni labat so taon to​—say pagmaliw ya Bethelite. Sikatoy ginmapon nanlingkor ed Bethel diad Brooklyn nen Oktubre 1991.

Waloy taon ya naasain si Brother Fleegle diad Bindery, insan inyalis dad Service Department. Diad saratan ya taon, sikatoy akaasain ed Russian congregation. Nen 2006, nankasal ira nen Sister Nadia, tan manlapud saman et saniba la ran nanlingkor ed Bethel. Naasain ira ed Portuguese congregation, insan masulok ya samploy taon da ed Spanish congregation. Abayag ed Service Department si Brother Fleegle, insan sikatoy naasain ed Teaching Committee Office tan kayari to et diad Service Committee Office. Nen Marso 2022, sikatoy aturo ya katulongan ed Service Committee na Mananguley ya Ulop.

Si Brother Jeffrey Winder tan say asawa to, si Sister Angela

Binmaleg si Brother Winder diad Murrieta, California, U.S.A. Tasi iray atateng to tan imbangat da ed sikato so katuaan. Sikatoy abautismoan nen Marso 29, 1986. Kayari labat na sakey bulan, nan-auxiliary payunir lan tampol si Brother Winder. Na-enjoy ton talaga itan, kanian intultuloy to ya anggad nagmaliw ya regular payunir nen Oktubre 1, 1986.

Nen tinedyer ni si Brother Winder, binisita toy duaran kuya to ya diad saman et manlilingkor ed Bethel. Apaseseg ed saman ya imbisita to kanian in-goal toy man-Bethelite met. Nen Mayo 1990, sikatoy naimbitaan ya manlingkor ed Bethel diad Wallkill.

Diad Bethel, naasain si Brother Winder ed nanduruman department​—diad Cleaning Department, Farm Department, tan Bethel Office. Nen 1997, nankasal ira nen Sister Angela, tan manlapud saman et saniba la ran manlilingkor ed Bethel. Nen 2014, naasain ira ed Warwick. Tinmulong ditan si Brother Winder ed construction na world headquarters. Nen 2016, inyalis ira ed Watchtower Educational Center diad Patterson. Naasain si Brother Winder ed Audio/Video Services. Kayari na apatiran taon, pinmawil ira ed Warwick ta naasain si Brother Winder ed Personnel Committee Office. Nen Marso 2022, sikatoy aturo ya katulongan ed Personnel Committee na Mananguley ya Ulop.

Ipikasi tayo ya bendisyonan komon nen Jehova irayan “regalo a lalaki” diad makulikulin panlilingkor da parad kimey na Panarian.​—Efe. 4:8.