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Wat da Bible tell about how Jehovah can tell da future?

Da Bible tell dat Jehovah can tell da future. (Isa 45:21) No tell us ery litto ting about how o wen he going do um, o even how much he choose fo know. So even if we no undastan eryting he do, get some tings dat we undastan.

Jehovah can do anyting he like, but sometime he choose not fo do um. Cuz a his unreal smarts, he can tell da future if he like. (Rome 11:33) But cuz he always control himself, he can choose not fo know wat going happen.​—Go check Isaiah 42:14.

Jehovah make happen wat he like. How dat help us undastan how he tell da future? Isaiah 46:10 tell, “From da start, I da One stay tell how da end goin come. From long time befo time, I tell tings dat nobody do yet. I da One tell dis, “Da plan I make, az how goin happen. I goin do eryting how I like fo do um.””

One reason dat Jehovah can tell da future is dat he get da powa fo make tings happen. Jehovah no need fas forward to da future fo know wat going happen, same like how we watch da end of one movie fo find out wat happen. Radda, Jehovah can pick da time fo someting happen an den make shua going happen wen dat time come.​—Egypt 9:5, 6; Mat 24:36; Jesus Guys 17:31.

Dass how come da Bible use words like “set up” an “make one plan”, fo tell wat Jehovah going do about some tings in da future. (2 Ki 19:25; Isa 46:11) Dese words come from one word dey wen use befoa dat mean one guy dat make clay pots. (Jer 18:4) Jalike dat guy can take one lump of clay an make um into one nice looking vase, Jehovah can make tings happen da way he like.​—Efe 1:11.

Jehovah let peopo choose wat dey like. Jehovah no set up wat going happen to you in da future. An he no make good peopo do someting dat going cause dem fo get wipe out. He let dem choose how dey like live but he teach dem da right way fo live.

We go look two exampos. Da firs one is da guys dat wen live Nineveh town. Jehovah wen tell, da city was going get wipe out cuz dey was pilau. Cuz da Nineveh guys wen change, Jehovah wen “change his mind an no do bad tings to dem.” (Jonah 3:1-10) Jehovah neva wipe dem out cuz dey wen choose fo lissen wen Jehovah had warn dem.

Da odda exampo is wat da Bible wen tell about Cyrus. He da one dat was going let da Jew guys go an he wen tell um fo go back Jerusalem side fo build da temple. (Isa 44:26–45:4) Shua enuff, King Cyrus from Persia side wen make all dat come true. (Ezra 1:1-4) Cyrus neva worship Jehovah. Still yet Jehovah wen use Cyrus fo make wat He tell come true, but He neva force um for worship Him.​—Smart Guys 21:1.

Dass ony some of da tings dat Jehovah tink about wen he tell da future. Fo real kine, nobody can undastan eryting about da way Jehovah tink. (Isa 55:8, 9) But wat we know about Jehovah make oua trus moa strong. He always going do da right ting, even wen he tell da future.