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Questions From Readers

Questions From Readers

What the Bible say about Jehovah ability to know what will happen in the future?

The Bible make it clear that Jehovah able to tell what will happen in the future. (Isa. 45:21) It not tell us everything about how or when he can do it or even the amount of things he can choose to know. So we not know everything about Jehovah ability to tell what will happen in the future. But let talk about some things we can understand.

Jehovah can do anything he want do, but sometime he can choose to not do some thing them. Because Jehovah know everything, he can choose to tell anything that will happen in the future. (Rom. 11:33) But because he perfect and he able to control himself, he can also choose to not know what will happen.—Compare Isaiah 42:14.

Anything Jehovah want do, he can make it to happen. How this one help us to understand that Jehovah able to tell the future? Isaiah 46:10 say: “From the beginning I foretell the outcome, and from long ago the things that have not yet been done. I say, ‘My decision will stand, and I will do whatever I please.’”

So one reason why Jehovah can tell what will happen in the future that because he get the power to make things happen. Jehovah not need to find out what will happen in the future like the way when we watching show. Sometime we can forward the show to know how it will end. But Jehovah can decide that something will happen certain time and then he can make it to happen when that time come.—Ex. 9:​5, 6; Matt. 24:36; Acts 17:31.

Because of this, the Bible use words like “prepared,” “formed,” and “purposed” to talk about what Jehovah can do about some thing them that will happen in the future. (2 Ki. 19:25; ftn.; Isa. 46:11) They translate this word them from the original-language word that close to one word that mean “potter.” (Jer. 18:4) Just how skillful potter can use clay to make fine jar, Jehovah can make things to happen to fulfill his purpose.—Eph. 1:11.

Jehovah can allow people to make their own decision. He can’t plan what will happen in each person life. And he can’t make good people to do thing them that will make them to be destroy. He can allow everybody to choose how they want live, and he can teach them how to live the right way.

Let look at two examples. The first one talking about the people of Nineveh. Jehovah prophesy that the city was coming be destroy because of all the wicked things the people were doing. But when the people repent, Jehovah “reconsidered the calamity that he said he would bring on them, and he did not bring it.” (Jonah 3:​1-10) Jehovah change his mind because the people change their bad ways when they hear God warning message.

The second example that the prophecy about one man name Cyrus. Jehovah say he was coming free the Jews and he was coming give the order for them to build Jehovah temple again. (Isa. 44:26–45:4) King Cyrus of Persia fulfill that prophecy. (Ezra 1:​1-4) But Cyrus was not worshipping the true God. Jehovah use Cyrus to fulfill this prophecy, and he allow Cyrus to make his own decision about who he will worship.—Prov. 21:1.

So this one them that just some of the things Jehovah can consider when he talk about what will happen in the future. To talk the truth, no human being can understand everything about how Jehovah can think and the thing them he can do. (Isa. 55:​8, 9) But the thing them we understand about Jehovah can make our faith strong that he can always do the right thing, including when he prophesy about the future.