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You Na Hear This One Before?

You Na Hear This One Before?

Why the Bible can say one thing over and over?

SOMETIME Bible writers use to say one thing over and over and they use to say it word for word. Let see three reasons why maybe they did it:

The time they write the Bible. Way back in the nation of Israel, most of the people were not having their own copies of the Law. That to the tabernacle and the temple most time they use to hear the people reading the Law. (Deut. 31:​10-12) Plenty people use to be standing together for long time to listen to the Law. So maybe some things use to make them to not pay attention good-good. (Neh. 8:​2, 3, 7) During time them like that, saying important things over and over make it more easy for the people to remember the scriptures and to do what it say. Saying certain words over and over was coming to really help them to remember important things about the laws Jehovah gave them.—Lev. 18:​4-22; Deut. 5:1.

The writing style. They write some part of the Bible as songs, for example, the books of Psalms, Song of Solomon, and Lamentations. Sometime songs get some word them that they can say over and over that can stress the main point in the song and help the people to remember the words in the song. For example, see the words in Psalm 115:​9-11: “O Israel, trust in Jehovah—He is their help and their shield. O house of Aaron, trust in Jehovah—He is their help and their shield. You who fear Jehovah, trust in Jehovah—He is their help and their shield.” You can see how saying this words over and over were coming help the singers to remember this important truths in their mind and heart?

To stress important matters. Sometime the Bible writers use to say one thing over and over to stress something important. For example, when Jehovah tell the Israelites to not eat blood, he made Moses to say the reason plenty times. God wanted to stress that the life of the flesh in the blood, that mean, blood stand for life. (Lev. 17:​11, 14) Later on when the apostles and the elders in Jerusalem were writing about what Christians must avoid to make God happy, they stress again that Christians must stay away from blood.—Acts 15:​20, 29.

Even though the Bible say certain things over and over, it not mean Jehovah want us to memorize things from the Bible and just be saying it over and over. For example, Jesus say: “When praying, do not say the same things over and over again.” (Matt. 6:7) Then he talk about topic them we can pray about that agree with God will. (Matt. 6:​9-13) So even though we will not say the same words over and over in our prayer, but we can pray about the same topics again and again.—Matt. 7:​7-11.

For good reason, the Bible can say certain things over and over. That one of the plenty ways our Grand Instructor can teach us how to benefit ourselves.—Isa. 48:​17, 18