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Find Good Kine Tings From Da Bible Dat You Can Use

Find Good Kine Tings From Da Bible Dat You Can Use

Wen we read da Bible, we can try find good kine tings wen we look tings up. But how us guys can get da mos out of um?

Dig moa deep an check out da Bible stories real good. Like, try figga who wen write um, who dey was writing to, an wen dey had write um. Wat kine stuffs was going on dat time, wat wen happen befoa dat, an wat wen happen afta?

Tink about wat you can learn from wat you had read by looking up tings like, “How da peopo in da story wen feel? Wat kine qualities dey wen show? How come is good I copy dose qualities o stay away from um?”

Use da tings you wen learn, wen you preach o wit how you ack wit odda peopo. Wen you do dis, you show you get da smarts from God, like da Bible tell, “Da peopo dat know wat fo do erytime good dey stay do all dis stuff.”​—Songs 107:43.

  • Someting fo help: Try look how wat stay in da middo of da week meeting part Treasures From Da Bible can help us fo tink about how fo use wat we wen learn. Dis part usually get questions fo ask ouaselfs, tings fo tink good about, an pichas fo check out.