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SONG 111 Oua Happiness Come From Oua God

Stay Inside Da Spiritual Paradise

Stay Inside Da Spiritual Paradise

“Stay good inside all da time, wen you tink bout wat I goin make!”​—ISA 65:18.


See how come is good fo us be in da spiritual paradise an how we can help oddas come inside um too.

1. Wat is da spiritual paradise, an wat we should make up oua mind fo do?

 TODAY get one paradise on top da earth dat get millions of peopo inside um. Dey get fo real peace an dey busy doing good tings. Da guys inside dis paradise wen make up dea mind fo neva leave um. An dey like az much peopo az can fo be wit dem. Wat we talking about? Da spiritual paradise! a

2. Wat is unreal about da spiritual paradise?

2 Wass so unreal is dat Jehovah wen make um so dat eryting stay all pono fo his peopo, even tho dey live in Satan’s pilau world dass full of hate. (1 John 5:19; Jesus Show 12:12) Jehovah see how dis pilau world make peopo suffa. But cuz Jehovah love us so much, he proteck us so dat we can do good serving him. Da Bible talk about dese good kine conditions az “one place dey can go fo hide,” an “one garden dat get plenny watta.” (Isa 4:6; 58:11) Jehovah bless da guys dat stay inside dis spiritual paradise. Dass how come dey can feel safe an happy in dis hard time befoa da world pau.​—Isa 54:14; 2 Tim 3:1.

3. How da prophecy in Isaiah chapta 65 firs wen come true?

3 Jehovah wen use Isaiah fo tell wat was going be like fo da guys who stay in da spiritual paradise. Dis prophecy stay inside Isaiah chapta 65. Da firs time dis had come true was in 537 B.C.E. Dass wen da Jews wen get let go from Babylon an wen go back home to Jerusalem, wea was all bus up. Jehovah wen bless his peopo an wen help dem make Jerusalem town all good again. An he wen make da temple ova dea da main place fo worship him.​—Isa 51:11; Zek 8:3.

4. How wat Isaiah chapta 65 had talk about wen happen oua time?

4 Da secon time dis prophecy wen come true was in 1919 C.E. wen Jehovah’s peopo oua time wen get let go from Babylon da Great. Afta dat, da spiritual paradise wen spread. Wen start fo get plenny local huis all ova, an peopo now wen live da way Jehovah wanted dem fo live. Dey wen change from being violent an living one pilau life, an wen “start fo live da new kine way.” (Efe 4:24) We know dat da blessings Isaiah wen talk about going happen fo real kine in da new world layta on. But even now, get plenny good stuff we get fo enjoy cuz we stay in da spiritual paradise. We go talk about how dis spiritual paradise affeck us an how come we should stay inside um.


5. Wat good tings we get inside da spiritual paradise dat Isaiah 65:13 wen promise?

5 Healthy an alive. Isaiah’s prophecy wen show da big diffrence between da guys dat stay in da spiritual paradise an da guys who not. (Read um Isaiah 65:13.) Jehovah give da guys dat worship him eryting dey need fo stay close to him. We get his spesho spirit, da Bible, an choke spiritual food so we can “eat . . . drink . . . an stay good inside.” (Go check Jesus Show 22:17.) On da odda hand, da guys dat stay outside da spiritual paradise “goin stay hungry . . . thirsty . . . [an] goin come shame.” Dass cuz dey donno God.​—Amos 8:11.

6. Wat Joel 2:21-24 say about oua spiritual food, an how come is good fo us?

6 In his prophecy Joel wen talk about da tings we need like wheat, wine, an olive oil fo show dat Jehovah give eryting his peopo need fo keep dea faith strong. (Joel 2:21-24) He give us da Bible, Bible tools, da website, meetings an big kine meetings. We can grind dis good spiritual food eryday, an if we do we going feel moa healthy an moa alive.

7. Wat make us “stay good inside”? (Isaiah 65:14)

7 Happy an all good. God’s peopo can “yell plenny” cuz dey supa tankful to him. (Read um Isaiah 65:14.) Da Bible truts dat build us up, da promises dat help us feel betta, an da solid hope we get cuz of da ransom all make us “stay good inside.” Talking about dese tings wit oua spiritual braddahs an sistahs make us happy fo real kine!​—Songs 34:8; 133:1-3.

8. Wass two mayjah tings dass part of da spiritual paradise?

8 Da way Jehovah’s peopo stick togedda an da love dey get is two mayjah tings dass part of da spiritual paradise. How dey “come togedda” show us wat going be like in da new world, wea Jehovah’s peopo going get even moa love an going be even moa close den dey stay now. (Col 3:14) One sistah wen tell wat she seen in Jehovah’s peopo wen she firs meet dem. “I neva know how fo be happy, not even in my own ohana. Da firs time I wen see fo real kine love was wit Witnesses Fo Jehovah.” Anybody who like be fo real kine happy gotta be inside da spiritual paradise. No matta wat dis world tink of Jehovah’s peopo, dey get one good name o rep wit Him an erybody who worship Him.​—Isa 65:15.

9. Wat Isaiah 65:16, 17, NWT promise about da tings dat make us suffa now?

9 Relax an no worry. Isaiah 65:14 say dat dose who choose fo stay outside da spiritual paradise “cry plenny, cuz [dey] stay sad inside, an moan, cuz inside, [dey] donno wat fo do.” But wat about da tings dat wen make God’s peopo suffa? Bumbye, dey “not goin rememba da troubles from befoa.” (Read um Isaiah 65:16, 17, NWT.) Jehovah going hemo oua pilikia an all oua pain from dose memories going be pau.

10. Why you tankful fo be part of Jehovah’s hui? (Go look da picha.)

10 Even now wen we go oua meetings, we can relax an put all oua worries on da side. We can even help oua braddahs an sistahs feel moa calm wen we show love, peace, be happy, nice, an gentle kine. All dat is part of da fruit of God’s spesho spirit. (Gal 5:22, 23, NWT.) Is awesome fo be part of God’s hui! Da guys who stay inside da spiritual paradise going see God’s promise of da “new sky an new earth” come true.

Is one blessing fo be part of God’s ohana inside da spiritual paradise. (Go look numba 10) c

11. From Isaiah 65:18, 19, how da spiritual paradise should make us feel?

11 Tankful an pumped. Isaiah wen tell how come da spiritual paradise make us “stay good inside” an “like dance an sing.” Jehovah wen make dese good conditions fo us. (Read um Isaiah 65:18, 19.) So make sense dat he using us fo help peopo get outa da world’s huis dat no teach da trut, an come part of oua spiritual paradise! We supa pumped about da blessings we get cuz we stay in da trut, an dat make us like tell oddas about um.​—Jer 31:12.

12. How da promises inside Isaiah 65:20-24 make you feel, an how come?

12 We tankful an pumped about da hope we get cuz we stay inside da spiritual paradise. All da tings we going see an do in God’s new world going be mean! Da Bible promise, “No goin get bebes dea dat stay alive ony short time. No goin get peopo dat no live long time.” We going “build house an live inside um.” We going “plant grape plants an eat da grapes.” We “not going work hard fo notting” cuz we going be “blessed by Jehovah.” He promise we going get one real reason fo live an wea eryting going be safe an we going get eryting we need. “Befo dey yell fo help,” he going know wat erybody need an he going “give stuff to eryting dat stay alive fo dem no need notting no moa.”​—Isa 65:20-24, NWT; Songs 145:16.

13. How Isaiah 65:25 tell how peopo change wen dey start fo serve Jehovah?

13 Mellow an safe. Jehovah’s spirit wen help peopo who was all nutz fo make mayjah changes in dea life. (Read um Isaiah 65:25.) Dey wen work hard fo hemo da bad stuff about dem an mellow out. (Rome 12:2; Efe 4:22-24) Garans God’s peopo still going make mistakes cuz dey not perfeck. But Jehovah wen bring togedda all kine peopo dat love him an love each odda, an dey get fo real kine peace. (Titus 2:11) Dis one miracle dat ony Jehovah can make happen!

14. How Isaiah 65:25 was true wen came to one braddah?

14 You tink peopo can fo real kine change how dey stay? Try look wat wen happen to dis young guy. He wen live one pilau life an was violent an was in an outa jail by da time he was 20 years old. He wen get lock up fo ripping peopo off, stealing one car, an odda mayjah kine stuff. He always wanted fo beef wit peopo. Wen he firs wen hear da trut an start fo go meetings of Witnesses Fo Jehovah, he wen see dat da spiritual paradise was someting fo live fo. Afta he wen get baptize, plenny times he wen tink about how Isaiah 65:25 was true wen came to him. He had change from being like one lion to one sheep. He wen mellow out an no was violent anymoa.

15. How come we like oddas be wit us inside da spiritual paradise, an how we can kokua dem?

15 Da firs part of Isaiah 65:13 say, “Da One In Charge a me tell dis.” Da end of verse 25 say, “Dass wat Da One In Charge tell.” Wat Jehovah promise come true erytime. (Isa 55:10, 11) Right now awready get one spiritual paradise. No moa notting dass like dis braddahood Jehovah wen make. We can feel safe an get peace even in dis crazy world cuz we part of dis ohana. (Songs 72:7) We like az much peopo az can fo be wit us in oua braddahood. An dass how come we go all out fo preach.​—Mat 28:19, 20.


16. Wat make peopo like come part of da spiritual paradise?

16 Ery one of us can do someting fo make da spiritual paradise look good to oddas. Fo do dis, we gotta copy Jehovah. He no drag peopo into his hui if dey no like. Radda, he slowly “bring um” to him. (John 6:44; Jer 31:3) Wen guys wit one good heart learn about Jehovah’s good qualities an how awesome he stay, dey no can help but like come close to him. How we can help peopo fo like be part of da spiritual paradise by da way we ack an da good qualities we get?

17. How we can help oddas fo like be part of da spiritual paradise?

17 Wen we show love to oua braddahs an treat dem nice, dass one way we help oddas fo like be part of da spiritual paradise. Wen peopo firs start fo come to oua meetings, we like dem feel da same way az da guys who wen start fo go meetings in Corint long time ago. Dey wen say, “God stay wit you.” (1 Cor 14:24, 25; Zek 8:23) Dass why we do wat tell at 1 Fo Da Tessalonika Peopo 5:13 fo “live togedda wit aloha.”

18. Wat can make peopo like be part of oua hui?

18 We should always try look at oua braddahs an sistahs same like how Jehovah see dem. We do dat by looking at ony da good stuff about dem, dea good qualities, not dea bad stuff. Cuz all dat going be gone anyway. Wen we get problems between us an somebody else, we can fix um wen we “Make nice nice to each odda. Show pity an aloha to each odda. Let each odda go.” (Efe 4:32) Den da guys dat wanna be treated lidat too, going like be part of da spiritual paradise. b


19. (a) In da box “ Dey Wen Leave An Come Back,” wat some peopo wen say afta dey wen come back to da spiritual paradise? (b) Wat we should make up oua mind fo do? (Go look da picha.)

19 We so tankful fo da spiritual paradise we get! Get moa guys inside um now den befoa, an is betta den eva. We no like stop being tankful fo da paradise Jehovah wen give us. Anybody who like feel alive, all good, relax, an safe gotta come into da spiritual paradise an no eva leave um! But watch out, cuz Satan trying hard fo try trick us fo leave um. (1 Pet 5:8; Jesus Show 12:9, NWT.) No let um do dat. We all go work real hard fo proteck oua awesome spiritual paradise.

Dose who stay inside da spiritual paradise going be part of da fo real physical paradise bumbye. (Go look numba 19)


  • Wat is da spiritual paradise?

  • Wat good tings we get cuz we stay inside da spiritual paradise?

  • How we can kokua oddas fo like be part of um?

SONG 144 Tink Good Bout Da Life Fo Real Kine!

a WAT DIS MEAN: Da “Spiritual paradise” we talking about is da good conditions dat Jehovah’s peopo stay in. Inside dis spiritual paradise, we happy cuz we get peace wit Jehovah an wit each odda.

b Go look da video on Where Are They Now? Alena Žitníková: How My Dream Was Fulfilled, an try see da blessings one sistah wen get from being inside da spiritual paradise.

c WAT DA PICHA STAY ABOUT : One braddah doing his own ting while erybody else talking story wit each odda at da meeting.