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SONG 56 Make the Truth Your Own

“Come Solid An Grown Up Inside”

“Come Solid An Grown Up Inside”

“Come solid an grown up inside.”​—HEB 6:1.


Learn how one Christian who stay solid an tight wit Jehovah tink an ack da way He like.

1. Wat Jehovah ask us fo do?

 ONE a da times wea one husband an wife stay supa happy is wen dea bebe stay born. But even tho dey love dea new bebe, dey no like him stay lidat foeva. Dey would worry plenny if dea bebe no grow. Same ting wit Jehovah, he supa happy wen we start fo learn about him, but He no like us stop dea. (1 Cor 3:1) He ask us fo be Christians who stay “grow up.”​—1 Cor 14:20.

2. Wat we going talk about in dis lesson?

2 How one Christian who stay solid tink an ack? Wat we gotta do fo come solid Christians? How da solid spiritual stuff help us fo grow? How come is no good fo tink we solid awready an no need do anyting else? In dis lesson, we going find da ansas to dese questions.


3. How one solid Christian tink an ack?

3 In da Bible, da Greek word fo “grow up” can also mean “solid” an “perfeck.” (1 Cor 2:6) So like one bebe keep growing until he come one adult, us too gotta keep coming moa tight wit Jehovah. Dass how we can come solid Christians. Even if we lidat awready, we no stop trying fo get betta. (1 Tim 4:15) An all us, even younga guys, can be solid. But how we know if we one solid Christian?

4. Wat is one solid Christian?

4 One solid Christian is somebody who do eryting Jehovah ask him fo do. He no pick an choose ony wat he like. Cuz he no stay perfeck, he going make mistakes. Still yet, eryday he try his bes fo tink an ack da way Jehovah like. He come all new inside, an try hard fo tink da way Jehovah tink. (Efe 4:22-24) Cuz he know Jehovah’s rules an Bible truts, he wen learn fo make good choices. So he no need plenny rules fo tell him how fo ack. Wen he make one choice, he work hard fo do um.​—1 Cor 9:26, 27.

5. Wat easy fo happen to one Christian who no stay solid? (Fo Da Efesus Peopo 4:14, 15)

5 But one Christian who no stay solid, easy fo him lissen to da guys who “bulai us” an to da “sly buggahs”, an fo believe da fake kine stories from da news an apostates. a (Read um Fo Da Efesus Peopo 4:14, 15.) Easy fo him be jealous of oddas, beef wit dem, an get mad wen somebody tell o do someting he no like. An wen he get chance fo do someting bad, he do um.​—1 Cor 3:3.

6. How come we can tell coming one solid Christian az jalike one kid growing up? (Go look da picha.)

6 Like we had talk about awready, da Bible tell coming one solid Christian stay jalike growing up fo come one adult. Cuz one kid donno plenny stuff, he going need one grown-up fo proteck him an show him da way. Fo exampo, one maddah might ask her young daughtah fo hold her hand wen crossing da street. But az da girl get olda, da maddah might let her cross da street by herself, but still tell her gotta look both ways befoa she cross. Wen da kid come one adult, she know how fo stay away from dangers lidis. Jalike small keiki need help from adults fo stay away from danger, Christians who no stay solid need help from solid Christians fo stay away from spiritual kine dangers an fo make smart kine choices. Az diffren fo one solid Christian. Wen dey gotta make one choice, dey tink hard about wat da Bible tell so dey can see how Jehovah tink. Den dey do da right ting.

Christians who no stay solid yet gotta learn how fo use Bible truts fo make smart kine choices (Go look numba 6)

7. One solid Christian need help from oddas o wat?

7 Dis mean one solid Christian neva need help from anybody o wat? Not even. Solid guys still gotta ask fo help sometimes. But somebody who no stay solid might expeck oddas fo tell him wat fo do o make one choice fo him. Az diffren fo one solid Christian. Even wen he ask oddas who get moa smarts an experience fo help him, he know Jehovah expeck him fo make his own choices an fo “take kea [his] own kuleana.”​—Gal 6:5, New World Translation.

8. Wat kine ways solid Christians stay diffren from each odda?

8 Jalike all adults no look da same, not all solid Christians get da same kine qualities. Fo exampo, some might be supa smart, an oddas might be supa brave. Some give plenny, an oddas know how fo put demself in somebody else slippahs. Wen two solid Christians stay going thru da same ting, wat dey choose fo do might be diffren, but eidda way going be based on da Bible. Dass true speshly wen one Christian gotta choose wat fo do based on wat he tink az ok o not ok. Cuz dey know dis, dey no judge each odda jus cuz dey wen choose fo do diffren stuff. Da main ting is fo dem stick togedda.​—Rome 14:10; 1 Cor 1:10.


9. Az natural fo come one solid Christian? Try explain um.

9 Az natural fo one kid grow up an come one adult bumbye, but az not lidat fo come one solid Christian. Try tink, da braddahs an sistahs in Corint wen believe da good kine tings, wen get baptize, had get da good an spesho spirit, an wen learn plenny from da aposal Paul. (Jesus Guys 18:8-11) But layta on, even tho dey wen get baptize, plenny no was solid Christians. (1 Cor 3:2) How we can make shua dis no happen to us?

10. Wat we gotta do fo come one solid Christian? (Jude 20)

10 Fo come solid, firs we gotta like be solid. Wen come to spiritual kine tings, da “guys dat donno notting an . . . like stay lidat” neva going come solid. (Smart Guys 1:22) We no like be jalike one adult whose parents make all his choices fo him aah? Radda, we going like take kea oua own kuleana fo come strong inside an trus God. (Read um Jude 20.) If you no stay one solid Christian yet, pray to Jehovah fo “make you guys like do da tings he like you fo do. An he help you guys fo do um.”​—Php 2:13.

11. Wat Jehovah give us fo help us come solid? (Fo Da Efesus Peopo 4:11-13)

11 Jehovah no expeck us fo come one solid Christian by ouaself. He wen give us da eldas an teachas in da local hui who help us fo come solid, so “us guys goin come jalike one grown up guy, da kine guy dat stay perfeck inside, jalike Christ.” (Read um Fo Da Efesus Peopo 4:11-13.) Jehovah even give us his good an spesho spirit fo “help us guys figga um out jalike [Christ] figga um out.” (1 Cor 2:14-16) An anodda ting, God wen give us da Good Tings From Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke, an John fo show us how Jesus wen tink, talk, an ack wen he was hea on top da earth. Wen we copy Jesus lidat, we can come one solid Christian.


12. Wat is “da beginna kine stuff bout Christ”?

12 Fo us come one solid Christian, we gotta learn moa den jus “da beginna kine stuff bout Christ.” Some a da firs tings we had learn is fo be sorry fo all da bad kine stuff we wen do, fo have faith, fo get baptize, an fo believe dat all da mahke peopo going come back alive. (Heb 6:1, 2) Dis da beginna kine stuff all Christians believe. Dass why wen Peter wen preach to da peopo at Pentecos, he wen talk about dese tings. (Jesus Guys 2:32-35, 38) Fo be one followa of Christ, we gotta believe dese tings. Fo exampo, Paul wen tell dat if we no believe da mahke peopo going come back alive one moa time, den we no can tell we fo real kine Christians. (1 Cor 15:12-14) Same time, we no can be happy wit jus knowing da beginna kine stuff.

13. How we going get da mos from da solid spiritual kine stuff in Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 5:14? (Go look da picha.)

13 Da solid spiritual kine stuff is not like da beginna kine stuff. Da solid stuff no ony get Jehovah’s rules, but also get Bible truts, which help us fo undastan how he tink. Fo get da mos from dis kine stuff, we gotta study da Bible, tink hard about wat we wen read, den use wat we wen learn. Wen we do dat, we going know how fo choose da tings dat make Jehovah happy. b​—Read um Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 5:14.

Solid spiritual kine stuff teach us how fo choose da tings dat make Jehovah happy (Go look numba 13) c

14. How Paul wen help da Corint peopo come solid?

14 Christians who no stay solid get one hard time fo make da right choices wen no moa one rule in da Bible dat talk about um. Cuz if no moa one Bible rule, some peopo tink dey can do wateva dey like. Maybe oddas ask fo one rule wen no need one, jalike da Christians in Corint. Dey wen ask Paul fo one rule wedda dey could eat da meat dat peopo wen sacrifice to da idol kine gods. Radda den tell dem wat fo do, Paul wen show dat each a dem “get da right fo do someting,” based on wat dey tink is ok an not ok fo do. He wen talk about some Bible truts dat could help dem choose someting dat no going bodda dem, an same time, no jam up odda peopo. (1 Cor 8:4, 7-9) Paul wen help da Corint peopo fo come solid so dey would know how fo figga wass good an wass no good, radda den asking oddas wat fo do o looking fo one rule.

15. How Paul wen help da Hebrew Christians come solid?

15 We learn anodda importan ting from wat Paul wen write to da Hebrew Christians. Some wen stop coming moa tight wit Jehovah, an wen come “jalike bebes dat need milk, cuz [dey] no can handle da solid [spiritual kine] stuff”. (Heb 5:12) Dey neva learn an believe da new tings Jehovah was teaching dem thru da local hui. (Smart Guys 4:18) Fo exampo, plenny Hebrew Christians wen still follow da Rules from Moses even tho was pau awready, cuz Christ wen mahke some 30 years befoa dat. (Rome 10:4; Titus 1:10) Eh, 30 years no was nuff time fo dem change dea tinking o wat?! Anybody who wen read Paul’s letta fo da Hebrew peopo know fo shua get solid spiritual kine stuff in dea. His letta wen help dem fo see da Christian way fo worship Jehovah was moa betta. Dat wen help dem fo no be sked fo preach even tho da Jews wen go agains dem.​—Heb 10:19-23.


16. Even if we working hard fo come moa solid, wat else we gotta do?

16 We gotta work hard fo no ony come solid, but fo stay dat way. So us guys gotta watch out fo no tink we solid awready an dat we no need do anyting else. (1 Cor 10:12) All us guys gotta “look inside” ouaself fo make shua we keep coming moa solid.​—2 Cor 13:5.

17. How Paul’s letta fo da Colosse peopo show az importan fo stay solid?

17 Inside his letta fo da Colosse peopo, Paul wen show dat we gotta stay solid. Even tho dey was solid Christians, Paul wen tell dem fo watch out dey no tink da way da peopo in da world tink. (Col 2:6-10) An Epafras, who wen know da braddahs in da Colosse hui real good, wen pray erytime fo dose guys “come mo solid inside.” (Col 4:12) Wass da poin? Paul an Epafras wen undastan dat fo stay solid, gotta work real hard an need God’s help. Dey wanted da Colosse peopo fo grow up an stay solid Christians, no matta wat kine hard times dey was going thru.

18. Wat might happen to one solid Christian? (Go look da picha.)

18 Paul wen give one warning to da Hebrew peopo dat one solid Christian might lose out on Jehovah’s blessings foeva. Dat can happen if one Christian get so far from Jehovah dat he no can be fo real sorry, an Jehovah no can let him go. Good ting da Hebrew peopo neva go dat far. (Heb 6:4-9) Wat about da guys today who stop going meetings an no preach anymoa, o get hemo from da hui, but layta stay sorry fo wat dey wen do? If dey humbo an tell dey sorry fo real kine, dey show dey not like da guys Paul wen write about. But wen dey come back to Jehovah, dey going need his help. (Eze 34:15, 16) Da eldas might ask one solid braddah o sistah fo help dem come close to Jehovah again.

Jehovah kokua da guys who need help fo come close to Him again (Go look numba 18)

19. Wat we like work hard fo do?

19 If you stay working hard fo come one solid Christian, bumbye, can! No stop learning da solid spiritual kine stuff an make yoa tinking moa an moa like Jehovah. An if you awready wen come solid, stay dat way, now an foeva.


  • How one Christian who stay solid tink an ack?

  • Wat we gotta do fo come one solid Christian?

  • How come no good fo tink we solid awready an no need do anyting else?

SONG 65 Move Ahead!

a Go look “Protect Yourself From Misinformation” in da “More Topics” article series on an in JW Library.®

b Go look da “Study Projeck” dat stay in dis magazine.

c WAT DA PICHA STAY ABOUT: One braddah use Bible truts fo help him choose wat fo watch on TV.