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Neartaigh Do Mheas ar Eagraíocht Iehova

Neartaigh Do Mheas ar Eagraíocht Iehova

“Cuimhnígí ar na ceannairí a bhí agaibh tráth, an mhuintir a d’fhógair briathar Dé daoibh.”​—EABH. 13:7.


How to strengthen and maintain your appreciation for Jehovah’s organization.

1. Cén chaoi a raibh searbhóntaí Iehova eagraithe sa gcéad aois?

 WHENEVER Jehovah gives his people an assignment, he expects them to carry it out in an organized way. (1 Cor. 14:33) For example, it is God’s will for the good news to be preached in all the inhabited earth. (Matt. 24:14) Jehovah has put Jesus in charge of that work. Jesus has seen to it that it is carried out in an organized fashion. In the first century, as congregations were established in various places, elders were appointed to give direction and take the lead. (Acts 14:23) In Jerusalem a central body of elders, consisting of the apostles and older men, made certain decisions that all the congregations were expected to comply with. (Acts 15:2; 16:4) As a result of their obedience to the instructions they received, “the congregations continued to be made firm in the faith and to increase in number.”​—Acts 16:5.

2. Ó 1919 ar aghaidh, cén chaoi a gcuireann Iehova treoir agus bia spioradálta ar fáil?

2 Jehovah continues to organize his people even today. Since 1919, Jesus has used a small group of anointed men to organize the preaching work and supply spiritual food to his followers. a (Luke 12:42) Jehovah is obviously blessing the work of that group.​—Isa. 60:22; 65:13, 14.

3-4. (a) Léirigh an chaoi a dtéann sé chun tairbhe dúinn a bheith eagraithe. (b) Céard a phléifear sa staidéar seo?

3 If we were not organized, we would not be able to accomplish the work Jesus has assigned us to do. (Matt. 28:19, 20) Suppose, for example, that there were no territory assignments; everyone could preach wherever he wanted. Some territories might be worked over and over by a number of different publishers, while other territories might be neglected entirely. Can you think of other ways we benefit by being organized?

4 What Jesus did on earth set the pattern for how he keeps us organized today. In this article, we will consider the example Jesus set and how our organization follows that example. We will also discuss how we can show that we appreciate Jehovah’s organization.


5. Léirigh bealach amháin a leanann muid sampla Íosa? (Eoin 8:28)

5 Jesus learned from his heavenly Father what to do and what to say. Following the example of Jesus, Jehovah’s organization bases its moral teachings and its direction on God’s Word. (Read John 8:28; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17) We regularly receive reminders to read and apply God’s Word. How do we benefit from following this counsel?

6. Léirigh bealach tábhachtach ar féidir linn tairbhe a bhaint as staidéar a dhéanamh ar an mBíobla?

6 We benefit greatly when we study the Bible with the help of our Christian publications. For instance, we are able to compare Bible teachings with the direction we receive from the organization. When we see that the guidance we receive is based on the Scriptures, our confidence in Jehovah’s organization grows.​—Rom. 12:2.

7. Cén teachtaireacht ar chraobhscaoil Íosa, agus cén chaoi a leanann eagraíocht Iehova a shampla?

7 Jesus preached “the good news of the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 4:43, 44) Also, Jesus commanded his disciples to preach about the Kingdom. (Luke 9:1, 2; 10:8, 9) Today all who are associated with Jehovah’s organization preach the Kingdom message no matter where they live or how much responsibility they have.

8. Cén onóir atá tugtha dúinn?

8 We count it a privilege to share the truth about God’s Kingdom with others! That privilege is not open to just anyone. For instance, when Jesus was on earth, he did not allow the wicked spirits to witness about him. (Luke 4:41) Today, before a person shares in the ministry with Jehovah’s people, he must qualify for the privilege. We show how much we appreciate the honor to preach by giving a witness wherever and whenever we can. Like Jesus, our goal is to plant and water seeds of Kingdom truth in the hearts of people.​—Matt. 13:3, 23; 1 Cor. 3:6.

9. Cén chaoi a gcuireann an eagraíocht daoine ar an eolas faoi ainm Dé?

9 Jesus made God’s name known. In prayer to his heavenly Father, Jesus said: “I have made your name known.” (John 17:26) In line with Jesus’ example, Jehovah’s organization does everything possible to help others come to know God’s name. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures has played a significant role in this by restoring God’s name to its rightful place. This Bible translation is now available in whole or in part in over 270 languages. In Appendixes A4 and A5 of this translation, you will find details regarding the restoration of God’s name in the Bible. Appendix C, which is found in the Study Bible, provides extensive proof that God’s name should appear in the Christian Greek Scriptures 237 times.

10. Céard a fhoghlaimíonn tú faoin gcaoi a ndeachaigh ainm Dé i bhfeidhm ar bhean as Maenmar?

10 Like Jesus, we want to help as many people as possible come to know God’s name. On learning that God has a name, a 67-year-old woman in Myanmar was moved to tears and said: “This is the first time in my life that I have heard that God’s name is Jehovah. . . . You have taught me the most important thing I could ever learn.” As this experience shows, learning God’s name can have a powerful effect on honesthearted people.


11. Cén chaoi ar féidir le seanóirí meas a léiriú ar eagraíocht Iehova? (Féach an pictiúr.)

11 What is one way in which elders can show that they appreciate God’s organization? When receiving direction, elders need to read it carefully and then apply it to the best of their ability. For instance, they receive guidance not only on how to present meeting parts and how to offer prayers for the congregation but also on how to care for Christ’s sheep. Elders who follow organizational direction help those under their care to feel secure and loved.

Elders help us to appreciate the direction provided by Jehovah’s organization (See paragraph 11) b

12. (a) Cén fáth ar chóir dúinn comhoibriú leo siúd atá i gceannas? (Eabhraigh 13:7, 17) (b) Cén fáth ar chóir dúinn díriú ar na tréithe dearfach atá acu siúd atá i gceannas?

12 When we receive direction from the elders, we should follow it willingly. By doing so, we will make it easier for those taking the lead to do their work. The Bible encourages us to be obedient and submissive to those who take the lead. (Read Hebrews 13:7, 17.) That can be a challenge at times. Why? Because these men are imperfect. However, if we focus on their negative qualities rather than on their positive traits, we will, in effect, be aiding our enemies. In what way? We will be undermining trust in God’s organization, which is what our opposers have set out to do. What specifically can we do to identify and reject the negative propaganda of our enemies?


13. Cén chaoi a ndéanann naimhde Dé iarracht amhras a chaitheamh ar a eagraíocht?

13 God’s opposers try to put positive aspects of his organization in a negative light. For instance, we have learned from the Scriptures that Jehovah expects his worshippers to be clean physically, morally, and spiritually. He requires that any who unrepentantly pursue a course of uncleanness be removed from the congregation. (1 Cor. 5:11-13; 6:9, 10) We adhere to that Scriptural command. But our opposers try to use that against us by accusing us of being intolerant, judgmental, and unloving.

14. Cé as a dtagann scéalta bréagacha faoin eagraíocht?

14 Recognize the source of attacks. Satan the Devil is behind false stories. He is “the father of the lie.” (John 8:44; Gen. 3:1-5) So we should expect that Satan will use his supporters to promote false stories about Jehovah’s organization. This was evident in the first century.

15. Céard a rinne na ceannairí reiligiúnacha le hÍosa agus a lucht leanúna?

15 In the first century, Satan’s supporters told one lie after another about the perfect, miracle-working Son of God. For example, the religious leaders told people that Jesus’ power to expel demons was given to him by “the ruler of the demons.” (Mark 3:22) When Jesus was on trial, the religious leaders accused him of blasphemy and incited the crowds to call for his death. (Matt. 27:20) Later, as Christ’s followers preached the good news, those who opposed them “stirred up and wrongly influenced the people” to persecute those Christians. (Acts 14:2, 19) Regarding Acts 14:2, The Watchtower of December 1, 1998, explained: “Not content with rejecting the message themselves, Jewish opposers embarked on a smear campaign, trying to prejudice the Gentile population against Christians.”

16. Céard ar chóir dúinn a choinneáil i gcuimhne maidir le scéalta bréagacha?

16 Satan did not stop lying in the first century. Today, he is still “misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (Rev. 12:9) If you hear negative stories regarding the organization or the brothers who are taking the lead, remember how God’s enemies treated Jesus and the first-century disciples. Today, Jehovah’s people are being persecuted and maligned exactly as the Bible foretold. (Matt. 5:11, 12) False stories will not mislead us if we recognize their source and take immediate action. What action should we take?

17. Cén chaoi ar féidir linn an damáiste a dhéanann scéalta bréagach a sheachaint? (2 Tiomóid 1:13) (Féach freisin an bosca “ How to React to False Stories.”)

17 Reject false stories. The apostle Paul gave clear instructions on what to do if we are exposed to false stories. He told Timothy to “command certain ones not to . . . pay attention to false stories” and to “reject irreverent false stories.” (1 Tim. 1:3, 4; 4:7) Although a toddler might innocently pick up an object from the floor and put it in his mouth, a mature person who understands the danger would never do that. We reject false stories because we recognize the source of the information. We hold to the “wholesome words” of truth.​—Read 2 Timothy 1:13.

18. Cén chaoi a léiríonn muid go bhfuil meas againn ar eagraíocht Iehova?

18 We have considered just three of the many ways that God’s organization imitates Jesus. As you study the Bible, take note of additional ways that the organization follows Jesus’ example. Help others in your congregation to build their appreciation for the organization. And continue to demonstrate your appreciation by serving Jehovah loyally and sticking closely to the organization that he is using to accomplish his will. (Ps. 37:28) May we continue to treasure the privilege we have of being associated with Jehovah’s loving and loyal people.


  • Céard iad na bealaí a ndéanann searbhóntaí Dé aithris ar Íosa?

  • Cén chaoi ar féidir linn leanúint orainn ag léiriú measa ar eagraíocht Iehova?

  • Céard ar chóir dúinn a dhéanamh má chloiseann muid scéalta bréagacha?

AMHRÁN 103 Aoirí—Tabhartais i bhFearaibh

a See the box “Why 1919?” in the book Pure Worship of Jehovah​—Restored At Last! pp. 102-103.

b PICTURE DESCRIPTION: After the elders discuss arrangements for public witnessing, a group overseer passes on the direction to the publishers to stand with their back next to the wall.