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SONG 124 Stay Close

Make Yoa Trus In Jehovah’s Hui Moa Strong

Make Yoa Trus In Jehovah’s Hui Moa Strong

“No foget da guys dass showing you da way fo go, da ones dat wen tell you guys wat God tell.”​—HEB 13:7, NWT.


Wat we gotta do so dat we always respeck an trus Jehovah’s hui.

1. How da firs Christians was organize?

 WENEVA Jehovah give his peopo someting fo do, he like us do um in one way dat no going jam up nobody. (1 Cor 14:33) Fo exampo, God like fo da good kine tings be preach all ova da world. (Mat 24:14) Jehovah wen put Jesus in charge a dat work. Jesus wen make shua da work stay done in one organize way. In da time a da firs Christians, wen local huis was being set up all ova da place, eldas wen get pick fo help da hui know wat fo do an fo show dem how fo do dat. (Jesus Guys 14:23) In Jerusalem, had one body of eldas made up of da aposals an olda guys who wen make choices fo all da huis, an dey wen expeck dem fo lissen to um. (Jesus Guys 15:2; 16:4) Cuz da braddahs an sistahs wen lissen, “da peopo trus Jesus moa. An den had plenny odda peopo dat trus da Good Stuff Bout Jesus too.”​—Jesus Guys 16:5.

2. Eva since 1919, how Jehovah show his peopo wat fo do an give dem spiritual kine food?

2 Jehovah still yet stay organize his peopo today. Eva since 1919, Jesus stay use one small group of guys who God wen pick fo go heaven fo organize da preaching work an give instrucktions from da Bible to his followas at da right time. a (Luk 12:42) Easy fo see Jehovah stay blessing da work of dat group.​—Isa 60:22; 65:13, 14.

3-4. (a) Try give one exampo dat show how az good fo us be organize. (b) Wat we going talk about in dis lesson?

3 If we no was organize, no ways we would do da work dat Jesus wen give us fo do. (Mat 28:19, 20) Wat if neva have any territory maps an erybody could preach weaeva dey like? Maybe we going preach some places ova an ova, an some places neva again. You can tink a odda ways tings come out good fo us cuz we stay organize?

4 Jalike Jesus wen organize his followas wen he was hea on top da earth, he still yet do da same ting today. In dis lesson, we going look at Jesus’ exampo an how oua hui follow him. Den we going talk story about wat we gotta do so dat we always respeck an trus Jehovah’s hui.


5. Wat one way we can copy Jesus’ exampo? (John 12:49)

5 Jesus wen learn from his Faddah wat fo do an wat fo say. Wen come to knowing wat stay right an wrong, Jehovah’s hui follow Jesus’ exampo an use da Bible fo show us wat fo do in oua life. (Read um John 12:49; 2 Tim 3:16, 17) All da time we get remindas fo read da Bible an do wat it tell. How az good fo us wen we do dis?

6. Wat one importan ting fo do dat going be good fo us wen we study da Bible?

6 Az real good fo us read, lissen to, an watch da tings oua hui wen make fo help us wen we study da Bible. One way we can check dis out is fo look wat da Bible teach an wat da hui tell. Wen we see wat da hui tell come from da Bible, oua trus in Jehovah’s hui come moa an moa strong.​—Rome 12:2.

7. Wat Jesus wen preach about, an how Jehovah’s hui follow his exampo?

7 Jesus wen preach “da Good Stuff bout” God’s Govament. (Luk 4:43, 44) An he wen tell his followas fo do da same ting. (Luk 9:1, 2; 10:8, 9) Today all da guys who stay part a Jehovah’s hui preach about God’s Govament no matta wea dey live o how much kuleana dey get.

8. Wat is someting spesho we get fo do?

8 Fo tell da trut about God’s Govament to oddas, dass someting spesho we get fo do! Not erybody can do dis. Like wen Jesus was on top da earth, he neva let da bad kine spirits tell anyting about him. (Luk 4:41) Today, befoa somebody go preach wit Jehovah’s peopo, he gotta get da ok fo do dat. We show how tankful we stay fo preach by telling peopo about God’s Govament weaeva an weneva we can. Like Jesus, oua goal is fo plant an watta seeds a da trut in peopo’s hearts.​—Mat 13:3, 23; 1 Cor 3:6.

9. How da hui wen tell peopo about God’s name?

9 Jesus wen tell peopo about God’s name. Jesus wen pray to his Faddah an tell um, “I wen tell dem about yoa name.” (John 17:26, NWT) Jehovah’s hui copy Jesus by helping oddas come fo know God’s name. One way da hui wen do dis is thru da New World Translation a da Holy Scripchas. Dis translation a da Bible wen put back God’s name wea belong. Get da whole ting o part of um in ova 270 languages. If you look um da web article, “Jehovah, Who Dat?” on, you can learn wat da Bible tell about God’s name. An da video “God, He Get One Name?” tell some moa about dis.

10. Wat you can learn from wat one lady in Myanmar had tell?

10 Like Jesus, we like help az many peopo az can fo come fo know God’s name. Wen one 67 year old lady in Myanmar wen learn dat God get one name, she wen start fo cry. She tell, “Dis da firs time in my life I wen hear dat God’s name is Jehovah. . . . You wen teach me da mos importan ting I could eva learn.” We can see from dis, dat wen peopo wit da right kine heart learn God’s name, can change dea life!


11. How da eldas show dey respeck an trus Jehovah’s hui? (Go look da picha.)

11 Wat is one way da eldas show dey respeck an trus Jehovah’s hui? Wen da hui tell wass good fo do, eldas gotta read um real good an do eryting dey can fo follow um. Fo exampo, God’s hui tell dem how fo do da meeting parts, how fo give prayers fo da local hui, an how fo take kea Christ’s sheep. Wen da eldas follow wat da hui tell az good fo do, da braddahs an sistahs going feel Jehovah’s love an kea fo dem.

Eldas help us fo respeck an trus wat Jehovah’s hui tell az good fo do (See paragraph 11) b

12. (a) How come is good fo lissen to da guys dass showing us da way fo go? (Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 13:7, 17, NWT.) (b) How come we gotta look at da good tings about da guys dass showing us da way fo go?

12 Wen da eldas tell us wass good fo do, we gotta like follow um. Wen we do dat, we make um moa easy fo da eldas do wat dey gotta do. Da Bible tell us fo lissen da guys showing us da way fo go, an do wat dey tell us fo do. (Read um Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 13:7, 17, NWT.) Dat can be hard sometimes. How come? Cuz dese guys no stay perfeck. But if we ony look da bad kine tings about dem an not da good, we going end up helping oua enemies. How? If we no trus da eldas, den maybe we going lose trus in Jehovah’s hui, an dass wat oua enemies like us do. Wat we can do fo spock out an no lissen oua enemies’ bulais?


13. How da guys who stay agains God try fo make his hui look bad?

13 Da guys who stay agains God try fo make good tings about Jehovah’s hui look bad. Fo exampo, Jehovah like us keep oua body an da tings we tell an do clean, an fo worship him da way he like. He tell da guys who keep doing wat stay bad an no like change, dey no can be part of da hui. (1 Cor 5:11-13; 6:9, 10) We lissen wat da Bible tell about dat. But da guys who stay agains God use dat fo tell we no love peopo, we judge dem, an we no accept anybody who stay diffren from us.

14. Wea da bulais about God’s hui come from?

14 Spock out who stay agains us. Satan da Devil da one pushing da bulais about da hui. He da “firs guy eva wen bulai.” (John 8:44; Start 3:1-5) So we gotta expeck dat Satan going use oua enemies fo push bulais about Jehovah’s hui. Dass wat wen happen to Jesus an da firs Christians.

15. Wat da main pries guys wen do to Jesus an his followas?

15 Even tho God’s Boy, Jesus, was perfeck an wen do plenny awesome kine stuff, Satan wen use some guys fo tell bulais about him. Fo exampo, da main pries guys wen tell da peopo dat Jesus powa fo hemo da demons, he wen get um from “da leada fo da bad kine spirits.” (Mar 3:22) Wen Jesus was put on trial, da main pries guys tell he wen talk agains God, an dey wen work up da crowd fo yell fo kill Jesus. (Mat 27:20) Bumbye wen Christ’s followas wen preach, da guys who wen go agains dem “talk to da guys dass not Jew guys an turn um agains” da Christians. (Jesus Guys 14:2, 19) Talking about Jesus Guys 14:2, The Watchtower from December 1, 1998 wen tell dat da guys who back up Satan neva lissen to wat Jesus followas wen preach. Dose guys even wen tell pilau kine stuff about Jesus guys so dat oddas no lissen dem eidda an come fo hate dem.

16. Wat we gotta rememba if we hear bulai kine stuff?

16 Satan still yet bulai today. He still “bulai all da peopo inside da world.” (Jesus Show 12:9, NWT) If you hear bad kine stuff about da hui o da braddahs who stay taking da lead, no foget how God’s enemies wen treat Jesus an da firs Christians. Jesus wen tell was going get peopo who go agains da guys who serve Jehovah an going tell bulais about dem. An dass exackly wat stay happening today. (Mat 5:11, 12, NWT) We no going believe da bulais if we rememba who stay pushing um an if we do someting fo proteck ouaself right away. How we can proteck ouaself den?

17. How we proteck ouaself from bulai kine stuff? (2 Fo Timoty 1:13) (Go look da box “ Wat Fo Do Wen You Hear Bulai Kine Stuff.”

17 No lissen da bulai kine stuff. Da aposal Paul wen tell us wat fo do if we hear bulais. He wen tell Timoty fo “stay away from da lolo kine stories an da kine stories dat no mo respeck notting fo God.” (1 Tim 1:3, 4; 4:7) Try tink about dis. One bebe might pick up someting dirty from da groun an put um in his mout, but one grown up no going do dat cuz he know betta. We no lissen da bulais cuz we know wea come from. We lissen to da “importan stuffs” a da trut.​—Read um 2 Fo Timoty 1:13.

18. How we can show oua respeck an trus fo Jehovah’s hui?

18 We wen jus go ova three a da choke ways dat God’s hui copy Jesus. Az you study da Bible, try tink a odda ways dat da hui follow Jesus exampo. Help oddas in yoa local hui fo make dea respeck an trus fo da hui moa strong. An no stop showing yoa respeck an trus fo Jehovah by working fo ony him an staying close to da hui dat he using fo do wat he like. (Songs 37:28) We go always show how tankful we stay fo be part of Jehovah’s peopo who show love an trus.


  • How God’s peopo copy Jesus?

  • How we can keep showing respeck an trus fo Jehovah’s hui?

  • Wat we gotta do if we hear bulai kine stuff?

SONG 103 Eldas​—One Awesome Present From Jehovah

a Go look da box “Why 1919?” in da book Pure Worship of Jehovah​—Restored At Last! pp. 102-103.

b WAT DA PICHA STAY ABOUT: Afta da eldas talk about how fo preach in public, one group ovaseah tell da publishas az good fo dem stan wit dea back nex to da wall.