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Ɓude è wɛlɛ suʋaitiɛ va


GUI 124 Ever Loyal

Ɣaa-Ɓaa Yiɛ Dɛ Ga Ya Yee Zeizu Jehova Na Ɓulugi Wu

Ɣaa-Ɓaa Yiɛ Dɛ Ga Ya Yee Zeizu Jehova Na Ɓulugi Wu

“A ɣi zɛ wa lo-tuoitiɛ zu niitiɛ te Gala goi woni wo ma.”HII. 13:7.


This article will focus on things we can do to always respect and trust Jehovah organization.

1. Jehova e na numaitiɛ ɣaalɛɛni ba ɣɛ le wɔlɔ-wɔlɔi zu?

 ANYTIME Jehovah give his people work to do, he expect them to do it in the way that will be organize. (1 Cor. 14:33) For example, God want for the good news to be preach all over the earth. (Matt. 24:14) So he put Jesus in charge of the work. Jesus na make sure that his people do this work in the way that it will be organize. In the first century, when they form the congregation in different-different places, they appointed elders to take the lead and direct the work. (Acts 14:23) The apostles and some experience elders in Jerusalem who make up the governing body, use to make certain decisions that all the congregations suppose to follow. (Acts 15:2; 16:4) Because the brothers and sisters obey the directions they got, “the congregations continued to be made firm in the faith and to increase in number.”—Acts 16:5.

2. E ziɣi kwenagi nii ma 1919, Jehova vɛɛ pele wulozu na ɣa ɣɛɛna yiɛ na numaitiɛ ɣalabo ɣɛ le?

2 Jehovah still organizing his people today. Since 1919, Jesus been using one small group of anointed men to organize the preaching work and provide spiritual food for his people. a (Luke 12:42) It clear that Jehovah really blessing the work they doing.—Isa. 60:22; 65:​13, 14.

3-4. (a) Po-kɔ̃ɔ-ma ʋe e kulo su-nu-mai lɛɛzu de sɔlɔ wosu ga tei de ɣaalɛɛ-ba. (b) Zɛɓɛi de vaazu yɛpɛzu e vile ba kɔlɔ zɛvɛi nii zu?

3 If we not organize, it will be hard for us to do the work Jesus gave us to do. (Matt. 28:​19, 20) For example, suppose we were not having any special territory, then anybody will just go preach anywhere they want preach. Maybe we were coming preach in some territories over and over, and not preach in other territories altogether. You can think of any other way we benefiting because we organize?

4 Just how Jesus organize his people way back, that the same way he doing it today. In this article, we will talk about the example Jesus set and how our organization following his example. We will also talk about how we can show that we trust Jehovah organization.


5. Pele gila ka ga zɛɓɛ de vilesu la Ziizɛ na po-kɔ̃ɔ-mai zu? (Jɔ̃ 8:​28)

5 Jesus learn what to say and what to do from his heavenly Father. Jehovah organization following Jesus example by using God Word to give us direction and help us know right from wrong. (Read John 8:28; 2 Tim. 3:​16, 17) They can remind us all the time to read and apply God Word. How we can benefit when we follow this advice?

6. Pele gila ka ɓɔɔ ga zɛɓɛ da wulo la Gala Kɔlɔ maa woli ʋai zu-nu-ma?

6 We can really benefit when we use our Christian publications to study the Bible. For example, we able to compare Bible teachings with the directions we getting from the organization. When we see that the directions we get coming from the Bible, it can make our trust in Jehovah organization strong.—Rom. 12:2.

7. Keela woo zɛɓɛi Ziizɛ ɣɛni bosu, na ɣa ɣɛɛna Jehova na ɓulugi ɣa vilesu kɔwɔ wosu ɣɛ le?

7 Jesus preach “the good news of the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 4:​43, 44) Jesus also tell his disciples to preach about the Kingdom. (Luke 9:​1, 2; 10:​8, 9) Today all of us who part of Jehovah organization, can preach the Kingdom message no matter where we live or the kind na responsibility we get in the organization.

8. Tii zɛɓɛi ɓɔɔ e de ya ga maa viiyai?

8 We get the privilege to preach the good news about God Kingdom! That not everybody get this privilege. For example, the time Jesus was on earth, he not allow the wicked spirits to preach about him. (Luke 4:41) Today too, before somebody can start going field service with Jehovah people, that person must be qualify for that privilege. We can show that we grateful for this privilege by preaching to people anywhere and anytime. Like Jesus, we want do our best to preach and teach the truth to people so it can touch their heart.—Matt. 13:​3, 23; 1 Cor. 3:6.

9. Ɓulugi nii vɛɛ Gala na daa-zeigi lɛɛzu ɣɛ le ga numaa?

9 Jesus teach people God name. When Jesus was praying to his heavenly Father he say: “I have made your name known.” (John 17:26) Like Jesus, Jehovah organization trying their best to help people know God name. One way the organization na do it that through the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. In this translation, they na put God name back to the right place. Now-now, you can find this whole Bible or part of it in more than 270 languages. In Appendix A4 and A5 of this translation, you will find more information about why they put God name back to the right place. In the study Bible, Appendix C give more proof that God name suppose to be in the Christian Greek Scriptures 237 times.

10. Zɛɓɛi e maa wolia nii zu ŋaza nui nii kuloai Myanmar e boga?

10 Like Jesus, we want help plenty people to know God name. When one 67-year-old woman who living in Myanmar learn that God get name, she cry and say: “That the first time in my whole life for me to hear that God name Jehovah. . . You na teach me the most important thing I will ever learn.” From this experience, we can see that when people who really want serve God learn his name, it can change their life.


11. Kuuwu wũ-tuo veaitiɛ ta dɛ ɣɛ le ga te wuuzu nɛɛvɛ ɓulugi nii ʋaa ma? (Wɛlɛ ɓalaa footei va.)

11 What one way elders can show that they trust Jehovah organization? When elders get any direction, they must take their own time to read it and apply it the best way. For example, they can get directions on how to do the meeting parts, how to pray for the congregation, and how to take care of Jesus sheep. Elders who can follow the directions they getting from the organization can help the brothers and sisters to feel that Jehovah love and care for them.

The elders can help us to trust the direction that can come from Jehovah organization (See paragraph 11) b

12. (a) Zɛɓɛi e kɛɛ maa nɛɛ de goo-mɛni kulo to-tuoitiɛ ya? (Hiiɓuluitiɛ 13:​7, 17) (b) Zɛɓɛi e kɛɛ maa nɛɛ de ɣaazu ɓado to-tuoitiɛ te luɓo-vele vagɔitiɛ va?

12 When the elders give us direction, we must be willing to follow it. When we do it, it will be easy for the brothers taking the lead to do their work. The Bible encourage us to be obedient and submissive to those who taking the lead. (Read Hebrews 13:​7, 17.) Sometime, it can’t be easy to do this one. Why? Because the brothers who taking the lead not perfect. So, when we focus on their mistakes instead of their good-good-ways, it will be like we helping our enemies. How? It will make our trust in God organization to get weak and that what our enemies want. What we can do to know and reject the lie-lie things our enemies can say?


13. Gala zili yɔwɔ̃itiɛ ta ɣaa ɓaazu ɣɛ le ga te na ɓulugi laa ŋala-ŋala?

13 God enemies been trying to make the good-good things about Jehovah organization to look bad. For example, we na learn from the Bible that Jehovah want us to keep our body and conduct clean and to worship him the right way. He say that anybody who continue doing bad-bad things and refuse to change, they must move that person from the congregation. (1 Cor. 5:​11-13; 6:​9, 10) And we obeying this Bible command. But people who against us can make it look like we not love people, we can condemn them and we can’t allow people to do what they want do.

14. Zɛɛ ʋaitiɛ ta bo e vile Gala na ɓulugi va ɓɛɛ ɣa te wulozu zeea?

14 Know who really attacking the organization. That Satan the Devil behind all this lie-lie stories. He “the father of the lie.” (John 8:44; Gen. 3:​1-5) So we must expect that Satan will use the people who on his side to talk all kind na lie-lie things about Jehovah organization. That what happen in the first century.

15. Zɛɓɛi zɛɛ ʋaa ɣala feli wũ-tuo veaitiɛ te kɛɛni ga Ziizɛ e vɛɛ pulu veaitiɛ va?

15 Even though God Son Jesus was perfect and he perform plenty miracles, Satan use his people to say all kind na lie-lie things about him. For example, Jesus use to expel demons. So, some religious leaders started saying that Jesus got his power from “the ruler of the demons.” (Mark 3:22) When they carry Jesus to court, the religious leaders say that he not get respect for God. So they convince the people to kill Jesus. (Matt. 27:20) Later on, when Jesus followers were preaching the good news, God enemies make the people to go against them and started persecuting them. (Acts 14:​2, 19) Talking about Acts 14:​2, the December 1, 1998 Watchtower say: “Some Jews refuse to listen to the message the Christians were preaching. So they started saying all kind na wicked-wicked things about the Christians so people can hate them.”

16. Zɛɓɛi maa nɛɛ de pɛɛ ɣibɛ ani da zɛɛ ʋaa mɛnina e vile ɓulugi va?

16 Satan continue lying today. He still “misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (Rev. 12:9) If you hear any false stories about the organization or the brothers taking the lead, remember how God enemies treated Jesus and the first-century Christians. That the same way today people can persecute Jehovah people and talk all kind na lie-lie things about them just how the Bible say it will happen. (Matt. 5:​11, 12) We can reject false stories because we know where they coming from. What we must do if we hear false stories?

17. Da leve ɣɛ le ga zɛɛ ʋaitiɛ numaa ta bo te mɛlɛ faa vɛɛ de va? (2 Temete 1:​13) (Wɛlɛ ɓalaa kologi nii va“How to React to False Stories.”)

17 Reject false stories. The apostle Paul gave clear direction on what we must do if we hear false stories. He told Timothy to “command certain ones to not . . . pay attention to false stories” and to “reject irreverent false stories.” (1 Tim. 1:​3, 4; 4:7) Small child can take something from the ground and put it in their mouth. But big person will not do it because he know it will make him sick. We can reject false stories because we know where the information coming from. So it good to listen to the “wholesome words” of truth.—Read 2 Timothy 1:13.

18. Da dɛ ɣɛ le ga de yee zeivɛ Jehova na ɓulugi wu?

18 We na talk about three different-different ways that God organization following Jesus example. When you studying the Bible, try to find more ways the organization following Jesus example. Help other people in your congregation to make their trust in Jehovah organization strong. And continue showing that you trust Jehovah organization by remaining faithful, and sticking close to the organization that he using to do his will. (Ps. 37:28) Let always be grateful for the privilege we get to be part of Jehovah loving and loyal people.


  • Jehova na numaitiɛ ta vilesu ɣɛ le Ziizɛ wɔwɔ wogi zu?

  • Da ɣaa-ɓaa ɣɛ le diɛ dɛ ga de wuuzu nɛɛvɛ Jehova na ɓulugi ʋaa ma?

  • Zɛɓɛi maa nɛɛ de kɛ ani ta zɛɛ ʋaa wona e vile ɓulugi nii va?

GUI 103 Shepherds—Gifts in Men

a See the box “Why 1919?” in the book Pure Worship of Jehovah—Restored At Last! pp. 102-103.

b WETIN THE PICTURE SAYING?: After the elders finish talking about the arrangements for public witnessing, the group overseer giving direction to the publishers to stand with their back to the wall to help them to be save.