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You Wen Know?

You Wen Know?

How come David had guys dat no was from Israel in his army?

SOME guys dat no was from Israel in David’s army was Zelek from da Ammon peopo, Uriah from da Het peopo, an Itmah from da Moab peopo. a (1 Rec 11:39, 41, 46) David’s army also had guys from da Keret, Pelet, an Gat peopo. (2 Sam 15:18) Look like da Keret an Pelet peopo was related to da Filisha peopo. (Eze 25:16) An da Gat peopo wen live in da Filisha city, Gat.​—Josh 13:2, 3; 1 Sam 6:17, 18.

How come David let guys who no was from Israel in his army? Cuz he was shua dey was going stick tight wit him, an moa importan, wit Jehovah. Fo exampo, The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible had tell dis about da Keret an Pelet peopo, “Dey wen stick wit David thru da mos hard times he had wen he was king.” How dey wen do dat? Wen all da guys from da Israel ohanas wen bag from King David fo go wit “one good fo notting buggah,” Sheba, da guys from Keret an Pelet wen stick wit David. Dey wen help David stop Sheba an da guys who wen plan fo go agains dem. (2 Sam 20:1, 2, 7) Had anodda time King David’s boy Adonijah wen try come king instead of Solomon. One moa time da Keret an Pelet peopo wen stick wit David an wen help make Solomon da nex king, cuz dass who Jehovah wen pick.​—1 Ki 1:24-27, 38, 39.

One odda guy who no was from Israel dat was supa tight wit David was Ittai from Gat. Ittai an his 600 army guys wen back up King David wen David’s boy Absalom wen turn da Israel peopo fo go agains da king. David wen tell Ittai no need fight cuz he no was from Israel. But Ittai tell, “Jalike fo shua Da One In Charge stay alive, an dat you, my boss da king, stay alive, I stay shua bout dis too: Wateva place you stay, my boss da king, I yoa worka guy, an I goin stay dea too, no matta I stay alive o I mahke!”​—2 Sam 15:6, 18-21.

Ittai wen stick tight wit David, da king Jehovah wen pick

Even tho da Keret, Pelet, an Gat peopo no was from Israel, dey wen have plenny respeck fo Jehovah az da true God an David az da guy Jehovah wen pick. Garans David was supa tankful fo have dose kine guys stick tight wit him!

a Da rules from God at Rules Secon Time 23:3-6 wen tell da Ammon guys an Moab guys no could be part of da Israel peopo. But seem like dis rule was talking about dem getting da same legal rights like one Israel guy. It neva tell dey no could hang out o live wit God’s peopo. Go look da book Insight on the Scriptures, den go look “Ammonites”, an den go check out “Intermarriage With Israelites” unda dea.