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Waswe, Iu Savve Finis?

Waswe, Iu Savve Finis?

Why nao olketa foreigner joinim army blo King David?

SAMFALA foreigner wea joinim army blo King David for faet hem olketa warrior olsem, Zelek datfala Ammonite, Uriah datfala Hittite, and Ithmah datfala Moabite. a (1 Chron. 11:​39, 41, 46) Army blo David hem garem tu olketa man from “Cherethite, olketa Pelethite, [and] olketa Gittite.” (2 Sam. 15:18) Luk olsem olketa Cherethite and Pelethite, olketa related lo famili laen blo olketa Philistine. (Ezek. 25:16) Olketa Gittite kam from Gath, wanfala city blo Philistine.—Josh. 13:​2, 3; 1 Sam. 6:​17, 18.

Why nao David recuritim olketa foreigner insaed army blo hem? Hem bikos David trustim dat olketa loyal lo hem, and important samting, olketa loyal lo Jehovah. For example, The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, hem sei olsem abaotem olketa Cherethite and olketa Pelethite: “Olketa gohed for loyal lo David lo olketa barava hard taem wea hem kasem during lo taem wea hem rul.” Wat nao olketa duim wea showim olketa loyal? Taem “evri man lo Israel stop” for followim King David and followim datfala “man for mek trabol, [wea] nem blo hem Sheba,” olketa Cherethite and Pelethite gohed for loyal lo David and help for againstim Sheba. (2 Sam. 20:​1, 2, 7) Lo wanfala taem, Adonijah son blo King David trae for mekem hemseleva kamap king instead lo Solomon. Bat, olketa Cherethite and Pelethite gohed for loyal lo David and help for mekem Solomon for kamap king, bikos Solomon nao wan wea Jehovah chusim for kamap next king.—1 Ki. 1:​24-27, 38, 39.

Nara foreigner wea gohed for barava loyal lo David hem Ittai datfala Gittite. Ittai and 600 warrior blo hem gohed for sapotim King David taem son blo David, Absalom againstim hem and switim evri man lo Israel for againstim king. David talem Ittai dat bikos hem wanfala foreigner, hem no need for faet. Bat Ittai sei: “Mi promis front lo Jehovah wea laef, and mi promis lo king blo mi wea laef, eni ples wea king go, nomata iu dae or iu laef, servant blo iu bae lo there tu!”—2 Sam. 15:​6, 18-21.

Ittai hem loyal lo David, king wea Jehovah anointim

Nomata olketa Cherethite, Pelethite, and Gittite olketa foreigner, olketa luksavve Jehovah nao hem trufala God and David nao king wea Jehovah anointim. David mas hapi tumas bikos hem garem olketa man olsem wea loyal lo hem!

a Lo Deuteronomy 23:​3-6 hem storyim law blo God wea hem stopem olketa Ammonite and Moabite for kam insaed lo kongregeson blo Israel. Bat, luk olsem disfala law hem storyim hao olketa pipol hia no garem full legal membership insaed lo datfala nation blo Israel and hem no stopem olketa foreigner hia for associate or stap witim pipol blo God. Lukim Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, page 95.