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ŊULEI 1 Jehovah’s Attributes

Laa A Ŋɛi-maloŋ-kaa Ɣalai Nyii A “Ŋeniɛi Kelee Ŋɔmɛni Ŋa-tee-nuui”!

Laa A Ŋɛi-maloŋ-kaa Ɣalai Nyii A “Ŋeniɛi Kelee Ŋɔmɛni Ŋa-tee-nuui”!

“Ve a sɛŋ a gɛɛ ŋeniɛi kelee ŋɔmɛni ŋa-tee-nuui e tɔ̃yâ mɛni kɛ?”ZƐ. 18:25.


This article will help us to get more understanding about Jehovah mercy and justice when it come to resurrecting unrighteous people.

1. Ŋãa-nɛnɛ mɛni kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Ziova e nɛ Eberaɣɛ̃ɛ mai?

 ABRAHAM and Jehovah talk about something that Abraham never forget about. God use one angel to tell Abraham that He was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. The thing Jehovah say made that faithful man to worry. He ask Jehovah: “Will you really sweep away the righteous with the wicked? . . . Will the Judge of all the earth not do what is right?” Jehovah was really patient with His good friend Abraham and He help him to learn one important lesson that can benefit and comfort all of us: God will never destroy righteous people.— Gen. 18:​23-33.

2. Le ɓe nɛ kua a gɛɛ Ziova ŋɔmɛni ŋa-teɛɛi sãai gɛ ŋɛi-maloŋ-kaa lɛ?

2 Why we can be sure that when Jehovah judge people, he can be righteous and merciful? Because we know that “Jehovah sees into the heart” of people. (1 Sam. 16:7) In fact, he know “every human heart.” (1 Ki. 8:39; 1 Chron. 28:9) That wonderful truth here. Because Jehovah wise more than us, we will never be able to understand everything about while He can make certain decisions. That the reason why the apostle Paul say about Jehovah God: “How unsearchable his judgments are!”—Rom. 11:33.

3-4. Le ɓe kwa kukili-ŋa sia e pilaŋ ma a tãi taŋa, nyaŋ le ɓe kwa pai maa-kɔrii zɛŋ-lɛɛi ŋi su? (Zɔŋ 5:​28, 29)

3 Sometime, we can still be having questions like the question them Abraham ask. Maybe we can be thinking: ‘It possible for the people who Jehovah destroy in Sodom and Gomorrah to come back to life? Some of them will be part of the “resurrection of . . . the unrighteous”?’—Acts 24:15.

4 Let go over what we understand about the resurrection. This few time, we receive new understanding about the “resurrection of life” and the “resurrection of judgment.” a (Read John 5:​28, 29.) This new understanding na help us to make more changes that we will talk about in this article and in the next one. First, we will talk about what we not know about the way Jehovah can judge, then, we will talk about what we know.


5. Le ɓe kukɔlɔ-ŋai daa wɔlɔ mo e pilaŋ diai Ziova e wɔlɔ di su kara Sodɔŋ da Gomora dia?

5 In the past, our publications talk about what will happen to those who Jehovah judge to be unrighteous. Before, we use to say that people who Jehovah destroy, like the people in Sodom and Gomorrah, not get any hope to be resurrected in the future. But after the faithful slave take their time to study and pray more about this matter, we can’t say for sure that they will not be resurrected. Why?

6. Le ɓa mɛni-kɔɔŋ-maa taŋa a pa Ziova ŋɔmɛni ŋaa-teɛɛi ma e pilaŋ ŋwana-lɔɔ-ɓela dia, nyaŋ le ɓe kufe gɔlɔŋ?

6 Let look at some examples from the Bible. The Bible get plenty stories about how Jehovah destroy some unrighteous people. For example, during the flood Jehovah destroy everybody except Noah and his family. Also, he tell his people to destroy the seven nations that were in the Promise Land, and he use one angel to destroy 185,000 Assyrian soldiers just in one night. (Gen. 7:23; Deut. 7: 1-3; Isa. 37:​36, 37) In each of this story them, you think the Bible give us enough information for us to say that Jehovah destroy this people forever and they will never come back to life in the future? No. Why we say so?

7. Le ɓe kufe gɔlɔŋ e pilaŋ ŋwana-lɔɔ-ɓelai dia nyii-ŋai Ziova e di su kura a nya-fɛɛ-kɛtɛ tãi kpaa tãi Ziova e Keena-ɓelai su kara lai? (Ya pɔri votooi Watchtower tuɛ-laa mai kaa.)

7 We not know what judgement Jehovah pass on each of this people. And also, we not know whether those who were destroy was having the opportunity to learn about Jehovah and repent. In the story about the Flood, the Bible say that Noah was “a preacher of righteousness.” (2 Pet. 2:5) But it not say that the time he was building that big ark, he was also trying to preach to everybody on the earth who was going to be destroy in the Flood. That the same way, we not know whether the wicked people who were destroy in Canaan were having the opportunity to learn about Jehovah and change their ways.

Noah and his family building the big ark. We not know if Noah was able to preach to everybody on the earth during the time he was building the ark before the Flood (See paragraph 7)

8. Le ɓe kufe gɔlɔŋ e pilaŋ nuai kɛ Sodɔŋ da Gomora dia?

8 What about the people who Jehovah destroy in Sodom and Gomorrah? One righteous man name Lot, was living among them. But we know whether Lot preach to all of them? No. That true they were really wicked, but that all of them knew what was right and what was wrong? Remember, group of men in that city wanted to rape Lot visitors. The Bible say “from boy to old man,” was in that group. (Gen. 19:4; 2 Pet. 2:7) We really know whether our merciful God Jehovah na decide that none of this people them will come back to life? In fact, the city was not even having ten righteous men. (Gen. 18:32) So Jehovah was right to destroy them because they were unrighteous. But you think we can say for sure that none of them will come back during the “resurrection of . . . the unrighteous”? No!

9. Le ɓe kufe gɔlɔŋ e pilaŋ Saloma ma?

9 But the Bible also talk about some righteous people who became unrighteous. King Solomon that one example. He knew Jehovah good-good and the right way to worship Him. And Jehovah bless Solomon plenty, but later on, he started worshipping false gods. This one really made Jehovah vex and because of Solomon sins the Israelites suffer for plenty years. That true, the Bible say that Solomon “was laid to rest with his forefathers,” including faithful men like King David. (1 Ki. 11:​5-9, 43; 2 Ki. 23:13) But you think Jehovah will resurrect Solomon just because of the way they bury him? The Bible not tell us that one. Maybe some people will say, “the one who has died has been acquitted from his sin.” (Rom. 6:7) That true, but this one not mean that all those who na die get the right to come back to life. Resurrection that gift from our loving God. He can give it to people who he want for them to serve him forever. (Job 14:​13, 14; John 6:44) You think Solomon will get that gift? That Jehovah know the answer, we not know. All we know, Jehovah will do the right thing.


10. Le ɓa Ziova ŋɔkili-ŋa-siai a pa nuu-kpune su kara mɛni ma? (Izikiɛ 33:11)  (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

10 Read Ezekiel 33:11. In the Bible, Jehovah tell us how he feel about judging people. He told the apostle Peter to write the same thing the prophet Ezekiel write. He say, “Jehovah . . . does not desire anyone to be destroyed.” (2 Pet. 3:9) It can comfort us to know that Jehovah not quick to destroy people forever, except he get good reason to do it. He really merciful, and he can show mercy anytime he see the need.

In the resurrection of the unrighteous, plenty different-different people will get the opportunity to learn about Jehovah (See paragraph 10)

11. Gbɛɛ ni ɓe dife pai di mu-siɣei saa-yeei, nyaŋ ku gɔlɔŋ leŋ?

11 Wetin we know about the people who will not be resurrected? That just few examples the Bible talk about. b Jesus make it clear that Judas Iscariot will not be resurrected. (Mark 14:21; see also John 17:12 and study note.) Judas knew that what he was doing was against Jehovah and His Son, but he still do it. (See Mark 3:29 and study notes.) That the same way, Jesus say some of the religious leaders who were against him will not be having the hope to be resurrected when they die. (Matt. 23:33; see John 19:11 and study note “the man.”) And the apostle Paul warn apostates that if they not repent, they will not be resurrected.—Heb. 6:​4-8; 10:29.

12. Le ɓe ku gɔlɔŋ e pilaŋ Ziova ŋɔŋɛi-maloŋ-kaai ma? Gɔɔŋ-maa lɛ.

12 But wetin we know about Jehovah mercy? Jehovah that merciful God, and so he not want for anybody to be destroy. How he na show mercy to some people who commit serious sins? King David commit some serious sins like adultery and killing. But David repent, so Jehovah show him mercy and forgave him. (2 Sam. 12:​1-13) King Manasseh did plenty wicked things in his life. With all the wicked things he did, when he repent Jehovah show him mercy and forgave him. (2 Chron. 33:​9-16) This example them remind us that Jehovah can show mercy when he get good reason to do it. He will bring people them like this back to life because, when they got to know that they commit serious sins, they change their ways.

13. (a) Le ɓe gɛ Ziova kɛ Ninivɛ-ɓela ŋɛi-maloŋ-kaai? (b) Le ɓe Zisɛ e wɔlɔ mo e pilaŋ Ninivɛ-ɓela dia?

13 We also know about how Jehovah show mercy to the Ninevites. God tell Jonah: “Their wickedness has come to my attention.” But when they repent from their sins, Jehovah forgave them. Jehovah was merciful more than Jonah. Jonah was vex so God help him to see that the Ninevites “not even know right from wrong.” (Jonah 1:​1, 2; 3:10; 4:​9-11) Later on, Jesus use that example to teach about Jehovah justice and mercy. Jesus say that the Ninevites who repent will “rise up in the judgment.”—Matt. 12:41.

14. ‘Mu-siɣe saa-yeei mɛni-ŋa-teɛɛ su’ sukulai ɓa le Ninivɛ-ɓela mɛni ma?

14 What it mean that the Ninevites will “rise up in the judgment”? Jesus use to teach about the future “resurrection of judgment.” (John 5:29) He was talking about the time “the righteous and the unrighteous” will come back to life during his One Thousand Year Rule. (Acts 24:15) For the unrighteous, it will be “a resurrection of judgment.” That mean, after they come back to life, Jehovah and Jesus will be looking at them to see whether they will obey and apply the thing them they will learn. And if any of the Ninevite who will come back to life refuse to worship Jehovah, then Jehovah will destroy that person forever. (Isa. 65:20) But all those who will choose to worship Jehovah faithfully, will get the opportunity to live forever!—Dan. 12:2.

15. (a) Le mɛni ɓe maa fe nɛ̃ɛ ni ku mo la a gɛɛ diai saa Sodɔŋ da Gomora dita fe pai mu siɣei saa-yeei? (b) Kwa pɔri ŋooi-ŋai nyii gaa Zuu ŋoo-kpua 7 sui ŋaa-kaai leŋ? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ basii “ The Thing Jude Say, Wetin It Mean?”)

15 When Jesus was talking about the people in Sodom and Gomorrah, he say it will be better for them “on Judgment Day” more than the people who rejected him and the things he was teaching. (Matt. 10:​14, 15; 11:​23, 24; Luke 10:12) Wetin he mean? Maybe we will be thinking that Jesus was just making thing big when he was saying this one. It looking like the same way he was not making things big when he was talking about the Ninevites, that the same way he was not making things big here. But it look like Jesus mean what he said. The “Judgment Day” he talk about for the Ninevites, that the same “Judgment Day” he was talking about for the people in Sodom and Gomorrah. Just like the Ninevites, the people in Sodom and Gomorrah did bad things. But the Ninevites were having the opportunity to repent. Also, remember what Jesus say about the “resurrection of judgment.” It will be for “those who practiced vile things.” (John 5:29) So maybe some of the people in Sodom and Gomorrah get hope. It possible that at least some of them will be resurrected, and maybe we will get the opportunity to teach them about Jehovah and Jesus Christ.

16. Le ɓe ku gɔlɔŋ e pilaŋ berei ma Ziova a pai mu-siɣe saa-yeei kɛi lai?

16 Read Jeremiah 17:10. This verse help us to know how Jehovah can judge people: Jehovah always been “searching the heart, examining the innermost thoughts.” So in the future when Jehovah decide who he will resurrect, he will “give to each one according to his ways.” When it necessary, Jehovah will take action against wicked people but he will show mercy when it possible. So we must never say that somebody will not be resurrected except we know that the Bible say it!


17. Kili-kɛ-zu kɛɛ leŋ ɓe zaa-ɓelai mɛni ma tinaa-tuɛ-pere?

17 From the time Adam and Eve join Satan and go against Jehovah God, plenty-plenty people na die. The “enemy, death,” na carry plenty people! (1 Cor. 15:26) What will happen to all this people them? From among them, one small group of people, the 144,000, Christ faithful followers will be resurrected to live in heaven forever. (Rev. 14:1) Plenty other faithful men and women who love Jehovah will be part of the “resurrection of . . . the righteous.” And they will live forever on earth if they remain righteous during Jesus One Thousand Year Rule and during the final test. (Dan. 12:13; Heb. 12:1) Also, during Jesus One Thousand Year Rule, “the unrighteous” that mean people who never serve Jehovah and even practiced bad things will get the opportunity to change their ways and serve Jehovah. (Luke 23:​42, 43) But some people were so wicked, and they make up their mind to go against Jehovah and his purpose. So He na decide that they will never be resurrected.—Luke 12:​4, 5

18-19. (a) Le mɛni ɓe kwa pɔri laai la a Ziova ŋɔmɛni-ŋa-teɛɛi e pilaŋ zaa-ɓelai dia? (Azaya 55:​8, 9) (b) Le ɓe kwa pai maa-kɔrii zɛŋ-lɛɛi nɛɛ polui su?

18 You think we get good reason to be sure that when Jehovah judge people he can always make the right decision? Yes! Abraham understand good-good that, Jehovah that the perfect, all-wise, merciful “Judge of all the earth.” He na train his Son and gave him the responsibility to do all the judging. (John 5:22) Jehovah and Jesus know what in everybody heart. (Matt. 9:4) So when they judging each person, they will always do “what is right”!

19 So let continue to trust Jehovah and all his decisions. We know that we not qualify to judge, only Jehovah! (Read Isaiah 55:​8, 9.) That why we must trust Jehovah and his Son to do all the judging. And we know for sure that our king Jesus will follow his Pa example to show justice and mercy. (Isa. 11:​3, 4) But what we can say about how Jehovah and Jesus will judge people during the great tribulation? What we not know? And what we know? The next article will answer this question them.

ŊULEI 57 Kwa Ɣala-woo Ɓo Nuu Sii Kelee Ma