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SONG 22 Pray Your Govamen Come Now!

Wat We Know About How Jehovah Going Judge Peopo In Da Future?

Wat We Know About How Jehovah Going Judge Peopo In Da Future?

“Da One In Charge . . . no like nobody get cut off from him!”​—2 PET. 3:9.


We can know fo shua dat how Jehovah judge in da future going be right an fair.

1. How come we can tell dat da time we living in stay exciting?

 HO, SOME exciting da times we stay living in! Ery day we see da tings da Bible wen tell befoa time come true. Like, we see “da king of da north” an “da king of da south” push each odda cuz dey like try control da world. (Dan 11:40, NWT) We see da good kine tings about God’s Govament stay being preached all ova da world, an uku million peopo wen choose fo serve Jehovah. (Isa 60:22; Mat 24:14) An we getting choke spiritual kine food “wen da time stay right.”​—Mat 24:45-47, NWT.

2. Wat we can be shua about, but wat we gotta undastan?

2 Jehovah keep making da importan tings dat going happen real soon moa clear fo us. (Smart Guys 4:18; Dan 2:28) We can be shua dat by da time da big trouble start, we going know eryting we gotta know fo hang in dea wit full trus an stick togedda wit each odda dat time. But we undastan dat we donno eryting about wat going happen pretty soon bumbye. In dis lesson, firs we going talk about how come we wen change wat we used to tell about dose tings. Den we going go ova some a da tings dat we know about da future an da way dat Jehovah going ack.


3. Wat we used to say about wen Jehovah was going stop giving peopo chance fo get save, an how come we sed dat?

3 We used to tell dat wen da big trouble start, da guys who neva have faith in Jehovah yet no moa chance fo change dea mind so dey can live thru Armageddon. Dass cuz we thought dat each person an da tings dat wen happen at da time a da Flood wen stan fo someting moa importan dat was going happen bumbye. Fo exampo, we used to tink dat jalike how nobody could go inside da boat afta Jehovah wen shut da door, nobody going get save once da big trouble start​—Mat 24:37-39.

4. How come we no tell anymoa dat eryting dat wen happen Flood time, mean someting moa importan in oua time?

4 Each ting dat wen happen Flood time wen rep someting dat was going happen bumbye o wat? No. How come? Cuz no moa scripchas in da Bible dat tell dat. a Jesus wen tell, da “time wen da guy Noah live” was going be jalike da time wen he come back. But he neva mean eryting dat wen happen at da time a da Flood, was going mean someting moa importan in oua time, like Jehovah closing da boat door. But, we can still learn from da story about Noah an da Flood.

5. (a) Wat Noah wen do befoa da Flood? (Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 11:7; 1 Peter 3:20) (b) Wat da same about how Noah wen preach an how we preach today?

5 Wen Jehovah had warn Noah about da Flood, Noah wen show he trus God by building da boat. (Read um Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 11:7; 1 Peter 3: 20.) Same same, peopo who hear da good kine tings about God’s Govament gotta do someting about wat dey wen hear. (Jesus Guys 3: 17-20) Peter wen call Noah one guy “dat was telling da peopo fo do da right ting.” (2 Pet 2:5) But like we wen talk about in da las lesson, we donno if Noah wen preach to erybody living on top da earth befoa da Flood. Today, we stay trying fo preach to peopo all ova da world, an we go all out fo do dat. But no matta how hard we try fo reach erybody, we no going. How come?

6-7. How come we know dat we no going preach to erybody on top da earth befoa da end come?

6 Try tink about wat Jesus wen tell about oua preaching work. He wen tell befoa time dat da good kine tings was going be preach “all ova da world.” (Mat 24:14) Dat prophecy stay true today moa den eva. Da good kine tings about God’s Govament stay in ova 1,000 languages, an cuz a da website, mos peopo all ova da world can learn about um.

7 Even den, Jesus wen tell his followas dey no was going “go all da towns,” o preach to erybody, befoa he come back. (Mat 10:23; 25:31-33) Wat Jesus wen tell az true fo us too. Get uku million peopo today live in places wea no stay easy fo preach. Not ony dat, get hundreds a bebes born ery minute. So we no going preach to erybody on top da earth befoa da end come, even tho we try oua bes fo preach to peopo from “all da diffren countries, an ohanas, an diffren language.”​—Jesus Show 14:6.

8. Wen come to how Jehovah going judge peopo in da future, wat kine question we might have? (Go look da pichas.)

8 But wat about da guys who neva have chance fo hear da good kine tings befoa da big trouble start? How Jehovah an his Boy, who he wen trus fo do da judging, going hando dem? (John 5:19, 22, 27; Jesus Guys 17:31) Da main scripcha a dis lesson tell dat Jehovah “no like nobody get cut off from him!” But, he like “erybody fo come sorry an no do all da bad kine stuff no moa.” (2 Pet. 3:9; 1 Tim 2:4) Even tho we know all dis about Jehovah, he neva give us da ansa yet about how he going judge peopo who neva have chance fo hear da good kine tings. An he no gotta tell us.

How Jehovah going hando da guys who neva have chance fo hear da good kine tings befoa da big trouble start? (Go look numba 8) c

9. Wat Jehovah wen tell us in da Bible?

9 In da Bible, Jehovah wen tell us some a da tings he going do. Like, da Bible tell us dat Jehovah going bring back alive “da guys dat no do wass right” fo learn about da good kine tings an change da way dey ack. (Jesus Guys 24:15; Luk 23:42, 43) Now we get moa questions.

10. Wat kine odda questions come up?

10 All da guys who wen mahke during da big trouble going get wipe out foeva wit no chance of coming back alive, o wat? Da Bible make um clear dat da guys who go agains Jehovah an who get wipe out by him an his armies no going come back alive. (2 Tess 1:6-10) But wat about odda peopo who mahke during da big trouble cuz dey sick, old, get in one accident, o somebody kill um? (Teacha 9:11; Zek 14:13) Some a dese guys going be part a “da guys dat no do wass right” who going come back alive in da new world, o wat? We donno.


11. How peopo going get judge at Armageddon?

11 Get some tings we know about wat going happen bumbye. Like, at Armageddon we know peopo going get judge by da way dey wen treat Christ’s braddahs. (Mat 25:40) Da guys who back up Jesus an his braddahs going be judge az sheep. We even know dat some of Jesus’ braddahs going still be on da earth wen dat big trouble start an no going go heaven until jus befoa Armageddon. So long get some a dem still yet on da earth, peopo going get chance fo back dem up an da work dey stay do. (Mat 25:31, 32; Jesus Show 12:17) How come dass importan fo know?

12-13. How some guys going ack afta seeing “Babylon da Great” go down? (Go look da pichas.)

12 Even afta da big trouble start, maybe some guys who see “Babylon da Great” go down, going rememba fo long time Witnesses Fo Jehovah neva bulai about dat. Maybe some a dese guys who wen see all dat, going start fo trus Jehovah.​—Jesus Show 17:5; Eze 33:33.

13 If dat happen, going be da same like wat wen happen in Egypt, Moses time. Rememba dat “plenny guys from da odda peopos” wen go wit da Israel peopo wen dey wen go Outa Egypt. Maybe some a dese guys wen start fo trus Jehovah cuz dey wen see dat da Ten Plagues Moses had talk about wen happen. (Egypt 12:38) If someting lidat happen afta Babylon da Great get wipe out, we going tink az unfair if some a dem join us jus befoa da end come? Not even! We like try copy oua Faddah, who “get pity fo peopo . . . like do good tings fo peopo . . . slow fo get mad . . . stay tight . . . [an] do wat [he] tell [he] goin do erytime.” b​—Egypt 34:6.

Some guys who see “Babylon da Great” go down, going rememba fo long time Witnesses Fo Jehovah neva bulai about dat (Go look numba 12-13) d

14-15. Wedda o not somebody going live foeva depend on wen he mahke o wea he live? Try explain um. (Songs Fo God 33:4, 5)

14 Sometimes we hear peopo tell about dea ohana who no stay Witnesses, “Moa betta dey mahke befoa da big trouble start so dat dey get chance fo come back alive.” Dey not trying fo be mean. But wedda o not somebody going live foeva no depend on wen dey mahke. Jehovah da perfeck Judge, wat he choose fo do always right an fair. (Read um Songs Fo God 33:4, 5.) We know fo shua “da Judge fo all da peopo inside da world” going do da right ting.​—Start 18:25.

15 Make sense too dat wedda o not somebody going live foeva no depend on wea he live. No ways Jehovah going judge uku million peopo az “bad guys” jus cuz dey live one place wea dey neva have chance fo learn about da good kine tings. (Mat 25:46) Da Judge ova all da earth who do da right ting, kea about dese guys moa den we eva could. We donno how Jehovah going work tings out during da big trouble. Maybe wat dese guys see happening during da big trouble going make dem like start fo trus Jehovah, dat time wen erybody going know his name.​—Eze 38:16.

Afta da big trouble start, . . . some guys who wen see all dat going start fo trus Jehovah?

16. Wat we wen learn about Jehovah? (Go look da picha.)

16 Thru oua study a da Bible, we wen learn dat peopo stay worth plenny to Jehovah. He wen give his Boy’s life so dat all us get chance fo live foeva. (John 3:16) We all wen feel Jehovah’s love an kea fo us. (Isa 49:15) He know all us by oua name. In fact, He know us so good dat even if we mahke, he can make us come back alive cuz he rememba ery litto ting about us an eryting dat wen happen to us. (Mat 10:29-31) Garans we can be shua dat how Jehovah judge going be perfeck, cuz he akamai, show pity, an always do wat stay right.​—Jam 2:13.

Garans we can be shua dat how Jehovah judge going be perfeck, cuz he akamai, show pity, an always do wat stay right (Go look numba 16)

17. Wat we going talk about in da nex lesson?

17 Cuz we undastan dese tings moa betta, we come fo see dat we gotta preach now moa den eva. How come we can say dat? Wat going make us keep preaching da good kine tings an no give up? We going talk moa about dis in da nex lesson.

SONG 76 How You Goin Feel Inside?

a Fo see how come had fo change dis, go look da lesson “This Is the Way You Approved” in da March 15, 2015 The Watchtower, pp. 7-11.

b Afta Babylon da Great get wipe out, all a Jehovah’s peopo going get tested wen Gog a Magog attack. Anybody who hui up wit God’s peopo afta Babylon da Great go down going get tested too.

c WAT DA PICHAS STAY ABOUT: Three pichas showing how come some peopo might not get chance fo hear da good kine tings: (1) One lady live wea da main religion ova dea no make um safe, (2) one coupo live wea da govament make preaching illegal an abunai, an (3) one guy live way in da boonies wea no can reach dem.

d WAT DA PICHA STAY ABOUT: One young lady who wen stop serving Jehovah rememba wat she wen learn about “Babylon da Great” going down. She wen choose fo come back to Jehovah an go back by her Witness parents. If dese tings happen, we like be jalike oua Faddah in heaven who show pity an kea, an be happy dat dey wen come back to Him.