Bẹịn egberitịbị bọghọ mu

Bẹịn naá egberitịbịmọ ghọ sụọ


DUMA 22 The Kingdom Is in Place​—Let It Come!

Jehovah Ụgụlapẹlẹ Gbelemọ Yọbị Omịnị Teeki Nimi Agbẹịemi A O?

Jehovah Ụgụlapẹlẹ Gbelemọ Yọbị Omịnị Teeki Nimi Agbẹịemi A O?

“Kẹnị ubọ kpọ fịị . . . Jehovah mọ dọụgha.”2 PET. 3:9.


We can be certain that Jehovah’s future judgments will be righteous and just.

1. Tetuu kị duonị omịnị bolouimbẹlẹ ifie ka inyerinmịnị bara gbaa a paaemi a o?

1 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa

2. Teeki wo mọ nimipẹlẹ wẹrịemi a, bá omịnị naá teeki nimigha o?

2 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa


3. Kịmịotu wo sụọmọ Jehovah karịmịnị yọmị te ifie ka duumịnị bara kị wo mọ gbaawẹrị ma, anịa tetuu kị duonị wo bịsẹbara gbaawẹrị ma a o?

3 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa

4. Noah opubeni mị ye ka tịbịtịẹmọ wẹrịemi bara kị wo mọ gbaamịnị a o? Tugbaa.

4 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa

5. (a) Noah teeki mịẹwẹrị dẹkị opubeni pịrị bo ma o? (Hebrews 11:7; 1Peter 3:20) (b) Egberigbaa gbelemọ yọmị, wo ifie mọ Noah ifie mọ tebara ka kị lei-emi a o?

5 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa

6-7. Omịnị tetuu kị duonị laa ebiegberigbaa kiriogbo bọọ emi kịmịbosẹ pịrịghafa bara gbaa ma o?

6 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa

7 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa

8. Jehovah bei bọlọụ bọọ pẹlẹmịnị ụgụlabo gbelemọ yọmị teeki wo mọ bii a paaemi a o? (Foto kpọ dii.)

8 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa

How will Jehovah deal with those who may not have a chance to hear the good news before the great tribulation strikes? (See paragraph 8) a

9. Jehovah Bible bolou bọọ teeki mịẹgaan wo pịrịdẹ a o?

9 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa

10. Te zịnị biibịbịama kị paadẹ a o a o?

10 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa


11. Jehovah gbẹsị teeki ditụawẹrị Armageddon ifie bọọ ụgụla-pẹlẹ kịmịotu pịrị mịnị a o?

11 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa

12-13. “Ikpe karịbụọbo” gbeingọgọlọmịnị bara zụa otu mọ ẹrịdaba, ámịnị teeki mịẹ a paaemi a? (Foto kpọ dii.)

12 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa

13 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa

Some who will see the destruction of “Babylon the Great” will recall that Jehovah’s Witnesses had long spoken of this event (See paragraphs 12-13) b

14-15. Kịmị inyenrinmịnị ifie anịghakpọ fịị ifie kị ụ mịẹmú laa faghafagha ụndụ nana mịnị a o? Tuugbaa. (Psalm 33:​4, 5)

14 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa

15 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa

After the great tribulation starts, . . . might some who see these events have a change of heart?

16. Jehovah gbelemọ yọmị omịnị teeki nimidẹ a o? (Foto kpọ dii.)

16 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa

We can be confident that Jehovah will judge each individual in a perfectly balanced, righteous, and merciful way (See paragraph 16)

17. Barị egberitịbị mị omịnị teekị kẹrị ẹrẹtei mịnị a o?

17 Beke a goo, Pidgin West Africa

DUMA 76 How Does It Make You Feel?

a FOTO MỊ EMIBARA MỊ: Three scenes showing why some may not be reached by our global preaching work: (1) A woman living where the prevailing religion makes it unsafe, (2) a couple living where the existing political system makes it illegal and dangerous, and (3) a man living where the geography makes it extremely remote and inaccessible.

b FOTO MỊ EMIBARA MỊ: A young woman who left the truth remembers what she learned about the destruction of “Babylon the Great.” She has a change of heart and returns to her Christian parents. If such developments occur, we want to reflect the merciful and compassionate personality of our heavenly Father and rejoice that a sinner has returned.