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SONG 22 Kingdom Hem Rul—Hem Mas Kam!

Wat Nao Iumi Savve Abaotem Olketa Raeteous Judgment blo Jehovah lo Future?

Wat Nao Iumi Savve Abaotem Olketa Raeteous Judgment blo Jehovah lo Future?

“Jehovah . . . hem no laekem eniwan for dae.”2 PET. 3:9.


Disfala article helpem iumi for barava sure judgment blo Jehovah lo future bae hem raeteous and stret.

1. Why nao iumi savve sei iumi stap lo barava interesting taem?

 IUMI stap lo barava interesting taem! Each day, iumi lukim olketa Bible profesi hem kamap tru. For example, iumi lukim hao “king blo north” and “king blo south” gohed for compete againstim each other bikos tufala laek for garem paoa ovarem full world. (Dan. 11:​40, ftn.) Iumi lukim hao gud nius abaotem Kingdom blo God kasem staka ples lo earth, and staka million pipol chus for servem Jehovah. (Isa. 60:22; Matt. 24:14) And iumi kasem staka spiritual kaikai “long barava taem.”—Matt. 24:​45-47.

2. Wat nao iumi sure lo hem, bat wat nao iumi mas luksavve lo hem?

2 Jehovah gohed for helpem iumi for garem klia understanding abaotem olketa important event wea klosap for happen. (Prov. 4:18; Dan. 2:28) Iumi savve sure hao taem big trabol hem start, iumi bae savve lo evri samting wea iumi need for savve mekem iumi gohed faithful and wan mind lo datfala taem wea no isi. Bat iumi mas luksavve tu dat iumi no savve lo samfala samting wea klosap for happen lo future. Lo disfala article, bae iumi storyim firstaem why mifala adjustim samfala samting wea mifala bin talem abaotem olketa event hia. Then bae iumi storyim samfala samting wea iumi savve lo hem abaotem future and wat Dadi blo iumi lo heven bae duim.


3. Lo bifor, wat nao iumi tingse bae happen lo pipol wea no worshipim Jehovah taem bigfala trabol start, and why nao iumi sei olsem?

3 Lo bifor, iumi sei taem big trabol hem start, pipol wea no worshipim Jehovah bae no garem chance for showimaot faith lo hem and no laef lo Armageddon. Iumi talem olsem bikos iumi tingse dat each person and each event wea happen lo taem blo Flood hem representim samting wea bae happen lo future. For example, iumi tingse hao Jehovah satem door blo ark bifor Flood hem start, hem semsem witim wat hem bae duim lo start blo bigfala trabol. Jehovah bae “satem door” from system blo Satan and datwan bae stopem eni pipol moa for sev.—Matt. 24:​37-39.

4. Why nao hem no stret for sei evri samting wea happen lo taem blo Noah hem bae fulfill moa distaem? Explainim.

4 Hao, hem stret for sei dat each samting wea happen lo taem blo Flood hem representim samting wea bae happen lo future? Ansa hem nomoa. Why? Bikos Bible no talem datwan. a Jesus comparem “taem bilong Noah” witim taem wea hem bae stap moa. Bat hem no sei evri samting wea happen lo taem blo Noah hem bae fulfill moa lo future, olsem hao Jehovah satem door blo ark. Nomata olsem, iumi savve lanem staka samting from story blo Noah and datfala Flood.

5. (a) Wat nao Noah duim bifor Flood? (Hebrew 11:7; 1 Peter 3:20) (b) Wat nao semsem abaotem preaching waka wea Noah duim and preaching waka blo iumi distaem?

5 Taem Noah herem warning message blo Jehovah, Noah showimaot hem garem faith taem hem buildim ark. (Readim Hebrew 11:7; 1 Peter 3:20.) Lo sem wei tu, pipol wea herem gud nius abaotem Kingdom blo God mas duim samting for showimaot olketa garem faith. (Acts 3:​17-20) Peter sei Noah hem “preach abaotem samting wea raeteous.” (2 Pet. 2:5) Bat olsem iumi storyim lo last article, iumi no savve if Noah duim wanfala preaching campaign for kasem evriwan lo earth bifor datfala Flood kam. Distaem, iumi duim preaching waka evriwea lo world, and iumi duim best blo iumi lo datfala waka. Bat nomata olsem, iumi bae no savve preach lo evriwan bifor end kam. Why nao olsem?

6-7. Why nao iumi fit for sei hem hard for iumi sharem gud nius lo evriwan lo earth bifor end kam? Explainim.

6 Tingim wat Jesus talem abaotem preaching waka blo iumi. Hem talem hao disfala gud nius bae olketa preachim lo “evri ples long world mekem pipol long evri kantri mas herem.” (Matt. 24:14) Disfala profesi hem fulfill distaem winim enitaem bifor. Kingdom message hem stap lo winim 1,000 languis, and bikos lo website blo iumi, staka pipol lo world savve lanem gud nius abaotem Kingdom blo God.

7 Bat, Jesus talem olketa disaepol dat “bae hem hard for [olketa] kasem evri taon” or preach lo evriwan bifor hem kam. (Matt. 10:23; 25:​31-33) Wanem Jesus talem hem kamap tru distaem tu. Staka million pipol distaem stap lo olketa kantri wea olketa restrictim preaching waka. And tu, staka handred baby born evri minute. Iumi traem best for storyim gud nius lo pipol blo “evri kantri, tribe, and languis.” (Rev. 14:6) Bat tru samting nao, hem bae hard for iumi sharem gud nius lo each person bifor end hem kam.

8. Wat nao kwestin wea maet iumi askem abaotem judgment blo Jehovah lo future? (Lukim tu olketa piksa.)

8 So maet iumi ask: Wat nao bae happen lo olketa wea no garem chance for herem gud nius bifor bigfala trabol hem start? Hao nao Jehovah and Son blo hem, wea hem markem for kamap judge, bae deal witim olketa? (John 5:​19, 22, 27; Acts 17:31) Theme scripture blo disfala article sei Jehovah “hem no laekem eniwan for dae.” Bat, hem “laekem evriwan for garem chance for repent.” (2 Pet. 3:9; 1 Tim. 2:4) Nomata iumi savve lo olketa samting hia abaotem Jehovah, iumi mas luksavve dat Jehovah hem no talem yet wat hem bae duim for ansarem datfala kwestin. And really, Jehovah no need for talem iumi abaotem eni samting hem duim or wea hem bae duim lo future.

Hao nao Jehovah bae deal witim olketa wea maet no garem chance for herem gud nius bifor bigfala trabol hem start? (Lukim paragraf 8) c

9. Wat nao Jehovah talem for iumi lo Bible?

9 Lo Bible, Jehovah talem iumi samfala samting wea hem bae duim. For example, Bible talem hao Jehovah bae resurrectim “pipol wea no raeteous” wea no garem chance for herem gud nius and changem wei blo olketa. (Acts 24:15; Luke 23:​42, 43) Datwan mekem iumi for tingim samfala nara important kwestin moa.

10. Wat nao samfala nara kwestin wea maet iumi garem?

10 Hao, olketa wea dae during lo taem blo bigfala trabol bae distroe for olowe and no garem hope nao for resurrect? Bible storyim klia dat Jehovah and army blo hem bae distroem olketa wea againstim hem lo Armageddon and olketa bae no resurrect. (2 Thess. 1:​6-10) Bat waswe lo olketa narawan, for example, olketa wea maet dae from natural disaster, accident, or pipol killim olketa dae? (Eccl. 9:11; Zech. 14:13) Hao, samfala lo olketa hia bae insaed lo datfala grup blo olketa “pipol wea no raeteous” wea bae resurrect lo niu world? Iumi no savve.


11. Lo Armageddon, wat nao samting wea pipol bae kasem judgment followim?

11 Iumi savve lo samfala samting abaotem olketa event wea bae happen lo future. For example, lo Armageddon, iumi savve pipol bae kasem judgment followim hao olketa treatim olketa brata blo Christ. (Matt. 25:40) Olketa wea bin duim samting for sapotim olketa anointed Christian and Christ, olketa bae kasem judgment olsem sheepsheep. Iumi savve tu dat samfala anointed brata blo Christ bae still stap lo earth afta bigfala trabol hem start and olketa bae go ap lo heven no longtaem bifor Armageddon hem start. So taem olketa brata blo Christ stap yet lo earth, diswan givim chance for pipol wea garem honest heart for sapotim olketa and waka wea olketa duim. (Matt. 25:​31, 32; Rev. 12:17) Why nao diswan hem important?

12-13. Wat nao maet samfala duim taem olketa lukim “Bigfala Babylon” hem distroe? (Lukim tu olketa piksa.)

12 Nomata bihaen bigfala trabol hem start, maet samfala wea lukim “Bigfala Babylon” distroe, bae tingim bak dat Olketa Jehovah’s Witness story abaotem datfala event for staka year finis. Hao, maet samfala wea lukim “Bigfala Babylon” hem distroe bae change and laek for worshipim Jehovah?​—Rev. 17:5; Ezek. 33:33.

13 If datwan happen, bae hem semsem witim wat hem happen lo taem blo Moses lo Egypt. Lo datfala taem, “staka foreigner” joinim olketa Israelite taem olketa lusim Egypt. Samfala lo olketa hia maet start for garem faith lo Jehovah taem olketa lukim each warning wea Moses talem abaotem Tenfala Trabol hem kamap tru. (Ex. 12:38) If sem samting happen afta Bigfala Babylon hem distroe, hao, bae iumi tingse hem no fair for pipol joinim iumi just bifor end hem kam? Iumi shud no ting olsem! Iumi laek for showimaot wei blo Dadi blo iumi lo heven wea, “hem God wea garem bigfala mercy, hem tingim man, hem no savve kros kwiktaem, loyal love blo hem big tumas, [and] hem talem tru samting evritaem.” bEx. 34:6.

Samfala wea lukim “Bigfala Babylon” distroe, bae tingim bak dat Olketa Jehovah’s Witness story abaotem datfala event for staka year finis (Lukim paragraf 12-13) d

14-15. For man kasem chance for laef olowe, hao datwan depend lo taem wea hem dae or ples wea hem stap? Explainim. (Psalm 33:​4, 5)

14 Samfala taem, maet iumi herem samwan sei, “Hem bae gud if relative blo mi dae bifor bigfala trabol start mekem hem garem hope for resurrect.” Datfala tingting showimaot datfala person hem tingim narawan. Bat for samwan kasem laef olowe lo future hem no depend lo taem wea hem dae. Jehovah hem perfect Judge, and olketa disison blo hem raeteous and followim justice. (Readim Psalm 33:​4, 5.) Iumi savve trustim hao “Judge blo full earth” bae duim stret samting.—Gen. 18:25.

15 Hem stret tu for sei dat for samwan kasem laef olowe, hem no depend lo wea nao hem stap. Hem hard for Jehovah judgem staka million pipol olsem “goat” just bikos olketa stap lo kantri wea olketa no garem chance for herem gud nius abaotem Kingdom. (Matt. 25:46) Datfala raeteous Judge blo full earth hem barava kea abaotem olketa pipol hia winim hao iumi kea for olketa. Iumi no savve hao nao Jehovah bae duim samting during lo datfala big trabol. Maet samfala lo olketa pipol hia bae garem chance for lane abaotem Jehovah, garem faith, and saed witim Jehovah taem hem duim samting for mekhae lo hemseleva front lo evri nation.—Ezek. 38:16.

Afta bigfala trabol hem start, . . . hao, maet samfala wea lukim “Bigfala Babylon” hem distroe bae change and laek for worshipim Jehovah?

16. Wat nao olketa samting wea iumi savve finis abaotem Jehovah? (Lukim tu piksa.)

16 Taem iumi studyim Bible, iumi luksavve hao laef blo pipol hem barava important lo Jehovah. Hem givim Son blo hem for dae for iumi evriwan mekem iumi garem chance for laef olowe. (John 3:16) Iumi evriwan kasem gud samting from love blo Jehovah. (Isa. 49:15) Hem savve lo nem blo iumi each wan. Tru samting nao, hem barava savve gud lo iumi dastawe nomata iumi dae, hem savve resurrectim iumi bikos hem savve lo evri detail abaotem iumi and evri memory blo iumi! (Matt. 10:​29-31) So iumi garem gud reason for trustim hao Dadi blo iumi lo heven wea lovem iumi bae judgem each wan lo perfect wei, bikos hem wise, raeteous, and hem showimaot mercy.—Jas. 2:13.

Iumi trustim hao Jehovah bae judgem each wan lo perfect wei, bikos hem wise, raeteous, and hem showimaot mercy (Lukim paragraf 16)

17. Wat nao bae iumi discussim lo next article?

17 Olketa niu understanding hia mekem iumi for luksavve hao preaching waka blo iumi hem barava urgent winim enitaem bifor. Why nao iumi sei olsem? And wat nao mekem iumi for gohed strong for preachim gud nius? Iumi bae discussim ansa for olketa kwestin hia lo next article.

SONG 76 Hem Mekem Iu Feel Hao?

a For minim why disfala change hem kamap, lukim article “Hem Nao Wanem Iu Laekem” lo March 15, 2015 Wastaoa, page 7-11.

b Afta Bigfala Babylon hem distroe, evri servant blo Jehovah bae kasem test during lo attak blo Gog blo Magog. Eniwan wea join witim pipol blo God afta Bigfala Babylon hem distroe bae kasem test tu.

c OLKETA PIKSA: Thrifala piksa wea showim why preaching waka wea iumi duim evriwea lo world maet no kasem samfala pipol: (1) Wanfala woman stap lo kantri wea main religion lo there mekem hem no sef for hem kamap Christian, (2) wanfala couple stap lo kantri wea politikol system mekem hem illegal and dangerous for kamap Witness, and (3) wanfala man stap lo ples wea farawe tumas and hard for gud nius kasem hem.

d PIKSA: Wanfala young gele wea lusim truth rememberim wat hem lanem abaotem hao “Bigfala Babylon” bae distroe. Hem disaed for change and laek for worshipim Jehovah and kam bak lo parents blo hem wea Witness. If samting olsem happen, iumi laek for followim example blo Dadi blo iumi lo heven wea showimaot mercy, kaen, and hapi taem wanfala sinner hem kam bak lo Hem