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GUI 67 “Preach the Word”

Wõilai Ɣa Ɓɔ De Va Ga De Gala Goi Wo!

Wõilai Ɣa Ɓɔ De Va Ga De Gala Goi Wo!

“Tɔwɔ kɛni dɛ woo niinɛ vagɔi ɣa wo zii ɓɔgɔpɛ ma ga maa wũ pa.”MAKI 13:10.


Love can move us to do the preaching work with zeal and with our whole soul.

1. Wõilai e de ya Jehova ʋaa ma ta na daa-zeigi

 DURING the 2023 annual meeting, a we got clear understanding on some of our beliefs and we also hear some interesting announcements about our ministry. For example, we learn that maybe some people will get the opportunity to join Jehovah people, even after they destroy Babylon the Great. We also learn that starting from November 2023, they will not ask publishers to report everything they do in the ministry. You think all this changes make our ministry to not be important again like before? No way!

2. Zɛɓɛi e kɛɛ Gala goo wo fai ɓɔɔ ga faa ɓi da ziɛgi zu? (Maki 13:10)

2 Every day that pass, our preaching work getting more and more important. Why? Because the end very close. Think about the prophecy Jesus gave about the preaching work in the last days. (Read Mark 13:10.) Also, in the book of Matthew Jesus say that the good news will be preach all over the earth before “the end” come. (Matt. 24:14) This one mean, the time Satan wicked world will be destroy for good. Jehovah na set the “day and hour” for the thing them that will soon happen. (Matt. 24:36; 25:13; Acts 1:7) Every day we getting closer to that time. (Rom. 13:11) For now, we must continue preaching until the end come.

3. Zɛɓɛi ya kɛ de wõi ga de Gala goo wo?

3 When we thinking about our ministry, let one important question here that all of us must think about: Why we can preach the good news? The answer simple, that love can move us to preach. When we preach, we show our love for the good news, our love for people, and most important, our love for Jehovah and his name. Let talk about this thing them one by one.


4. Zɛɓɛi ya kɛ ani ya woo vagɔ mɛnina?

4 You can remember how you were feeling when somebody gave you good news? Maybe you receive news that someone in your family deliver or somebody gave you job that you really need. You not waste time to share the good news with your family and friends. The same thing happen to you when you hear the best news ever, the good news about God Kingdom?

5. E ɣɛni ɓɔɔ ɣi-gaa-ziɛzu ɣɛ le siɛgi ma e gammai wɛ̃ɛni la? (Wɛlɛ ɓalaa footeitiɛ va.)

5 Think about how you were feeling the first time you learn the truth from God Word. You learn that your heavenly Father love you, he want you to be part of his family that worshipping him and he promise to end pain and suffering. He also gave you hope that you will see your people who na die coming back to life in the new world and you learn plenty other things. (Mark 10:​29, 30; John 5:​28, 29; Rom. 8:​38, 39; Rev. 21:​3, 4) The things you learn really touch your heart. (Luke 24:32) You love what you were learning, and you wanted to tell everybody about it!—Compare Jeremiah 20:9.

The first time we learn the truth from the Bible, we were too happy and we wanted to tell everybody! (See paragraph 5)

6. Zɛɓɛi da maa woli Ernest boga Rose ta wo-kɔ̃ɔ-mai zu?

6 Think about this experience. One brother name Ernest b was about ten years old when his pa die. Ernest say: “I use to be thinking: ‘I wonder my pa go to heaven, or he die for good and I will never see him again?’ I use to feel jealous when I see other children with their pa.” Ernest always use to go to the graveyard, kneel down to his pa grave, and pray: “God, please, I want know where my pa go.” About 17 years after Ernest pa die, somebody offer him Bible study. And he was happy to accept it. He was too happy to learn that the dead not know anything. It just like they in deep sleep. And the Bible promise that they will come back to life in the future. (Eccl. 9:​5, 10; Acts 24:15) Finally, Ernest was able to find the answers to the question them that been worrying him for plenty years! Ernest was too happy about the truths he was learning from the Bible. His wife, Rose, join him in the study and she too love what she was learning. They got baptize in 1978. They preach with zeal to their family, friends, and anybody who wanted to listen about the precious truths they learn. And because of that, Ernest and Rose na help more than 70 persons to get baptize.

7. Zɛɓɛi ɣa ɣɛ ani de wõini ga niitiɛ de maa wolizu Gala Kɔlɔi zu? (Luki 6:45)

7 It clear that when Bible truth touch our heart, we can want tell everybody about it. (Read Luke 6:45.) We can feel like Jesus disciple them in the first century who said: “We cannot stop speaking about the things we have seen and heard.” (Acts 4:20) Because we love the truth so much, we can want share it with plenty people.


8. Zɛɓɛi ya de wuuzu nɛɛ ga de woo niinɛ vagɔi wo numaa ma? (Wɛlɛ kologi va  Wõi Ga Numaa—Te Ɣalabo.) (Wɛlɛ ɓalaa footei va.)

8 Like Jehovah and his Son, we love people. (Prov. 8:31; John 3:16) We can really feel sorry for people who not know God, and they not get any hope. (Eph. 2:12) It looking just like they in deep hole because of the plenty problems. And we get the rope to haul them outside. That rope that the good news about God Kingdom. Because we get love and sorrowful heart for them, it can make us to try our best to preach to them. That important message can give them hope, help them to be happy now-now and give them the opportunity for “the real life”, everlasting life in God new world.—1 Tim. 6:19.

Love for people and sorrowful heart can move us to try our best to preach the good news (See paragraph 8)

9. Tɛnɛ zɛɓɛi a de feezu numaa ya e vile ŋinaa ŋeteai va, tɔwɔ zɛɓɛ ʋaa maa? (Ezekiel 33:7, 8)

9 Our love for people will also move us to warn them that this wicked world will soon be destroy. (Read Ezekiel 33:​7, 8.) We can feel sorry for our neighbors and family members who not serving Jehovah. Plenty people living their normal life and they not even know what coming happen. That wetin coming happen? That the “great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” (Matt. 24:21) We want them to know what will happen during that time of judgment. First, false religion will be destroy. Then, this wicked world will be destroy during Armageddon. (Rev. 16:​14, 16; 17:​16, 17; 19:​11, 19, 20) We pray that plenty people will accept this warning and join us to serve Jehovah now. But what about people who will not listen to us now-now, including our family members who we love?

10. Zɛɓɛi e kɛɛ e ga faa ɓi ga diɛ tɛnɛgoi nii wo numaa ma siɛ nɛpɛ?

10 Like what the article before this one explain, maybe Jehovah will save people who will start putting faith in him, when they see how they destroy Babylon the Great. If that what will happen, then it even more important that we continue warning them now-now. Think about this: The thing we will tell them now, maybe that what they will remember during that time. (Compare Ezekiel 33:33.) It possible that they will remember the warning they hear from us and it will move them to join us to worship Jehovah before it get too late. The man who was minding the jail in Philippi, change his heart only after “a great earthquake occurred.” Maybe that just how some people who will not listen to us now, will change their heart when they see how they destroy Babylon the Great.—Acts 16:​25-34.


11. Da leve ɣɛ le de Jehova laa-maalɛ, de wũfe-ma, na ɣa ɣɛɛna de gaa-ɓaa ʋe zeea? (Faa Wuloai Kɛnɛ Mai 4:11) (Wɛlɛ ɓalaa footeitiɛ va.)

11 The most important reason why we preach the good news that because we love Jehovah God and his holy name. We see our preaching work to be one of the way to praise our God we love. We agree with our whole heart that Jehovah God get the right to receive the glory, honor, and power from his loyal worshippers. (Read Revelation 4:11.) We can give him glory and honor when we share with other people the clear proof that he created everything and that because of him we living. We can give him our power when we use our time, strength and our material things to do our best in the preaching work. (Matt. 6:33; Luke 13:24; Col. 3:23) So in short, we love to talk about the God we love. And we can also feel move to tell other people about his name and what it mean. Why?

We can give him our power when we use our time, our strength and our material things to do our best in the preaching work (See paragraph 11)

12. Da ɓaala Jehova na daa-zeigi ma ɣɛ le Gala goo wo suvɛ?

12 Our love for Jehovah can move us to make his name holy. (Matt. 6:9) We can make Jehovah name holy by helping people to know that all the things Satan say about Jehovah, that so-so lies. (Gen. 3:​1-5; Job 2:4; John 8:44) When we preaching, we can be happy to tell people who want listen to us the truth about Jehovah and the kind na person he is. We want everyone to know that his main quality that love, and his way of ruling righteous and fair. And his Kingdom will soon end all the suffering and bring peace and happiness to everybody. (Ps. 37:​10, 11, 29; 1 John 4:8) When we tell people this thing them about Jehovah, we making his name holy. We also happy because we know that what we doing, show that we Jehovah Witnesses. Why we say so?

13. Zɛɓɛi e kɛɛ de wuuzu nɛɛ ga te de lili ga Jehova Na Seeleitiɛ? (Isaiah 43:10-12)

13 Jehovah na choose us to be his “witnesses.” (Read Isaiah 43:​10-12.) Some years ago, one letter from the Governing Body said: “That not small honor for each of us to be call Jehovah Witness.” c Why we say so? Think about this example. If you were in court and you need somebody to be your witness to convince the court that you good person and you not do anything bad, ehn you will choose somebody who you know and trust, somebody who get good behavior and who other people can believe? So, Jehovah choose us to be his Witnesses because he know us good-good, and he trust us to tell other people that he the only true God. So that honor for us to be Jehovah Witnesses. And we can use every opportunity to help people to know his name and to prove that all the bad-bad things they say about him, that so-so lies. When we do this, we will be living up to the name that we so proud to carry, Jehovah Witnesses!—Ps. 83:18; Rom. 10:​13-15.


14. Zɛɓɛi e ʋaazu ɣɛɛzu naa luoi zu ga e ʋaazu de wuuzu nɛɛzu?

14 We can’t wait to see the interesting thing them that will happen in the future! With Jehovah help, we hope to see plenty people take the truth before the great tribulation start. Also, we really-really happy to know that it will be possible for people to leave Satan world and join us to praise Jehovah even during the great tribulation, the most difficult time we will ever face!—Acts 13:48.

15-16. Zɛɓɛi maa nɛɛ de ɣaa-baa ga diɛ kɛ, tɔwɔ e yɛsu siɛ zɛɓɛ?

15 In the meantime, we get important work to do. We get the privilege to preach the good news about God Kingdom all over the earth. And we will never do this work again. So we must continue warning people about what will soon happen. People need to know that this wicked world will soon be destroy. Then when that time of judgment come, people will know that the message we been preaching coming from Jehovah God.—Ezek. 38:23.

16 So, what we must continue to do? Love for the good news, love for people, and most important, love for Jehovah God and his name must move us to continue preaching now-now with our whole heart and with zeal, until Jehovah say, “It enough!”

GUI 54 “This Is the Way”

a They hold the annual meeting on October 7, 2023, in the Newburgh Assembly Hall of Jehovah Witnesses in New York, U.S.A. Later on, they put the whole program on JW Broadcasting®—Part 1 in November 2023 and Part 2 in January 2024.

b See the article “The Bible Can Change People Lives—I Was Impressed by the Bible’s Clear, Logical Answers.” It in the February 1, 2015, Watchtower.