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SONG 8 Jehovah Stay Oua Safe Place

Make Jehovah Yoa Rock

Make Jehovah Yoa Rock

“You stay solid, jalike da bigges rock! No mo any odda god dat stay solid jalike you!”​—1 SAM 2:2.


Learn wat qualities make Jehovah like one rock an how we can copy dose qualities.

1. At Songs Fo God 18:46, wat David wen call Jehovah?

 WE LIVE in one world wea outa no wea, we might face problems dat can make life hard o even full on change oua life. We so tankful dat we can go to Jehovah fo help! Da las lesson wen help us rememba dat Jehovah is da God who stay alive an dat he always ready fo help us. Wen he help us wit someting, dat help us know fo shua dat Jehovah stay “alive fo real kine!” (Read um Songs Fo God 18:46.) But right afta David wen say dat, he wen call God “one big solid rock fo me.” So how come he wen call Jehovah, da God who stay alive, one rock, someting dat no stay alive?

2. Wat we going learn from David calling Jehovah one “rock fo me”?

2 In dis lesson, we going talk about why Jehovah stay called one rock an wat dat teach us about him. An we going learn how we can see him az oua Rock. Den, we going talk about how we can copy how Jehovah stay like one rock.


3. How da Bible use da word “rock” plenny times? (Go look da picha.)

3 Da Bible use da word “rock” fo help us undastan da kine qualities Jehovah get. Mos times wen he get called someting like one rock, is wen his peopo stay telling good tings about him. Da firs time da Bible tell Jehovah stay like one rock, o “stone,” is at Da Rules Secon Time 32:4. Wen Hannah had pray, she wen tell dat Jehovah “jalike da bigges rock! No mo any odda god dat stay solid jalike [him]!” (1 Sam 2:2) Habakkuk wen call Jehovah “strong, jalike one cliff.” (Hab 1:12) Da writa of Songs Fo God 73 tell dat God “make [him] stay solid inside, jalike one rock.” (Songs 73:26) An Jehovah even call himself one rock. (Isa 44:8) We go talk story about three qualities dat make Jehovah like one rock an learn how we can make him “oua Rock.”​—Rules 32:31.

Jehovah’s peopo tink about Jehovah like one solid rock (Go look numba 3)

4. How Jehovah is one safe place? (Songs Fo God 94:22)

4 Jehovah is one safe place. During one big storm, one person can stay safe inside one cave. Same same, Jehovah proteck us wen we get hard time in oua life. (Read um Songs Fo God 94:22.) He keep us safe an let us know dat notting we stay suffa now going hurt us foeva. An he also promise dat in da future, he going take away anyting dat make us worry o suffa.​—Eze 34:25, 26.

5. How we can make Jehovah oua safe place?

5 One way we make Jehovah oua safe place is by praying to him. Wen we pray, Jehovah make us guys come so notting bodda us. (Php 4:6, 7) Try look wat wen happen to Artem, one braddah who wen get lock up cuz he worship Jehovah. One investigator wen question him choke times, treat him bad, an even wen try fo make him sked. “I wen stress out weneva da investigator call me in fo questions. . . . I wen pray to Jehovah erytime. I wen ask him fo help me stay calm an fo know da right ting fo do,” Artem tell. “Wat da investigator wen do neva work on me. . . . wit Jehovah’s help, was jus like I was standing behind one rock wall.”

6. How come we can trus dat Jehovah always going be dea fo us erytime? (Isaiah 26:3, 4)

6 Jehovah is loyal, an always going be dea fo us. Jus like how one humangus rock no move, Jehovah always going be dea fo us. We can trus him cuz he “one solid rock dat stay foeva.” (Read um Isaiah 26:3, 4.) He always going be dea fo make his promises come true, fo hear oua prayers, an give us da help we need. An we know Jehovah always going be dea fo us cuz he stick tight wit da guys who serve him. (2 Sam 22:26) He no going foget wat we do, an he going give us plenny fo dat.​—Heb 6:10; 11:6.

7. Wat going happen wen we trus Jehovah fo help us? (Go look da picha.)

7 We make Jehovah oua rock wen we full on trus he going help us. We know fo shua dat going be good fo us wen we lissen to Jehovah even wen az hard. (Isa 48:17, 18) Erytime we see Jehovah help us, oua trus in him going come moa strong. We going know fo shua dat ony Jehovah da one can help us hando no matta how hard da problem is. Plenny times wen no moa one way out, dass wen we see Jehovah always right dea fo help us. “No moa one odda time I wen feel moa close to Jehovah den wen I was in jail,” Vladimir tell. “I wen learn fo trus Jehovah moa cuz I was by myself, an no could do anyting about um.”

We make Jehovah oua Rock wen we full on trus him (Go look numba 7)

8. (a) How come we can tell dat Jehovah no change? (b) How come is good fo us have Jehovah az oua Rock? (Songs Fo God 62:6, 7)

8 Jehovah is solid. Jus like one big huge rock, Jehovah is solid cuz he no change. Who he stay an da tings he like make happen neva change. (Mal 3:6) Wen Adam an Eve had go agains Jehovah, dat neva jam him up. Like da aposal Paul tell, “Fo shua God erytime goin do wat he tell he goin do.” (2 Tim 2:13) Dis mean dat no matta wat happen o wat odda guys do, Jehovah no going change who he stay, wat he like do, o da way he feel about tings. Cuz Jehovah stay solid an no change, we know he going help us wen get hard times an dat he going keep his promises fo da future.​—Read um Songs Fo God 62:6, 7.

9. Wat you learn from wat wen happen to Tatyana?

9 Fo make Jehovah oua Rock we gotta tink about Jehovah’s qualities plenny an wat he like make happen fo da earth an erybody. If we do dat, is going help us no presha out wen we get hard time. (Songs 16:8) Dass wat wen happen fo Tatyana, one sistah, dat was unda house arrest cuz she worship Jehovah. “I was all by myself,” she tell. “Was supa hard fo me at firs. Plenny times I wen lose fight.” But wen she wen see how her problem conneck wit Jehovah an wat he like make happen, dat wen help her fo hando an fo come strong again. She tell, “Wen I had tink about how come all dis was happening to me, dat wen help me fo rememba az all fo Jehovah. An dat wen help me fo stop tinking about myself.”

10. How Jehovah can be oua Rock right now?

10 Pretty soon we going get hard times wea we going need fo trus Jehovah moa den eva befoa. So is supa importan dat we make oua trus in Jehovah moa strong now, so we know garans he going help us stay tight wit him no matta wat. How we do dat? Read about guys in da Bible an in oua time dat wen stick to Jehovah. Try tink hard about how Jehovah was like one rock an wen back up his guys befoa. Wen you do dat, az going help you fo make Jehovah yoa Rock.


11. How come az good fo copy Jehovah’s qualities dat make him like one rock? (Go look da box “ One Goal fo Young Braddahs.”)

11 We wen talk about Jehovah’s qualities dat make him like one rock. Now we go look how we can copy him. Cuz if we try oua bes fo do dat, den we can be moa ready fo make oua braddahs an sistahs come strong. Jus like Jesus wen give Simon da name Cephas (dat translate to “Peter”), an dat mean “A Piece of Rock.” (John 1:42) Jesus wen say dat Peter was going help oddas in da local hui come good inside, an he was going make dea faith come moa strong. Da Bible talk about eldas in da local hui “jalike one big rock dat make one big shadow.” Dis mean dey proteck dose in da local hui. (Isa 32:2) But garans going be good fo da local hui if all da braddahs an sistahs try fo copy Jehovah’s qualities.​—Efe 5:1.

12. How we can help oddas wen dey get hard times?

12 Be one safe place. Sometimes wen oua braddahs an sistahs lose dea house o have fo leave um cuz of natural disastas o war, we can have dem come stay oua house. Az tings get moa worse befoa da world come pau, fo shua we going get moa chances fo give oua braddahs an sistahs da stuff dey need. (2 Tim 3:1) An we can give oua braddahs an sistahs da comfort an love dat dey need. One way we can do dat, is by talking story wit dem at da meetings, an making dem feel good dat dey stay dea. We like make da congregation one place dass full of love an aloha. Plenny peopo today treat each odda bad kine, dis can make oua braddahs an sistahs feel all stress out an dat nobody love dem. So wen oua braddahs an sistahs come to da meetings, we like do eryting we can fo make dem feel safe an dat we get love an aloha fo dem.

13. How can eldas help oddas wen dey get hard time? (Go look da picha.)

13 Eldas can be like one safe place to dose in da congregation who stay dealing wit plenny. Wen get natural disastas o medical kine emergencies, eldas work fas fo set up help fo da braddahs an sistahs. Dey give help from da Bible too. Going be moa easy fo da braddahs an sistahs talk to one elda if he da kine guy dat talk nice, lissen, an try fo undastan how oddas feel. Dose kine qualities help oddas feel love, making um moa easy fo dem lissen to any Bible advice one elda might give.​—1 Tess 2:7, 8, 11.

Wen oua braddahs an sistahs dealing wit plenny, da eldas stay like one safe place (Go look numba 13) a

14. How we can be somebody dat oddas can trus?

14 Be somebody oddas can trus. We like oddas trus us, speshly wen dey get hard time. (Smart Guys 17:17) How we can be somebody dat oddas can trus? We try oua bes fo copy Jehovah eryday, like keeping oua promises an being on time. (Mat 5:37, NWT) O if we know dat somebody need help, we can help dem. An if we get stuff dat gotta do fo da local hui, we can make shua fo follow da instrucktions we get.

15. How is good fo da congregation wen dey can trus da eldas?

15 How is good fo da congregation wen dey can trus da eldas? Wen da braddahs an sistahs know dey can call da eldas weneva, it helps da braddahs an sistahs fo no worry. An dey feel loved wen dey know da eldas like help dem. Wen da eldas give advice from da Bible o odda Bible tools, an not dea own kine tinking, da braddahs an sistahs going trus dem. An dey going trus one elda even moa wen he no tell oddas about dea personal kine stuff an he keep his promises.

16. How is good fo us an oddas wen we stay solid?

16 Be solid. If we lissen to Jehovah all da time an if we use da Bible fo make choices, we can be one good exampo fo oddas. Cuz wen we study da Bible an make oua faith moa strong, we going come moa solid wit Jehovah an wat he tell is right an wrong. An cuz we going be able fo spock out bulai kine teachings an ideas dat no match up wit Jehovah’s tinking, dose tings not going jam us up. (Efe 4:14; Jam 1:6-8) Oua trus in Jehovah an in his promises help us fo stay calm wen we hear bad kine tings stay happening. (Songs 112:7, 8) An we can help oddas who stay getting hard time.​—1 Tess 3:2, 3.

17. How eldas can help da braddahs an sistahs be solid?

17 Eldas should be balanced in how dey tink, wat dey say an do, an dey gotta no be hard head. Dese guys help oddas fo be calm an have strong faith in Jehovah by sticking to wat He tell. (Titus 1:9; 1 Tim 3:1-3) Cuz of dea exampo an dea shepherding, eldas help braddahs an sistahs fo be regula wit going meetings, field service, an studying da Bible on dea own. Wen braddahs an sistahs get problems dat make um presha out, eldas help dem rememba fo trus Jehovah an focus on his promises.

18. Why we like tell good tings about Jehovah an come moa tight wit him? (Go look da box “ One Way Fo Come Moa Tight Wit Jehovah.”)

18 Afta talking about Jehovah’s unreal qualities, we can say like David, “I like tell Da One In Charge ‘Mahalo!’ Cuz he do plenny good tings fo me . . . Jalike he one big solid rock.” (Songs 144:1) Jehovah always going be dea fo us. No matta how old we get, we can trus dat Jehovah going help us stay tight wit him an we can say, “He jalike one big rock fo me.”​—Songs 92:14, 15.

SONG 150 Jehovah Goin Save You

a WAT DA PICHA ON DA COVA STAY ABOUT: At da Kingdom Hall, az easy fo one sistah go talk to da eldas.