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SONG 8 Jehovah Is Our Refuge

Make Jehovah Your Rock

Make Jehovah Your Rock

“There is no rock like our God.”1 SAM. 2:2.


In this article we will learn which qualities make Jehovah to be like rock and how we can imitate this quality them?

1. According to Psalm 18:​46, wetin David compare Jehovah to?

 SOMETIME we can face problem them that we not expecting that can make things hard for us or even change our life all together. We really grateful that we can rely on Jehovah God for help! The article before this one remind us that Jehovah that the living God and he always ready to help us. When we receive his help, it can convince us that “Jehovah is alive!” (Read Psalm 18:46.) But right after David finish saying that Jehovah living, he call God “my Rock.” Why David compare Jehovah, the living God, to rock something that not get life?

2. Wetin we will learn in this article?

2 In this article, we will learn why David compare Jehovah to rock and what it teach us about him. We will also learn how we can rely on him as our Rock. Finally, we will talk about how we can imitate Jehovah quality them that make him like rock.


3. Most of the time how the Bible use the word “rock”? (See the picture.)

3 The Bible compare Jehovah to “rock” to help us understand some of his quality them. Most of the time in the Bible, when God servants praising him, they can compare him to rock to show that he not get equal. The first time the Bible call Jehovah “the Rock” that in Deuteronomy 32:4. When Hannah was praying, she say, “there is no rock like our God.” (1 Sam. 2:2) Habakkuk call Jehovah “my Rock.” (Hab. 1:12) The person who write Psalm 73 call God “the rock of my heart.” (Ps. 73:26) And even Jehovah call himself rock. (Isa. 44:8) Let talk about three qualities that make Jehovah like rock and learn how we can make him “our Rock.”—Deut. 32:31.

God people can see Him like big Rock that can protect them (See paragraph 3)

4. How Jehovah can protect us? (Psalm 94:22)

4 Jehovah can protect us. Just how big rock can protect us when heavy breeze blowing that the same way Jehovah can protect us when we going through problem. (Read Psalm 94:22.) He can help us to protect our friendship with him and he also promise that nothing we suffering from now-now will last forever. And he also promise that in the future he will move anything that can make us to worry or suffer.—Ezek. 34:​25, 26.

5. How we can make Jehovah our Protector?

5 One way we can make Jehovah our Protector that by praying to him. When we pray to Jehovah, he can give us “the peace of God” that can protect our heart and mind. (Phil. 4:​6, 7) Let look at the experience about one brother name Artem, who was in jail for his faith. When he was in jail, they use to send one big man in the government who was harsh to always ask him questions. The man use to treat him bad and make him scary. Artem say, “Any time the man call me I use to be too scary. . . . But I always use to pray to Jehovah. I pray to Jehovah for wisdom and to give me peace for my heart to lay down.” “With all the persecution I remain calm. . . . And with Jehovah help, it was just like I was standing behind one big rock.”

6. Why we can always depend on Jehovah? (Isaiah 26:​3, 4)

6 We can depend on Jehovah. Just how mountain can’t move that the same way Jehovah will always be there for us. We can trust him because he “the eternal Rock.” (Read Isaiah 26:​3, 4.) He will always be living to keep his promise them, hear our prayers, and give us the support we need. We can also depend on Jehovah because he loyal to those who serving him. (2 Sam. 22:26) He will never forget what we do, and he will always bless us.—Heb. 6:10; 11:6.

7. How we will benefit if we rely on Jehovah? (Also see the picture.)

7 We can make Jehovah our Rock when we rely on him with our whole heart. We trust that we will benefit when we obey him even during hard times. (Isa. 48:​17, 18) Every time we see how Jehovah na help us it can make us to trust him even more. Then we will be prepare good-good to face any trial that only Jehovah can help us to endure. Most of the time, when we in situations where we not get nobody to help us that the time we can know that only Jehovah we can depend on. “Vladimir say, the time I was in jail I was feeling close to Jehovah more than any other time in my life. “I learn to trust Jehovah more because I was by myself and only him was able to help me bear my problem.”

We can make Jehovah our Rock when we depend on him with our whole heart (See paragraph 7)

8. (a) Why we can say Jehovah can’t change? (b) How we can benefit because Jehovah that our Rock? (Psalm 62:​6, 7)

8 Jehovah can’t change. Just like big rock Jehovah always the same. He can’t change and his purpose can never change. (Mal. 3:6) When Adam and Eve disobey him, Jehovah not change his purpose for human being. Just what the apostle Paul say, Jehovah “cannot deny himself.” (2 Tim. 2:13) This one mean that no matter what happen or what other people do, Jehovah will never change his qualities, his purpose, or his standards. Because Jehovah can’t change, we convince that he will help us when we going through problem and he will fulfill his promise them for the future. Read Psalm 62:​6, 7.

9. Wetin we can learn from Tatyana experience?

9 We can make Jehovah our Rock by focusing on his qualities and his purpose. When we do it, it will help us to remain loyal to him and for our heart to lay down when we going through problem. (Ps. 16:8) And that what happen to one sister name Tatyana who they put under house arrest for her faith. She say, “I was all by myself. First, it was really hard for me. Most of the time I really use to be feeling discourage.” Then she started thinking on Jehovah and his purpose, and saw why it was really important for her to bear her problem. It make her heart to lay down and it give her strength to remain faithful. She say: “when I understand why I was going through this problem, it help me to remember that I was going through it because I love Jehovah and want make him happy. It help me to stop thinking about myself.”

10. How Jehovah can be our Rock now-now?

10 In the future, we will face some serious problems and we will need to rely on Jehovah more than ever before. So it important now-now for us to make our faith strong in Jehovah and be convince that in any situation he will help us to remain faithful. How we can do it? Read about faithful people in the Bible and in our time. Then try to see how Jehovah na help his servant them. Think good-good on their examples. When you do it, it will help you to make Jehovah your Rock.


11. Why we want imitate Jehovah qualities? (Also see the box “ Goal for Young Brothers.”)

11 We na learn how Jehovah na prove to be like rock. Now let learn how we can imitate his qualities that make him like rock. If we try our best to imitate his qualities it will help to make the congregation strong. For example, Jesus gave Simon the name Cephas (they translate it as “Peter”), that mean “A Piece of Rock.” (John 1:42) Jesus was saying that Peter will comfort other people in the congregation and make their faith strong. The Bible compare the elder them to “the shadow of a massive crag.” This example show that they can protect the people in the congregation. (Isa. 32:2) But the congregation can benefit if all of usimitate Jehovah qualities that make him like rock.—Eph. 5:1.

12. How we can help to protect our brothers and sisters?

12 Help to protect your brothers and sisters. When our brothers and sisters leave their home because of war or natural disasters, sometime we can allow them to stay in our home. In “the last days” things will continue to get worse, so we need to look for opportunities to help each other. (2 Tim. 3:1) We can also give our brothers and sisters the comfort and love they need. One way we can do it, that by talking with our brothers and sisters and making them to feel love and encourage when they come to the meetings. Today, we living in the word where plenty people can treat each other bad and they can’t show love. So when our brothers and sisters come to the meetings, we want try our best to encourage them and show them love.

13. How elders can help to protect us when we going through problems? (Also see the picture.)

13 Elders can help to protect their brothers and sisters in the congregation when they going through hard time. When disaster happen or somebody just get sick, the elder them can look for way quick-quick to help their brothers and sisters. The elders can also use the Bible to help and encourage the brothers and sisters. The brothers and sisters will feel free to ask any elder for help if he kind, get sorrowful heart, and willing to listen to people. This quality them can help the brothers and sisters to feel that the elders care for them. And it will make it more easy for them to apply any direction that come from the elder them.—1 Thess. 2:​7, 8, 11.

The elder them can comfort their brothers and sisters when they going through problems (See paragraph 13) a

14. How we can show that we somebody who people can depend on?

14 Be somebody people can depend on. We want be somebody who people can depend on mainly during hard time. (Prov. 17:17) Wetin we can do so other people can depend on us? We can do our best to imitate Jehovah qualities every day. For example, we can keep our promise and try hard to be on time. (Matt. 5:37) We can also help those who need help. Also, we must make sure to do all our congregation assignments according to the direction they give us.

15. How the congregation can benefit when the elders show that people can depend on them?

15 Elders who people can depend on can benefit the congregation. How? When the brothers and sisters know that they can call the elders any time they need help, it can make them to not worry too much. Also, when the elder them willing to help the brothers and sisters, it can make them to feel that the elders care for them. When the elders use the Bible and publications to give counsel instead of their own idea, it can make the brothers and sisters to trust them more. The brothers and sisters also trust any elder who can’t tell other people about their brothers and sisters personal matter and can keep their promise.

16. How we can benefit our self and other people when we always do the right thing?

16 Always do the right thing. We will be good example for other people if we obey Jehovah in everything and if we make decisions base on the Bible. When we study the Bible and make our faith strong, it will help us to remain loyal to Jehovah. We will know false teachings and ideas and we will not allow it to affect us. (Eph. 4:14; Jas. 1:​6-8) Our faith in Jehovah and his promise them will help us to not worry too much when we hear bad news. (Ps. 112:​7, 8) Also we will be able to help people who facing problems.—1 Thess. 3:​2, 3.

17. How the elder them can help their brothers and sisters to get strong faith and make their heart to lay down?

17 Elders must know their limit, be sound in mind, organize, and reasonable. The elders can help to make their brothers and sisters heart to lay down, get strong faith in Jehovah and help to make the congregation strong by “holding firmly to the faithful word.” (Titus 1:9; 1 Tim. 3:​1-3) The elder them can help the publishers to be regular in meeting, field service, and personal study, by their fine example and the way they can take care of the congregation. When the brothers and sisters facing problems that make them to worry, the elders must remind them to rely on Jehovah and focus on his purpose.

18. Why we want praise Jehovah and draw more close to him? (See the box “ How We Can Draw More Close to Jehovah.”)

18 After talking about the wonderful quality them that Jehovah get, we can say the same thing King David say: “May Jehovah, my Rock, be praised.” (Ps. 144:1) We can always depend on Jehovah because He will never fail us. Throughout our life and even when we get old, we can trust that He will continue to help us to remain close to him. And we can say: “He is my Rock.”—Ps. 92:​14, 15.

SONG 150 Seek God for Your Deliverance

a WETIN THE COVER PICTURE SAYING: : To the Kingdom Hall, the sister feelingfree to talk with the two elders.