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SONG 8 Jehovah Nao Sef Ples

Mekem Jehovah Kamap Rock blo Iu

Mekem Jehovah Kamap Rock blo Iu

“No eni rock hem olsem God blo iumi.”1 SAM. 2:2.


Disfala article bae helpem iumi for lanem why Jehovah hem olsem wanfala rock and hao iumi savve garem sem wei olsem hem.

1. Olsem Psalm 18:46 sei, wat nao David comparem Jehovah witim?

 STAKA samting wea iumi no expectim gohed for happen lo world distaem, wea savve disturbim or barava changem laef blo iumi. Iumi hapi tumas bikos iumi savve luk lo Jehovah for help! Lo last article, hem remindim iumi hao Jehovah hem God wea laef and hem evritaem redi for helpem iumi. Taem iumi lukim hao hem sapotim iumi, datwan mekem iumi for sure “Jehovah hem God wea laef!” (Readim Psalm 18:46.) Bihaen David talem disfala toktok, hem sei God hem “Rock blo mi.” Why nao hem comparem Jehovah, God wea laef, witim wanfala rock, wea no laef?

2. Why nao iumi shud interest lo wei wea David kolem Jehovah ‘Rock blo hem’?

2 Lo disfala article, bae iumi storyim why Bible kolem Jehovah wanfala rock and wat datwan teachim iumi abaotem hem. And tu, bae iumi storyim hao iumi savve mekem Jehovah hem kamap Rock blo iumi. Then bae iumi discussim hao iumi savve followim olketa wei blo Jehovah wea olsem rock.


3. Staka taem, hao nao Bible iusim datfala word “rock”? (Lukim piksa lo .)

3 Bible comparem Jehovah witim wanfala “rock” for helpem iumi minim olketa wei blo hem. Staka taem, olketa servant blo hem bifor iusim disfala toktok for praisem hem olsem God wea barava hae winim eniwan. Lo Deuteronomy 32:​4, hem firstaem wea Bible kolem Jehovah datfala “Rock.” And lo wanfala prea blo Hannah, hem sei “no eni rock hem olsem God blo iumi.” (1 Sam. 2:2) Habakkuk kolem Jehovah hem “Rock blo mi.” (Hab. 1:12) Man wea raetem Psalm 73 kolem God hem “rock wea strongim heart blo mi.” (Ps. 73:26) And even Jehovah seleva sei, hem olsem wanfala rock. (Isa. 44:8) Distaem bae iumi discussim thrifala wei blo Jehovah wea olsem rock and wat iumi savve duim for mekem Jehovah kamap “Rock blo iumi.”Deut. 32:31.

Pipol blo Jehovah ting lo Hem olsem wanfala rock for kasem protection (Lukim paragraf 3)

4. Hao nao Jehovah kamap sef ples blo iumi? (Psalm 94:22)

4 Jehovah hem sef ples. During lo big storm, man savve kasem protection taem hem haed lo wanfala rock. Lo sem wei tu, Jehovah savve protectim iumi taem iumi feisim eni situation wea mekem iumi stap lo danger. (Readim Psalm 94:22.) Hem protectim spiritual saed blo iumi and mek sure no eniting hem spoelem iumi for olowe. And hem promis tu, lo future bae hem finisim evri samting wea mekem iumi wari or safa.—Ezek. 34:​25, 26.

5. Hao nao Jehovah savve kamap olsem rock wea hem sef ples blo iumi?

5 Wanfala wei for mekem Jehovah kamap rock blo iumi for stap sef, hem for prea lo hem. Taem iumi prea, Jehovah savve givim ‘peace bilong hem’ wea savve gaedem heart and tingting blo iumi. (Phil. 4:​6, 7) Tingim experience blo Brata Artem, wea stap lo prison from hem faithful lo Jehovah. Taem hem lo prison, wanfala raf investigator evritaem kwestinim hem, treatim hem nogud, and trae for mekem hem fraet. Artem sei: “Mi barava wari taem hem savve kwestinim mi. . . . Mi evritaem prea lo Jehovah. Mi askem hem for givim mi peace and wisdom. Taem olsem, olketa teknik wea investigator hia iusim hem fail. . . . From Jehovah helpem mi, hem olsem mi standap bihaen lo wanfala ston wall.”

6. Why nao iumi savve evritaem depend lo Jehovah? (Isaiah 26:​3, 4)

6 Jehovah hem man wea iumi savve depend lo hem. Jehovah evritaem lo there for iumi, olsem wanfala rock wea no savve muv. Iumi savve trustim hem bikos hem nao “Rock wea stap for olowe.” (Readim Isaiah 26:​3, 4.) Jehovah hem God wea laef for olowe so hem evritaem keepim promis blo hem, herem prea, and givim sapot wea iumi needim. Iumi savve depend lo Jehovah tu bikos hem loyal lo olketa wea servem hem. (2 Sam. 22:26) Hem bae no forgetim wat iumi duim, and bae evritaem rewardim iumi.—Heb. 6:10; 11:6.

7. Wat nao bae iumi kasem taem iumi depend lo Jehovah? (Lukim tu piksa.)

7 Iumi mekem Jehovah kamap rock blo iumi taem iumi barava depend lo hem. Iumi sure taem iumi obeyim Jehovah, nomata lo olketa hard taem, bae iumi kasem gud samting. (Isa. 48:​17, 18) Taem iumi lukim Jehovah sapotim iumi, datwan strongim go moa trust blo iumi. Taem olsem, bae iumi redi for feisim eni test wea only Jehovah nomoa savve helpem iumi for winim. Staka taem, if iumi no garem eniwan for helpem iumi, bae iumi just luksavve Jehovah hem evritaem lo there for iumi. Vladimir sei: “Taem mi lo prison, mi feel klos lo Jehovah winim enitaem. Mi lane for barava trustim Jehovah bikos mi stap seleva and no savve wat nao bae happen.”

Iumi mekem Jehovah kamap Rock blo iumi taem iumi barava depend lo hem (Lukim paragraf 7)

8. (a) Why nao iumi savve sei Jehovah hem stedy? (b) Taem Jehovah hem Rock blo iumi, wat nao gud samting wea iumi kasem? (Psalm 62:​6, 7)

8 Jehovah hem stedy. Jehovah hem olsem big rock wea hem strong and stedy. Olketa wei and purpose blo hem no savve change. (Mal. 3:6) Taem Adam and Eve againstim hem lo Eden, tingting blo God for olketa man no change. Aposol Paul sei Jehovah “no savve duim samting wea difren from wei bilong hem and plan bilong hem.” (2 Tim. 2:13) So nomata wat happen or wat olketa narawan duim, Jehovah bae no go difren from olketa wei, purpose, or standard blo hem. From Jehovah hem stedy, iumi savve luk lo hem for sevem iumi and helpem iumi during lo taem blo trabol.—Readim Psalm 62:​6, 7.

9. Wat nao iu lanem from experience blo Tatyana?

9 Iumi mekem Jehovah kamap Rock blo iumi taem iumi focus lo wat kaen Person nao Hem, and tingim evritaem purpose blo hem. Taem iumi duim olsem, bae iumi stedy and gohed faithful nomata iumi kasem hard taem. (Ps. 16:8) Hem nao wat kasem Sista Tatyana taem olketa police putim hem anda haos arrest bikos hem faithful lo Jehovah. Hem sei: “Mi barava stap seleva nao. Firstaem hem no isi. Staka taem, mi feel discourage.” Bat taem Tatyana luksavve hard taem blo hem join witim Jehovah and purpose blo hem, datwan helpem hem and hem kasem bak strong for gohed faithful. Hem sei: “Taem mi understandim why diswan happen, hem helpem mi for remember, mi go thru lo diswan bikos mi sapotim Jehovah. Datwan helpem mi for no ting abaotem miseleva.”

10. Hao nao Jehovah savve kamap Rock blo iumi?

10 Klosap nao, bae iumi kasem hard taem wea iumi need for depend lo Jehovah winim enitaem bifor. Distaem, hem taem for strongim trust blo iumi lo Jehovah dat hem bae helpem iumi for gohed faithful. Hao nao iumi savve duim datwan? Readim olketa story lo Bible and experience blo olketa Witness distaem. Ting raonem hao Jehovah showimaot olketa wei blo hem wea olsem rock for sapotim olketa servant blo hem. Spendem taem for ting raonem olketa story olsem. Taem iu duim datwan, bae iu mekem Jehovah kamap Rock blo iu.


11. Why nao iumi laek for followim olketa wei blo Jehovah wea olsem rock? (Lukim tu box “ Wanfala Goal for Olketa Young Brata.”)

11 Olsem iumi lukim finis, Jehovah hem olsem rock. Distaem bae iumi storyim hao iumi savve followim thrifala wei blo hem wea olsem rock. Taem iumi traem best for duim datwan, bae iumi fit for strongim kongregeson. For example, Jesus changem nem blo Simon for kamap Cephas (“Peter”), wea minim “Wanfala Pis Rock.” (John 1:42) Jesus duim diswan for showim dat Peter bae man for comfortim and strongim kongregeson. Bible sei olketa elder lo kongregeson olsem “shadow blo bigfala ston.” Diswan minim olketa protectim kongregeson. (Isa. 32:2) Kongregeson bae kasem gud samting taem evri brata and sista followim wei blo Jehovah wea olsem rock.—Eph. 5:1.

12. Storyim hao iumi savve kamap sef ples for olketa narawan.

12 Kamap sef ples. Taem olketa brata and sista kasem natural disaster, civil unrest, or war, iumi savve provaedem ples for olketa stap sef. Taem situation lo “olketa last day” kamap moa worse, iumi bae garem staka chance for helpem each other. (2 Tim. 3:1) And tu, iumi savve provaedem comfort and spiritual help for olketa. Wanfala wei, hem for welkamim olketa lo Kingdom Hall, datwan bae encouragem olketa and olketa bae feelim love insaed kongregeson. Iumi stap lo world wea pipol raf, stress, and no kaen. So taem olketa brata and sista attendim olketa meeting, iumi laek for duim best for showim love, strongim olketa, and mekem olketa feel sef.

13. Hao nao olketa elder savve kamap sef ples for olketa brata and sista? (Lukim tu piksa.)

13 Olketa elder savve kamap sef ples for olketa lo kongregeson wea kasem disaster or hard taem. During lo disaster and medical emergency, olketa elder savve kwiktaem duim samting for arrangem help for olketa brata and sista. Olketa givim help tu lo spiritual wei. Hem isi for olketa pablisa story witim wanfala elder if olketa savve hem kaen, tingim feeling, and willing for lisin. Taem olketa elder duim olsem, olketa brata and sista luksavve olketa elder lovem olketa. Datwan bae mekem hem isi for olketa followim kaonsel from Bible wea olketa elder givim.—1 Thess. 2:​7, 8, 11.

Olketa elder savve kamap sef ples for olketa lo kongregeson wea kasem disaster or hard taem (Lukim paragraf 13) a

14. Hao nao iumi savve kamap man wea evriwan savve depend lo hem?

14 Kamap man wea evriwan savve depend lo hem. Iumi laekem olketa narawan for trustim and feel sure dat iumi bae helpem olketa, especially during eni hard taem. (Prov. 17:17) Wat nao iumi savve duim mekem olketa narawan trustim iumi? Iumi savve traem best for showimaot olketa wei blo God evritaem, olsem for keepim promis and duim best for on taem. (Matt. 5:37) Iumi savve duim samting for helpem eniwan lo taem wea hem needim. And tu, iumi mek sure iumi completim eni assignment followim instruction wea iumi kasem.

15. Hao nao kongregeson kasem gud samting from olketa elder wea olketa savve depend lo hem?

15 Kongregeson kasem gud samting from olketa elder wea evriwan savve depend lo hem. Wat nao gud samting wea olketa kasem? Wanfala gud samting, hem wei wea olketa pablisa feel free for ringim olketa elder bikos olketa savve olketa elder evritaem redi for help, especially field service grup overseer. And tu, bikos olketa elder willing for help, olketa pablisa luksavve olketa elder lovem olketa. And taem olketa elder givim kaonsel from Bible and olketa pablikeson wea faithful wakaman provaedem, and no talem tingting blo olketa seleva, datwan mekem olketa brata for trustim olketa. Olketa brata and sista trustim tu elder wea no storyim personal information abaotem olketa pablisa, and elder wea traem best for duim wat hem promisim.

16. Hao nao iumi and olketa narawan savve kasem gud samting taem iumi stedy lo truth?

16 Mas stedy. Iumi savve kamap gud influence for olketa narawan, if iumi strong for duim wat hem stret and if iumi mekem olketa disison wea base lo Bible principle. Taem iumi studyim Word blo God and garem strong faith, bae iumi kamap moa stedy lo truth. Bae iumi no kaen man wea no savve mekem disison, no stedy, or isi for bilivim olketa false teaching and tingting blo world. (Eph. 4:14; Jas. 1:​6-8) Faith blo iumi lo Jehovah and olketa promis blo hem helpem iumi for no panic taem iumi herem eni nogud nius. (Ps. 112:​7, 8) And bae iumi fit tu for helpem olketa wea maet gohed for deal witim hard taem.—1 Thess. 3:​2, 3.

17. Hao nao olketa elder savve helpem olketa narawan for stedy?

17 Olketa elder mas no ova tumas, garem gudfala tingting, organize gud, and no forcem tingting blo olketa lo narawan. Gudfala influence blo olketa elder savve helpem olketa narawan for stedy and strongim kongregeson for “barava faithful for followim toktok bilong God.” (Titus 1:9; 1 Tim. 3:​1-3) Example blo olketa elder and wei wea olketa duim shepherding, hem helpem olketa pablisa for evritaem attendim meeting, go preaching, and duim personal study. Taem olketa brata and sista feisim problem wea mekem olketa wari, olketa elder savve encouragem olketa for focus lo Jehovah and evri promis blo hem.

18. Why nao iumi laek for praisem Jehovah and fren klos witim hem? (Lukim tu box “ Wanfala Wei for Fren Klos Witim Jehovah.”)

18 Lo disfala article, iumi storyim olketa nambawan wei blo Jehovah, and datwan mekem iumi laek for talem sem toktok wea King David talem: “Praisem Jehovah, wea hem Rock blo mi.” (Ps. 144:1) Jehovah hem God wea iumi savve depend lo hem, no enitaem hem fail. Lo full laef blo iumi, nomata kasem taem iumi olo, iumi fit for sei, Jehovah “Hem nao Rock blo mi” bikos iumi trustim Jehovah bae continue for helpem iumi for gohed fren klos witim hem.—Ps. 92:​14, 15.

SONG 150 Lukaotem God for Sevem Iu

a OLKETA PIKSA: Lo Kingdom Hall, wanfala sista feel free for story lo tufala elder.