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SONG 28 Come Jehovah’s Fren

Jehovah Invite Us Fo Be His Guests

Jehovah Invite Us Fo Be His Guests

“I goin live wit dem. I goin come dea God an dey goin come my peopo.”​—EZE 37:27.


Fo help us undastan wat mean fo be one guest in Jehovah’s tent an how he kea about us az oua Host.

1-2. Wat Jehovah invite da guys dat worship him fo do?

 IF SOMEBODY ask who Jehovah to you, wat you tell um? Maybe you tell um, Jehovah my Faddah, my God an my Fren. But you eva wen tink dat Jehovah is yoa Host?

2 King David sed Jehovah, he jalike one host. An da guys dat worship him, jalike his guest. He wen ask, “Who get da right fo live wit you, in da place you stay? Who get da right fo stay long time on top da mountain dat stay spesho fo you?” (Songs 15:1) From dis scripcha, we learn dat get chance fo us live wit Jehovah​—fo be his frenz. Dass unreal aah?


3. Who was Jehovah’s firs guest, an how dey wen feel about each odda?

3 Befoa Jehovah wen make anyting, he was by himself. But den he wen make Jesus an jalike one Host, he wen invite his firs guest fo stay wit him inside his tent. An he was happy fo do dat. Da Bible tell dat Jehovah “feel good inside” wen he see his Boy. An Jesus stay happy fo “work in front him.”​—Smart Guys 8:30.

4. Who else wen come Jehovah’s guests?

4 Den Jehovah wen make his angels an wen invite dem fo be his guests too. Dey was happy fo be wit Jehovah. (Job 38:7; Dan 7:10) Fo long time, God’s frenz was ony dose dat wen live wit him in heaven. Layta on, he wen make humans an dey could be his guests too. Some a da guys he wen invite was Enok, Noah, Abraham, an Job. Da Bible tell dat dose guys was God’s frenz cuz dey wen lissen to Him an do wat He tell.​—Start 5:24; 6:9; Job 29:4; Isa 41:8.

5. Wat us can learn from da prophecy in Ezekiel 37:26, 27?

5 Ova da years, Jehovah wen keep inviting his frenz fo be his guest. (Read um Ezekiel 37:26, 27.) Fo exampo, from wat Ezekiel’s prophecy tell us, Jehovah like da guys dat worship Him fo stay close to Him. He promise fo “make one deal wit dem fo make eryting go good fo dem.” Dat prophecy talk about one time dat da guys Jehovah wen pick fo go heaven an da guys who get da hope fo live foeva on earth going come togedda in Jehovah’s tent az “one ohana.” (John 10:16) Dass going on right now!


6. How somebody come one guest in Jehovah’s tent, an wea His tent can be found?

6 In da Bible, one tent would proteck somebody from da weather an was one place wea he can res. One guest in somebody’s tent would expeck da host fo take kea him. Wen we give oua life to Jehovah, dass jalike we come guests in his tent. (Songs 61:4) We get choke spiritual kaukau an we stay frenz wit odda guests in Jehovah’s tent too. His tent no stay ony one place. Maybe you wen go to one diffren country fo go one big kine meeting an you wen meet oddas ova dea who stay happy fo be in God’s tent. His tent stay weaeva da guys dat worship him stay.​—Jesus Show 21:3, New World Translation.

7. How we know dat faithful guys dat wen mahke, still yet stay guests in Jehovah’s tent? (Go look da picha.)

7 Wat about da guys who was faithful dat wen mahke awready? Dey still guests in Jehovah’s tent? Of course! Why us can say dat? Cuz Jehovah can rememba dem so good, to him dey still alive. Jesus wen tell, “Long time befo time, wen Moses wen spock one bush dat stay burn, he wen talk to God ova dea. Moses wen use dis name fo Da One In Charge Up Dea Inside Da Sky​—he call um ‘Da God fo Abraham, Isaac, an Jacob.’ Dass how Moses wen show proof dat da mahke peopo goin come back alive. Cuz God not da God fo da mahke peopo, but fo da peopo dat stay alive. Cuz erybody dat stay tight wit God, dey alive!”​—Luk 20:37, 38.

Even faithful guys dat wen mahke awready can be guests in His tent (Go look numba 7)


8. Wat good kine tings Jehovah’s guests going get from being in his tent?

8 Jalike one real tent can be one place fo res an hide from da weather, Jehovah’s tent can proteck his guests from spiritual kine danger an give dem one real hope fo da future. Wen we stay close to Jehovah, Satan no can do notting fo hurt us foeva. (Songs 31:23; 1 John 3:8) In da new world, Jehovah going keep protecking his frenz from spiritual kine danger an even from death.​—Jesus Show 21:4, NWT.

9. Wat Jehovah expeck his guests fo do?

9 Is really one big deal fo be one guest in Jehovah’s tent. We can be one close fren wit him foeva. Wat we gotta do if we like keep being his guest? If somebody tell you come dea house, you like be one good guest aah? Fo exampo, dey might expeck you fo hemo yoa slippas befoa you go inside da house, an you going be happy fo do dat. Same same, we like know wat Jehovah like fo da guys who going keep being guests in his tent. Oua love fo Jehovah going make us do all we can fo “make him feel good.” (Col 1:10) Az true Jehovah oua Fren, but den again, he oua God an Faddah too, who deserve oua respeck. (Songs 25:14, NWT) So we should neva foget dat, an always have deep respeck fo him. Dis deep respeck going help us fo no do tings dat going make him mad. We always like depend on Him.​—Mic 6:8.


10-11. How da way Jehovah wen treat da Israel peopo in da Sinai boonies show he treat erybody same same?

10 Jehovah treat his guests all da same. (Rome 2:11) We can learn dis from da way he wen treat da Israel peopo in da Sinai boonies.

11 Afta he wen bring his peopo outa Egypt, Jehovah wen pick prieses fo go serve at da tent. He wen give da Levi guys work fo do at da tent too. So wat, Jehovah wen take kea da guys who wen work at da tent, o camp close by, moa betta den da oddas? No! Jehovah treat erybody same same.

12. How da way Jehovah wen treat da Israel peopo in da boonies show he treat erybody same same? (Outa Egypt 40:38) (Go look da picha.)

12 Each one a da Israel peopo could come Jehovah’s close fren wedda o not he wen work at da tent, o dey live close by um. Fo exampo, Jehovah wen make shua da whole nation could see da cloud an da fire ova da tent. (Read um Outa Egypt 40:38.) Wen da cloud wen start fo move, even da guys who wen live far from da tent could see um. Den dey could pack dea stuffs, take down dea tents, an no get lef behind. (Cens 9:15-23) All dem could hear da loud sound a da trumpets telling erybody fo hele on. (Cens 10:2) So jus cuz somebody wen live closa to da tent, dat neva mean he was one moa close fren a Jehovah. Radda, erybody could be Jehovah’s guest an know fo shua He would proteck dem an show dem wea fo go. Same ting today, no matta wea we live on earth, Jehovah love, take kea, an proteck us.

Da way God set up da tent show he treat erybody same same (Go look numba 12)


13. How Jehovah show he treat erybody same same today?

13 Some a God’s peopo today live nea world headqwatahs o one branch office of Witnesses Fo Jehovah. Oddas actually work dea. Cuz a dat, dey get fo do plenny stuff ova dea an even hang out wit da guys who take da lead. An get oddas who serve az traveling ovaseahs o do odda kine spesho full time work. Even if you not one a dem guys, know fo shua dat oua Host, Jehovah, love all his guests. He know all dem an he kea fo dem. (1 Pet 5:7) All a God’s peopo get da spiritual kine food dey need, an Jehovah proteck dem an show dem wea fo go.

14. Wass anodda way Jehovah show he treat erybody same same today?

14 Anodda way Jehovah show he treat erybody same same is by making shua dat peopo all ova da world can read da Bible. Befoa, dey wen write da Bible in ony three languages, Hebrew, Aramaic, an Greek. Da guys who can read dose languages, dey moa tight wit Jehovah den da guys who no can, o wat? Nope, not even.​—Mat 11:25.

15. Wat we get dat show Jehovah treat erybody same same? (Go look da picha.)

15 Fo come Jehovah’s fren, no need be somebody who wen go plenny school o know plenny languages. Jehovah no ony give his smarts to da guys who wen go plenny school, he give um to erybody all ova da earth. His Word, da Bible, stay translated in tousands a languages. Cuz a dat, peopo all ova da world can get good kine tings from wat it teach an learn how dey can come Jehovah’s frenz.​—2 Tim 3:16, 17.

Cuz da Bible stay translated in plenny languages, how dis show Jehovah treat erybody same same? (Go look numba 15)


16. From wat Jesus Guys 10:34, 35 tell, how we can stay Jehovah’s guest?

16 Az one big deal fo us be one guest in Jehovah’s tent. No moa one odda Host who moa nice, loving, an going give moa den Jehovah. Not ony dat, he treat erybody same same. He tell erybody “e komo mai” no matta wea dea live, how dey was raise, wat school dey grad, wat color dea skin, who dea ohana, how old dem, o if dey one guy o wahine. But somebody can ony be Jehovah’s guest if dey do wat he tell.​—Read um Jesus Guys 10:34, 35.

17. Wea we going learn moa about how fo be one guest in Jehovah’s tent?

17 Like it say in Songs 15:1, David wen tell, “Eh! You Da One In Charge! Tell me who get da right fo live wit you, in da place you stay. Who get da right fo stay long time on top da mountain dat stay spesho fo you?” Jehovah wen breave um in David’s head fo ansa dose questions. Da nex lesson going talk about some a da tings we gotta do fo make Jehovah happy an stay his frenz.

SONG 32 Stick Tight Wit Jehovah!