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I Fell in Love With Sierra Leone

Cindy McIntire

I Fell in Love With Sierra Leone
  • BORN 1960

  • BAPTIZED 1974

  • PROFILE Missionary since 1992. She served in Guinea and Senegal and is currently serving in Sierra Leone.

WHEN I first arrived, it took me all of two weeks to fall in love with Sierra Leone. I marveled at how people bore heavy loads on their heads with effortless poise. Neighborhoods teemed with life. Children played and danced in the streets, clapping their hands and stamping their feet in lively rhythms. I was surrounded by color, motion, and music.

What I enjoy most is preaching here. Sierra Leoneans take pride in welcoming strangers. They respect the Bible and listen to its message. They often invite me into their homes. When I leave, some walk with me all the way down the street. These endearing traits help me to cope with minor discomforts, such as water shortages and power outages.

Because I am single, people sometimes ask me if I ever feel lonely. Actually, I have so much to do that I haven’t had time to get lonely. I lead a life full of purpose.