Comforting Others Despite Her Health Challenges

Comforting Others Despite Her Health Challenges

 Clodean, who is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and lives in South Africa, was admitted to the hospital for major surgery. She had a number of complications and had to weigh several treatment options. Both before and after surgery, she experienced fatigue, pain, and stress. Nearly ten weeks after she returned home, she was still unable to sit up. And because of the COVID-19 pandemic, she could not receive visitors.

 Determined not to feel sorry for herself, Clodean asked God to give her the strength to comfort others. So as soon as she could sit up, she contacted her neighbor’s sister, who had at one time studied the Bible with the Witnesses but had then stopped. Clodean shared an encouraging thought from God’s Word with her, which moved the lady to resume her study. Clodean also explained the benefits of attending Christian meetings, at the same time making sure that her student was able to tie in to the local congregation via videoconference. The lady followed through and even offered a comment during a question-and-answer part on the program.

 Clodean next spoke with her student’s younger sister, who was also quite eager to study the Bible. She even told Clodean about others who might be interested. The result? Clodean started Bible studies with four more women. But her story does not end there!


 Because of Clodean’s sincere interest in others, she was able to start Bible studies with ten more women—all during the pandemic—making a total of 16! Some are regularly attending Christian meetings via videoconference. Keeping busy in this way has helped Clodean take her mind off her own situation. She also feels that because Jehovah, “the God of all comfort,” comforted her in her trials, she has been able to comfort others.—2 Corinthians 1:3, 4.

 How do Clodean’s students feel about what they have learned? One of them says: “I have benefited in many ways. But the highlight was learning God’s name. This has helped me to draw close to Jehovah.” As for the first woman Clodean contacted, she is now looking forward to getting baptized. These experiences have given Clodean much joy. And she has made a fine recovery from her surgery.