Kɔ no mu nsɛm no do

Edwumayɛbea Nye Nserahwɛ Ho Nsɛm

Yɛdze enyigye to nsa frɛ wo dɛ bra bɔhwɛ hɛn edwumayɛbea nye tsintsimbea ahorow. Hwehwɛ mbea a wɔwowɔ nye mber a ibotum dze abɛsera hɔ.

Tours Resumed: In many countries, we resumed tours of our branch offices on June 1, 2023. For details, contact the branch you would like to tour. Please do not visit if you test positive for COVID-19, display cold or flu-like symptoms, or have recently been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.


Plot 38, Area 32

Paul Kagame Road



+265 1-762-111

Nserahwɛ Ahorow

Dwowda kesi Fida

Anapa 8:00 kesi anapa 11:00 nye ewiaber 1:00 kesi ewiaber 4:00

Ɔbɛgye dɔnhwer 1 na fã

Dza Wɔyɛ Tsitsir

Wɔkyerɛ Bible ho nwoma ahorow ase kɔ hɔn kurow mu kasa ahorow anan mu. Wɔhwɛ asafo ahorow 1,882 hɔn dwumadzi do wɔ Malawi.

Twe Nserahwɛ Nwomaba No Bi