Nëjkx parë xyʼixët diʼib tmëminy

Ixyˈat Betel

Nwoowdëp parë nëjkx xyˈixyˈaty mäjaty yajpäätyë sukursal, diˈibëts ndijtëp Betel. Mä näägë tyäˈädë sukursal mbäädë jäˈäy këˈëm tˈixyˈattë.

Tours Resumed: In many countries, we resumed tours of our branch offices on June 1, 2023. For details, contact the branch you would like to tour. Please do not visit if you test positive for COVID-19, display cold or flu-like symptoms, or have recently been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.


Plot 14 of Good Hope

Beema Road

Mount Hampden



+263 867-700-4012

+263 712-604892

+263 772-472403

+263 772-472404



Lunës axtë biernës

Jopyëp a las 8:00 axtë a las 11:00 ets a la 1:00 axtë a las 4:00

Ja jyeky tuk oorë ja kujkm


Mä tyäˈädë sukursal jap yajnëˈëmoˈoy yajtuˈumoˈoy ??? Jyobaa tyestiigëty diˈib Zimbabue. Nan yajkäjpxnäjxpë ëxpëjkpajn kanäk ayuk extëmë endebele, señas zimbabuense etsë shona.

Yajjënakë foyetë diˈib nyimaytyakypy tijaty nëjkx myajtukˈixyˈaty