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Matthew 6:33​—“Make God’s Govament Da Mos Importan Ting”

Matthew 6:33​—“Make God’s Govament Da Mos Importan Ting”

 “Make God’s Govament an doing wat he tell da mos importan tings in yoa life. Den God going give you all da tings you need.”—Matthew 6:33, New World Translation.

 “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”—Matthew 6:33, New King James Version.

Wat Matthew 6:33 talking about

 God’s Govament stay in heaven an God goin use um fo do wat he like on da earth. (Matthew 6:9, 10 NWT) Somebody dat make God’s Govament da mos importan ting in dea life goin put um befoa anyting else. a One of da ways fo do dis iz by learning about God’s Govament, an telling oddas about um an wat it goin do fo us. (Matthew 24:14) Anodda way fo do dis iz fo pray fo God’s Govament take ova da earth.—Luke 11:2 NWT

 Wat he tell mean wat Jehovah tell iz right an wrong. (Songs 119:172) Wen somebody doin wat God tell, he goin be living da way God like us live an dat always goin be da bes fo us.—Isaiah 48:17.

 Da words den God goin give you all da tings you need iz one promise from God dat if somebody make God’s Govament an doing wat He tell da mos importan ting in dea life, den God goin take kea dem.—Matthew 6:31, 32 NWT.

Background of Matthew 6:33

 Jesus wen say dis wen he wen teach on top da mountain, in Matthew chaptas 5-7. Probly plenny of da guys dat wuz lissening wuz broke. So maybe dey wen feel like dey couldn’t make God’s Govament da mos importan ting in dea life cuz dey had fo focus on making one living. But Jesus wen tell um look how Jehovah take kea all da plants an animals. God promise fo do da same ting fo da guys dat make His Govament da mos importan ting.—Matthew 6:25-30 NWT.

Wrong Ideas About Matthew 6:33

 Wrong Idea: Somebody who make God’s Govament da mos importan ting, goin be rich.

 Da Trut: Jesus said dat da guys who make God’s Govament da mos importan ting, goin get da stuffs dey need like food an clothes. (Matthew 6:25, 31, 32 NWT) But, he neva promise dat we wuz goin get fancy stuffs, an dat if we had plenny stuffs, dass proof dat God stay blessing us. In fact, Jesus wen warn, dat if you trying fo get rich, dat goin make um moa hard fo make God’s Govament da mos importan ting. (Matthew 6:19, 20, 24 NWT) Da aposal Paul wen work supa hard fo God’s Govament, an still yet sometimes he ony had litto bit. Jalike Jesus, he warn oddas fo no get caught up wit trying fo get rich.—Fo Da Philippi Peopo 4:11, 12; 1 Fo Timoty 6:6-10.

 Wrong Idea: Christians no gotta work fo make one living.

 Da Trut: Da Bible tell dat Christians gotta work fo take kea demself an dea ohana. (1 Fo Da Tessalonika Peopo 4:11, 12; 2 Fo Da Tessalonika Peopo 3:10; 1 Fo Timoty 5:8) Jesus neva tell his followas dat God’s Govament wuz da ony ting; radda, he wen tell um dat God’s Govament should be da mos importan ting.

 Da guys dat make God’s Govament da mos importan ting an dey willing fo work, know dat garanz God goin take kea da stuffs dey need.—1 Fo Timoty 6:17-19.

a Da idea in Greek wit da words, “Make an. . . doing” mean someting you gotta do moa den one time, anodda way fo say dis, would be fo “make shua you do um all da time.” So, making God’s Govament da main ting, iz not someting you do fo ony litto while.