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The flooded landscape of Vadodara, Gujarat, one of the affected areas

AUGUST 16, 2019

Flooding Hits Western India

Flooding Hits Western India

According to a media outlet, floods in India have killed at least 169 people in the western states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Kerala.

The India branch office reports that none of our brothers and sisters were killed or injured by the flooding. The branch has provided the following details.

Gujarat: In the city of Vadodara, a total of 145 publishers were affected by the floodwaters. The Gujarati remote translation office, which is located in Vadodara, was not damaged.

Maharashtra: In Mumbai, the homes of six families were affected. In the city of Sangli, located some 378 kilometers (235 mi) southeast of Mumbai, 25 publishers were displaced. Brothers in a nearby city provided temporary accommodations.

Karnataka: Six families were displaced by the floods. The branch office is located in this state, but it was not affected by the heavy rains or flooding.

Kerala: Some 100 families have moved to higher ground and are temporarily staying with other Witnesses. A Disaster Relief Committee is assessing the situation.

The branch office is coordinating the relief efforts in the affected areas. Circuit overseers and Local Design/Construction field personnel have been working hard to evaluate and help our affected brothers and sisters. This includes providing material support, such as the distribution of basic supplies like potable water, and spiritual encouragement.

We pray that Jehovah will continue to be with our brothers affected by the flooding. We look forward to the time when natural disasters will be replaced by an “abundance of peace.”—Psalm 37:11.