APRIL 17, 2020

2020 Memorial Commemoration—Canada

Observing the Memorial at the Top of the World

2020 Memorial Commemoration—Canada

The 27 publishers in the Iqaluit Congregation, in Canada’s Arctic Archipelago, came together for the Memorial via videoconference. Of the congregation’s 55 Bible students, 12 attended the virtual observance and were especially grateful that they could do so.

For most of the students, attending the Memorial in person would be a challenge, if not impossible. They live in remote parts of the congregation’s territory, which spans some two million square kilometers (772,204 sq mi) from Kimmirut to Grise Fiord—Canada’s northernmost community.

“This year, for the first time, we were able to have our Bible students join us for the Memorial program. One Bible student in Grise Fiord invited four others to tie in, so a total of five people at the very top of the world joined us for the Memorial,” states Brother Isaac Demeester, an elder in the Iqaluit Congregation.

The unusual circumstances brought on by restrictions from the COVID-19 pandemic have helped many brothers and sisters in the Iqaluit Congregation to see the benefits of being adaptable.

Sister Kathy Burechailo recalls: “We reached out to people across the eastern Arctic by phone. I had some amazing calls with people in the remotest parts of our territory. People are at home and they need comfort.”

“Being so isolated has been particularly stressful for us in Iqaluit as we cope with financial setbacks and uncertainties of this pandemic,” states Sister Laura McGregor. “It was our first time making the Memorial bread for our family. We enjoyed a wonderful time together. It helped us to appreciate more deeply how simple a ceremony it is, and what a blessing it was to have something so simple and accessible.”

Brother Demeester concludes: “Although the COVID-19 outbreak has distanced us in many ways, it has been amazing to see how during this Memorial season our congregation has grown even closer. This year’s Memorial has been life changing!”

The Iqaluit Congregation anticipates building their own Kingdom Hall in the near future, when circumstances allow. In the meantime, we know that Jehovah will bless their diligent efforts to bring the good news to the northernmost regions of Canada—one of the most distant parts of the earth!—Acts 1:8.