MAY 27, 2024

Britain Branch Dedication—Visitors Welcomed From Over 60 Lands

Britain Branch Dedication—Visitors Welcomed From Over 60 Lands

On May 18, 2024, the branch facilities in Chelmsford, England, were dedicated during a talk given by Brother Kenneth Cook, Jr., a member of the Governing Body. A total of 1,518 brothers and sisters attended the dedication program in four auditoriums on the branch property. Several members of the Governing Body and helpers to their committees were present. Another 10,085 tied in to the program via videoconference from Assembly Halls and Bible educational centers in various parts of Ireland and the United Kingdom. Among those in attendance were over 3,000 of the some 11,000 brothers and sisters who assisted with the construction of the branch.

Brothers and sisters in the East Pennine Assembly Hall in Rotherham, England, listening attentively to the dedication talk

The following day, a total of 172,834 enjoyed a special spiritual program that was broadcast to 1,821 congregations throughout the branch territory.

In the week leading up to the dedication, invited guests were given the opportunity to tour the branch facilities. Interactive exhibits were organized to acquaint visitors with the work being done at Bethel to support Kingdom activities in the branch territory and worldwide. For example, the Regional Video Team demonstrated the step-by-step process of preparing and producing a Bible-based film and invited guests to observe a live set during filming.

Left: A sister preparing refreshments. Right: The Regional Video Team demonstrating how our organization’s films are produced

Brothers and sisters viewing the Cyrus Cylinder while touring the British Museum in London, England

In addition to these activities, many brothers and sisters enjoyed several other educational tours outside of Bethel. These included trips to historic locations in the city of London and the county of Kent to learn more about the Bible’s history in England.

Looking back on the exciting week of activity, Brother Richard Cook, a member of the Britain Branch Committee, commented: “It was amazing to see the international brotherhood come together for this very special occasion. We were in awe throughout the planning as Jehovah removed obstacles to organize a joyful branch dedication event worthy of his name.”

We wholeheartedly join our brothers and sisters in the Britain branch territory in ‘rejoicing with great joy’ now that these beautiful branch facilities have been dedicated to our God, Jehovah.—Nehemiah 12:43.