This issue discusses how to remain holy and useful in God’s work, how to avoid blaming God for our problems, and how to fight discouragement.

Qamkunaqa sapaqchasqam karqankichik

Examine four factors that can help us to remain holy and useful in God’s service.

Leeqkunapa tapukuyninkuna

Would it be appropriate for Christian parents to sit together with a disfellowshipped child at congregation meetings?


Jehova Diosqa sapa punchawmi qepillayta apaysiwan’

Despite serious health problems, what has helped a sister from Namibia to serve as a pioneer joyfully for more than 20 years?

Ama haykapipas Jehova Diospaqqa piñakurusunchu

Some have become bitter toward God in their heart. They blame him for their problems. How can we avoid this trap?

Tayta-mamakuna, warmaykichikta wawallaraq kasqanmantapacha yachachiychik

How early should child training begin? What should this training include?

Iñiqmasikikunapi piensay hinaspa kallpanchay

How can we help one another to keep serving God faithfully even when we have problems?

¿Imayna runataq kanayki?

Satan does not want us to have God’s approval. What can we do to protect our friendship with Jehovah?

Eliseom rupachkaq carretakunata qawarqa ¿Qawankichu qampas?

Elisha developed strong faith and complete trust in Jehovah. What can we learn from his example?


¡Reymi admirasqallaña qeparqa!

Read how a king in Swaziland appreciated learning Bible truths.