This issue confirms that Jehovah has always been King. It also deepens our appreciation for the Messianic Kingdom and what it has accomplished.

They Offered Themselves Willingly​—In West Africa

What motivated some Europeans to move to West Africa, and how did it turn out for them?

Worship Jehovah, the King of Eternity

Learning how Jehovah has acted as a Father and how he has exercised his kingship will draw you closer to him.

100 Years of Kingdom Rule​—How Does It Affect You?

How can we benefit from Kingdom rule? Consider how the Messianic King refines, educates, and organizes his subjects.

Making Wise Choices During Youth

Many dedicated young Christians are having thrilling experiences helping others. How can you have a more satisfying share in Jehovah’s service?

Serving Jehovah Before the Days of Distress Come

What unique opportunities do older Christians have to expand their ministry?

“Let Your Kingdom Come”​—But When?

Why can we be confident that God’s anointed King will soon take additional steps toward having the divine will done fully on earth?

What I Chose as a Child

A young boy from Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. decided to learn Cambodian. Why? How did this decision shape his future?