THE WATCHTOWER No. 3 2018 | Does God Care About You?


When disaster strikes or people suffer and die, we may wonder whether God sees it or cares about it. The Bible states:

“For the eyes of Jehovah are on the righteous, and his ears listen to their supplication, but the face of Jehovah is against those doing bad things.”​—1 Peter 3:12.

This issue of The Watchtower shows how God helps us and what he is doing to remove all suffering.


“Where Was God?”

Has a tragic event made you question whether God cares about you personally?

Does God Notice You?

What evidence proves that God is keenly interested in your welfare?

Does God Understand You?

God’s unique knowledge of us and our genetic makeup assures us that he understands us in every detail.

Does God Have Empathy?

The Bible assures us that God notices, understands, and feels for us.

Suffering​—Is It Punishment From God?

Does God use sickness or tragedies to punish people for their sins?

Who Is to Blame?

The Bible reveals three main causes for human suffering.

God Will Soon End All Suffering

How can we know that God will soon act to bring an end to all suffering and injustice?

How God’s Care Can Benefit You

The Scriptures help us to build faith in God’s promises for a wonderful future.

How Does God Feel About Your Suffering?

These Bible verses can help you understand how God feels about suffering.