Disfala magasin garem olketa study for April 8 go kasem May 5, 2019

No Lusim Wei for Faithful!

Wei for faithful hem minim wanem, and hao nao iumi savve gohed duim datwan?

Traem Best for Hambol and Mekem Jehovah Hapi

Hao nao Moses and Jesus showimaot gudfala example for hambol? Wanem nao olketa gud samting wea iumi bae kasem distaem sapos iumi hambol?

Why Nao Hem Important for Showimaot Wei for Tinghae?

Wanem nao iumi lanem from example bilong Jehovah, Jesus, and wanfala Samaritan wea garem leprosy abaotem wei for tinghae?

Love and Justice Long Israel Bifor

Hao nao Law bilong Moses showimaot tingting bilong God abaotem love and justice?


Gud Example Bilong Famili Helpem Mi for Garem Gudfala Laef

Bae iu enjoyim wei for readim laef story bilong Woodworth Mills, wea faithful for worshipim Jehovah for samting olsem 80 year.

Waswe, Iu Savve Finis?

Wanem taem nao olketa Jew start for iusim sinagog?