The Watchtower—Wose'nano'topo po womepatopo Akasï 2023

Ero tanokon womepatoʼkon kïnïsan Atoba 9–Nupemba 5, 2023 taro.

Womepatopo 33

Daniel poko omepako

Studied during the week of October 9-15, 2023

Womepatopo 34

Omepako Paipïrï ta yeijïman uwapo ekarichïʼmaho poko

Studied during the week of October 16-22, 2023.

Womepatopo 35

Oro roten osesimiaʼmaha eʼcho

Studied during the week of October 23-29, 2023.

Womepatopo 36

Aroko oʼwa tarosepa weʼchoʼto, emakopa te moro akoʼíniïmbo

Studied during the week of October 30–November 5, 2023.