Sing to Jehovah​—New Songs

Enjoy new songs for the praise and worship of Jehovah God. Download the music and lyrics, and practice these beautiful songs.

SONG 136

The Kingdom Is in Place​—Let It Come!

This majestic song praises Jehovah God in recognition of Kingdom rule by Christ Jesus.

SONG 137

Grant Us Boldness

Join in this appeal to Jehovah God for courage to witness boldly for his name.

SONG 138

Jehovah Is Your Name

Praise Jehovah’s glorious name and let all people know that he is the Most High.

SONG 139

Teach Them to Stand Firm

Appeal to Jehovah God for his protective care and help to faithfully endure in the race for life.

SONG 140

The Life of a Pioneer

Express your loyal love for Jehovah and your joy in satisfying work and a life you love.

SONG 141

Searching for Friends of Peace

An uplifting, joyful song about our love for people and our diligent search for God’s precious sheep.

SONG 142

Preaching to All Sorts of People

Sing about Jehovah’s goodness and our part in welcoming people of all kinds to become friends of God.

SONG 143

Light in a Darkened World

Shining through the darkness, ours is a message so bright.

SONG 144

It Means Their Life

We must preach God’s message while there is still time.

SONG 145

Preparing to Preach

It would be easy to stay inside, but we can get the strength we need to succeed.

SONG 146

You Did It for Me

Jesus considers any act of love and support for his anointed brothers as though it were done for him.

SONG 147

A Special Possession

Jehovah cherishes his spirit-anointed sons and they love to do what he desires.

SONG 148

You Gave Your Only-Begotten Son

Thank Jehovah for the most precious gift ever given. It offers hope to everyone.

SONG 149

Grateful for the Ransom

The greatest act of love ever shown, Jesus’ willing sacrifice, gives us reason to be eternally thankful to Jehovah.

SONG 150

Reaching Out

Express your joyful desire to serve Jehovah in any way that he desires to use you.

SONG 151

The Revealing of God’s Sons

We keenly anticipate the day in which Jehovah will raise Christ’s brothers to heaven, to share his victory and his reward.

SONG 152

Our Strength, Our Hope, Our Confidence

When life’s anxieties cause fears, God can be our strength, our hope, and our confidence.

SONG 154

We Will Keep Enduring

A song to help us to endure hardships and serve Jehovah faithfully for as long as we need to.