Tɔm ndʋ Bibl wɩlɩɣ toovenim taa?

Palabɩ takayaɣ kanɛ se kasɩnɩ-ŋ nɛ ŋna tɔm ndʋ Bibl wɩlɩɣ tɔm sakɩyɛ yɔɔ, ɛzɩ mbʋ pʋyɔɔ ɖɩtɔkɩ kʋñɔmɩŋ, mbʋ pɩtɛŋnɩ ɛyʋ ɛ-sɩm wayɩ yɔ, ɛzɩma ɖihiɣ hɔʋ taa koboyaɣ yɔ nɛ tɔm lɛɛtʋ ɖɔɖɔ mbʋ yɔ.

Mbʋ Ɛsɔ kaaɖʋwa se pɩla kɛlɛ?

You may wonder why there are so many problems today. Did you know that the Bible says real change is coming and that you can benefit?


Anɩ Pʋdʋ Ðeyi Ðeyi Ɛsɔ Kɛnaa?

Ŋmaɣzɩɣ se Ɛsɔ keŋni-ŋ toovenim na? Kpɛlɩkɩ nɛ ŋtɩlɩ Ɛsɔ nɛ ŋtɩlɩ ɛzɩma ŋpɩzɩɣ ŋla nɛ ŋñɔtɩnɩ yɔ.


Bibl—Ɛsɔ takayaɣ

Ɛzɩma Bibl pɩzɩɣ kɩsɩnɩ-ŋ nɛ ŋlɩɩ ña-tɩlasɩ taa? Ɛbɛ yɔɔ ŋpɩzɩɣ nɛ ŋtaa liu kɩ-taa natʋ tɔm? Ɛbɛ yɔɔ pɩwɛɛ se ɩtaa kɩ-taa natʋ tɔm liu?


Ɛbɛ yɔɔ Ɛsɔ labɩ tɛtʋ?

Tɛtʋ kaɣ pɩsʋʋ paradisuu ɛzɩ Ɛsɔ kaaɖʋʋ yɔ? Ɛzɩmtaa?


Anɩ Yesu kɛnaa?

Kalɩ nɛ ŋna mbʋ pʋyɔɔ pɔtɔŋ se Yesu kɛnɩ Mesiya, ɖenɖe ɛlɩnaa nɛ mbʋ pʋyɔɔ pɔtɔŋ se ɛkɛ Ɛsɔ pɩyalʋ ɛgbamɩyɛ yɔ.


Kɩhɛyʋʋ pʋ-ñʋʋ taa kɛ Ɛsɔ kʋjɔʋ sɔsɔʋ

Ɛbɛ kɩhɛyʋʋ pʋ-ñʋʋ taa kɛnaa? Ɛzɩma kɩpɩzɩɣ nɛ kɩwazɩ-ŋ?


Sɩɖaa wɛ le?

Kalɩ nɛ ŋna tɔm ndʋ Bibl yɔɔdʋʋ yɔɔ yɔ nɛ mbʋ pʋyɔɔ ɛyaa sɩkɩ yɔ.


Lidaʋ ŋgʋ ŋwɛnɩ ñɛ-ɛyaa kʋsɔɔlaa mba pasɩba yɔ pɔ-yɔɔ yɔ

Sɩm kpaɣ ñɛ-ɛyʋ kʋsɔɔlʋ nɔɔyʋ? Ŋpɩzɩɣ nɛ ŋtasɩ-ɩ naʋ wiɖiyi? Kpɛlɩkɩ tɔm ndʋ Bibl wɩlɩɣ sɩɖaa fezuu yɔɔ yɔ.


Ɛbɛ Ɛsɔ Kewiyaɣ Kɛnaa?

Ɛyaa sakɩyɛ sɩm adɩma wena payaɣ se Ða-Caa ña weyi ŋwɛ ɛsɔdaa yɔ. Pɔyɔɔdʋʋ se “ñe-Kewiyaɣ ɛkɔɔ yɔ, pʋ-tɔbʋʋ lɛ suwe?


Ɛzɩ “kɛdɛzaɣ kɩyakɩŋ“ taa ɖɩwɛ toovenim na?

Cɔnɩ nɛ ŋna ɛzɩma lakasɩ nɛ wɛtʋ ndʋ tɩcɔ-ɖʋ nɛ tɩta yɔ, tɩwɩlɩɣ se ɖɩwɛ “kɛdɛzaɣ kɩyakɩŋ“ weyi Bibl kaayɔɔdɩ ɩ-tɔm yɔ.

ÑƲƲ 10

Feziŋ weyi Ɛsɔ Lɩzaa yɔ, Ðoŋ weyi ɩwɛnɩ ɖɔ-yɔɔ?

Bibl yɔɔdʋʋ tiyiyaa nɛ aleewaa pɔ-tɔm. Feziŋ ɛnɩ ɩwɛ toovenim taa? Ɩpɩzɩɣ nɛ ɩwɛɛnɩ ɖoŋ nɩɩyɩ ñɔ-yɔɔ?

ÑƲƲ 11

Ɛbɛ yɔɔ Ɛsɔ ha nʋmɔʋ se kʋñɔmɩŋ ɩwɛɛ?

Ɛyaa sakɩyɛ kalɩɣ Ɛsɔ se ɛ-cɔlɔ ɛjaɖɛ yɔɔ kʋñɔmɩŋ lɩnaa. Ñamaɣzɩɣ suwe? Kalɩ nɛ ŋna mbʋ Ɛsɔ tɔŋ se pɩ-cɔlɔ kʋñɔmɩŋ lɩnaa yɔ.

ÑƲƲ 12

Wezuu caɣʋ ŋgʋ kɩkɛdɩnɩ Ɛsɔ yɔ

Ɛyʋ pɩzɩɣ nɛ ɛcaɣ wezuu ŋgʋ kɩkɛdɩnɩ Yehowa yɔ. Toovenim taa lɛ, ŋpɩzɩɣ nɛ ŋpɩsɩ ɛ-taabalʋ.

ÑƲƲ 13

Wɛɛnɩ Ɛsɔ lɩmaɣza wezuu yɔɔ

Lɩmaɣza wena Ɛsɔ wɛnɩ hosi lɩzʋʋ, calɩm ɖʋʋ nɛ kpɩna wezuu yɔɔ?

ÑƲƲ 14

Mbʋ pʋpɔzʋʋ se ŋla nɛ ñɔ-hɔʋ wɛɛ koboyaɣ taa yɔ

Sɔɔlɩm mbʋ Yesu wɩlaa yɔ, pɩkɛnɩ kɩɖaʋ ŋgʋ pɩwɛɛ se walaa, halaa, lʋlɩyaa nɛ piya patɩŋ yɔ. Ɛ-tɔm kpɛlɩkɩɣ-ɖʋ we?

ÑƲƲ 15

Ɛsɔ sɛtʋ ndʋ tɩkɛdɩnɩ Ɛsɔ yɔ

Cɔnɩ yʋzasɩ loɖo nzɩ sɩpɩzɩɣ sɩsɩna nɛ ɖɩtɩlɩ toovenim Ɛsɔ sɛtʋ ɛgbɛyɛ yɔ.

ÑƲƲ 16

Tɛ ña-taa nɛ ŋɖɔkɩ toovenim Ɛsɔ sɛtʋ kpam

Alɩwaatʋ ndʋ taa ŋheyiɣ ñe-tisuu tɔm ɛyaa lalaa yɔ, kaɖɛ nɖɩ ŋpɩzɩɣ nɛ ŋkatɩ? Ɛzɩma ŋpɩzɩɣ nɛ ŋheyi-wɛ tɔm nɛ pɩtaawɩzɩ-wɛ?

ÑƲƲ 17

Tɩŋnɩ adɩma yɔɔ nɛ ŋñɔtɩnɩ Ɛsɔ

Ɛsɔ welisiɣ ña-adɩma na? Pɩsa nɛ ŋcosi tɔm ndʋ tɩ-yɔɔ lɛ, pɩwɛɛ se ŋnɩ tɔm ndʋ Bibl wɩlɩɣ adɩma yɔɔ yɔ, a-taa.

ÑƲƲ 18

Lɩm Tɛɛ Mɩyɩsʋʋ Yeki Nɛ Ña Nɛ Ɛsɔ Mɩ-taabalɩyɛ Cɛyɩsɩ

Nɩŋgbanzɩ nzɩ pɩwɛɛ se ŋkpɛzɩ nɛ pamɩyɩsɩ-ŋ lɩm? Kalɩ nɛ ŋna mbʋ lɩm mɩyɩsʋʋ sɩŋnaa nɛ ɛzɩma palakɩ-pʋ yɔ.

ÑƲƲ 19

Ðɔkɩ ña-tɩ kpam Ɛsɔ sɔɔlɩm taa

Ɛzɩma ɖɩpɩzɩɣ nɛ ɖɩwɩlɩ sɔɔlɩm nɛ ɛsɩmɩyɛ Ɛsɔ mbʋ ɛlabɩ-ʋ payɩ yɔ, pɩ-yɔɔ?


Ɛsɔ hɩɖɛ yaʋ nɛ ɖɩ-tɔbʋʋ nɩʋ

God’s personal name has been removed from many Bible translations. Why? Is using God’s name important?


Danɩyɛɛlɩ natʋ tɔm kaayɔɔdɩ Mesiya kɔmtʋ tɔm

More than 500 years in advance, God revealed the exact time when the Messiah would arrive. Learn about this fascinating prophecy!


Yesu Krɩstʋ kɛnɩ Mesiya weyi paayɔɔdɩ ɛ-tɔm yɔ

Jesus fulfilled all the Bible prophecies about the Messiah. Verify in your Bible that these prophecies were fulfilled in every detail.


Tɩlɩ toovenim Caa, Pɩyalʋ nɛ Fezuu kiɖeɖeu pɔ-yɔɔ

Many people believe that the Trinity doctrine is taught in the Bible. Is that true?


Mbʋ pɩ-yɔɔ Krɩstʋ mba toovenim mba ɩɩlakɩnɩ kaamaŋkaɣ tʋmɩyɛ pɛ-ɛsɔ sɛtʋ taa yɔ

Did Jesus really die on a cross? Read the answer from the Bible itself.


Kɩbaɣlʋ tɔɔnaɣ kɛ sɔnzɩ nzɩ sɩɖʋʋ Ɛsɔ hɩɖɛ yɔ

Christians are commanded to observe the Memorial of Christ’s death. When and how should it be observed?


“Kalɩzaɣ yaa Ciyam” nɛ “Fezuu”: Tɔm pee ana a-tɔbʋʋ lɛ suwe kpem?

Many think that at death an invisible part of a human leaves the body and lives on. What does God’s Word tell us?


Ɛbɛ payaɣ se Shéol nɛ Hadès?

Some Bible translations use the words “grave” or “hell” for Sheol and Hades. What do these words really mean?


Ɛbɛ Tɔm hʋʋ Kɩyakʋ kɛwa?

Learn how Judgment Day will be a blessing to all faithful mankind.


1914 kɛ pɩnaɣ ŋga kɛcɛyɩ siŋŋ Bibl natʋ tɔm taa yɔ

What Biblical evidence is there that 1914 was a significant year?


Anɩ pʋdʋ Ɛsɔ Tiyiyu Sɔsɔ Mikayɛɛlɩ kɛnaa?

The Bible tells the identity of this powerful archangel. Learn more about him and what he is doing now.


Ɛbɛ “Babilooni Sɔsɔʋ” Kɛwa?

The book of Revelation speaks of a woman named “Babylon the Great.” Is she a literal woman? What does the Bible say about her?


Saŋayɩŋ fenaɣ taa paalʋlɩ Yesu yaa we?

Consider the weather conditions at the time of the year Jesus was born. What does that tell us?


Pʋpɔzaa se ɖɩtɔɔ kazandʋ tɩŋa na?

What are the origins of many of the holidays that are popular where you live? The answers may surprise you.