Followim Olketa Bible Principle

Bible savve helpem iumi for followim olketa principle taem iumi tingim and duim olketa samting. Lukim samfala example wea showimaot bigfala wisdom wea stap long Bible.

Faendem Olketa Fren Long Ples wea Iu No Expectim

Iumi evriwan laek for garem olketa fren. Hao nao Bible savve helpem iu for chusim olketa gudfala fren?

Jehovah God Bae Helpem Iu

Iu savve mekem God hapi nomata iu no perfect. God laekem iu for kasem gud samting, and hem bae sapotim and helpem iu.

Kamap Wise Long Wei for Lisin Long Kaonsel

Tingim datfala kaonsel, no man wea givim. Gudfala kaonsel wea olketa Christian elder givim showimaot God hem lovem iumi.