Olketa Video Abaotem Olketa Buk Bilong Bible

Information abaotem each buk bilong Bible.

Lane Abaotem Bible

Lukim hao each buk hem join lo theme blo Bible, hao datfala Kingdom, thru lo Christ Jesus bae mekhae lo nem blo Jehovah.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Genesis

Genesis storyim important information abaotem firstfala man and woman, and tu, why olketa pipol safa and dae.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Exodus

Lane abaotem hao God sevem olketa Israelite wea slave lo Egypt and organizem olketa for kamap wanfala nation wea dedicate lo hem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Numbers

Lukim hao hem important for obeyim Jehovah and showimaot respect for olketa wea hem markem for leadim pipol blo hem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Deuteronomy

Lukim hao Law blo Jehovah for olketa lo Israel showimaot bigfala love blo hem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Joshua

Lane abaotem hao nation blo Israel tekovarem and divaedem land wea God givim lo olketa.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Judges

Olketa nemim disfala barava interesting buk followim olketa faithful Judge wea no fraet and wea God iusim olketa for sevem Israel from olketa enemy.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Ruth

Bible buk blo Ruth hem story abaotem hao wanfala young widow lovem tumas mami-in-law blo hem wea widow tu, and hao Jehovah blessim tufala.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 1 Samuel

Lukim hao Jehovah no iusim moa olketa Judge for helpem olketa Israelite bat hem markem olketa king for rulim olketa.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 2 Samuel

Lukim hao David hem hambol and garem faith wea datwan mekem pipol laekem tumas and savve lo story blo hem lo Bible.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 1 Kings

Lane abaotem hao Israel kasem gud samting taem King Solomon rul and olketa nogud samting wea happen lo kingdom blo Israel and kingdom blo Judah.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 2 Kings

Bae iumi lanem hao wei for apostate hem spoelem northern kingdom blo Israel, bat Jehovah blessim tu-thri wea gohed servem hem witim full heart.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 1 Chronicles

Readim abaotem geneology and olketa hapi samting wea kamap lo taem wea King David wea worshipim God, hem start for rul olsem king blo Israel go kasem taem wea hem dae.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 2 Chronicles

Lukim hao history blo olketa king blo Judah showimaot dat hem important for faithful lo God.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Ezra

Jehovah duim wanem hem promisim for mekem pipol bilong hem kamap free from Babylon and olketa Israelite worshipim Jehovah moa long Jerusalem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Nehemiah

Bible buk Nehemiah garem staka important leson for olketa wea worshipim God distaem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Esther

Olketa samting wea happen long taem bilong Esther bae strongim faith bilong iu long paoa bilong Jehovah God for sevem pipol bilong hem taem olketa kasem hard taem distaem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Job

Evriwan wea lovem Jehovah bae kasem test. Story bilong Job savve helpem iumi for gohed faithful and for sapotim rul bilong Jehovah.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Psalms

Bible buk Psalms mekhae long rul bilong Jehovah, helpem and comfortim olketa wea love hem, and storyim hao Kingdom bae mekem disfala earth kamap paradaes.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Proverbs

Kasem olketa advaes from God wea savve helpem man long evriday laef, olsem saed long bisnis and famili.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Ecclesiastes

King Solomon storyim hao olketa samting wea hem important for iumi duim long laef hem difren from olketa samting wea Jehovah no hapi long hem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Song of Solomon

Love wea datfala Shulammite garem for datfala shepherd boy hem olsem “fire wea kam from Jah.” Why nao olsem?

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Isaiah

Evri profesi long buk bilong Isaiah kamap tru. Diswan savve strongim wei wea iumi savve trustim hao Jehovah bae mekem evri promis bilong hem kamap tru and hem bae sevem pipol bilong hem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Jeremiah

Jeremiah faithful for duim assignment bilong hem nomata hem feisim staka hard samting. Tingim hao olketa Christian distaem savve followim example bilong hem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Lamentations

Profet Jeremiah nao raetem buk bilong Lamentations. Buk bilong Lamentations storyim bigfala sorre wea olketa kasem taem Jerusalem hem distroe and hao man wea repent savve kasem mercy.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Ezekiel

Ezekiel hambol and no fraet for duim eni waka wea God givim hem, nomata sapos hem hard tumas. Diswan hem nambawan example for iumi followim distaem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Daniel

Daniel and olketa fren bilong hem gohed faithful long Jehovah nomata wanem nao kasem olketa. Example bilong olketa, and wei wea olketa profesi kamap tru, savve helpem iumi distaem long taem bilong end.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Hosea

Profesi bilong Hosea storyim olketa important leson for iumi abaotem wei wea Jehovah forgivim olketa wea repent and wei for worship wea hem acceptim.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Joel

Joel talem profesi abaotem “day bilong Jehovah” wea bae kam and storyim wanem for duim for sev. Profesi bilong hem garem big mining for tuday.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Amos

Jehovah iusim disfala hambol man for duim important waka. Wanem important leson nao iumi savve lanem from example bilong Amos?

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Obadiah

Hem nao barava short buk long olketa Hebrew Scripture. Disfala profesi storyim hope and hao no eni samting bae stopem wei wea Jehovah nao king for olowe.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Jonah

Disfala profet acceptim discipline, duim assignment bilong hem, and hem lanem important samting abaotem love and mercy bilong God. Experience bilong hem bae encouragem iu.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Micah

Disfala profesi savve helpem iumi for sure Jehovah savve askem nomoa wanem iumi fit for duim and gud samting wea iumi savve kasem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Nahum

Disfala profesi mekem iumi trustim hao toktok bilong Jehovah evritaem kamap tru and hem givim comfort for evriwan wea lukaotem peace and laef anda long Kingdom bilong hem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Habakkuk

Iumi savve trustim hao Jehovah evritaem savve long barava taem and best wei for sevem pipol bilong hem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Zephaniah

Why nao hem important for iumi stap klia long wei for tingse judgment day bilong Jehovah bae no kam?

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Haggai

Disfala profesi encouragem wei for worshipim God mas first samting long laef winim olketa samting wea iumiseleva laekem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Zechariah

Staka vision and profesi strongim pipol bilong God long bifor. Olketa profesi hia showimaot Jehovah sapotim pipol bilong hem distaem tu.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Malachi

Hem storyim olketa profesi wea mekhae long love and mercy bilong Jehovah, and showimaot olketa principle bilong God no savve change. Hem teachim iumi olketa important samting wea savve helpem iumi for deal witim olketa samting iumi feisim distaem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Matthew

Bae iu enjoyim wei for lanem samfala samting abaotem disfala Bible buk, wea hem firstfala buk long fofala Gospel.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Mark

Gospel bilong Mark hem short winim olketa nara Gospel, and hem showimaot wanem Jesus bae duim long future taem hem rul long Kingdom bilong God.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Luke

Wanem nao samfala samting wea Gospel bilong Luke nomoa storyim?

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk John

Buk bilong John showimaot Jesus lovem olketa man, hem hambol, and hem nao datfala Messiah wea King long Kingdom bilong God.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Acts

Olketa Christian long first century waka hard for teachim pipol evriwea for kamap disaepol. Buk bilong Acts savve helpem iu for gohed strong and no fraet for preach.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Rome

Buk bilong Rome mekhae long wei wea Jehovah no favorim eniwan and why hem important for showimaot faith long Jesus Christ.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 1 Corinth

Leta bilong Paul garem kaonsel abaotem wei for wan mind, stap klia long wei for durong, love, and biliv long resurrection.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 2 Corinth

Jehovah, God wea givim comfort,” bae strongim and helpem olketa wea worshipim hem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Galatia

Leta blo Paul for olketa lo Galatia hem fitim olketa lo datfala taem and iumi distaem tu. Hem savve helpem evri tru Christian for gohed faithful.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Ephesus

Disfala leta storyim plan blo God for iusim Jesus Christ for mekem peace and wan mind kamap.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Philippi

Wei for no givap taem iumi kasem test savve encouragem olketa narawan for gohed strong.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Colossae

Iumi savve mekem Jehovah hapi lo wei for followim wanem iumi lanem, evritaem forgivim narawan, and tinghae lo hae position blo Jesus.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 1 Thessalonica

Iumi mas gohed wekap lo spiritual wei, “chekim evri samting for mek sure,” “prea evritaem,” and encouragem narawan.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 2 Thessalonica

Paul helpem olketa Christian for garem stretfala tingting abaotem day blo Jehovah, and hem encouragem olketa for gohed strong.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 1 Timothy

Paul raetem 1 Timothy for storyim hao kongregeson hem organize, and for warnim olketa abaotem laea teaching and for no laekem tumas selen.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 2 Timothy

Paul encouragem Timothy for barava duim gud ministry blo hem.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Titus

Leta wea Paul raetem for Titus storyim olketa problem wea olketa kongregeson lo Crete garem and hem storyim tu olketa mark wea brata mas kasem for kamap elder.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Philemon

Disfala leta hem short nomoa bat hem garem olketa important leson abaotem wei for hambol, kaen, and for forgivim narawan.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Hebrew

Worship blo olketa Christian hem no followim wei for sakrifaesim animal and for garem temple.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk James

James iusim olketa interesting tokpiksa for teachim olketa important principle for olketa Christian.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 1 Peter

Firstfala leta blo Peter encouragem iumi for busy lo spiritual samting and for putim evri wari blo iumi lo hand blo God.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 2 Peter

2 Peter encouragem iumi for gohed faithful taem iumi weitim niu skae and niu earth.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 1 John

Leta blo John warnim iumi abaotem olketa man wea againstim Christ and helpem iumi for luksavve iumi shud lovem olketa brata and sista.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 2 John

Mek-tu leta blo John encouragem iumi for gohed followim olketa tru teaching and for stap klia lo olketa man for laea.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk 3 John

Mek-thri leta blo John storyim wei for kaen lo olketa narawan hem gudfala samting for duim.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Jude

Jude storyim olketa nogud wei blo olketa man wea laea and laek spoelem olketa Christian.

Lane Abaotem Bible Buk Revelation

Olketa vision blo Bible buk Revelation showim hao God bae iusim Kingdom blo hem for duim samting hem laek for duim for olketa man and disfala earth.