Avidio Tipa Agu Akitabu Du Rogo Baibiri

Bete sakaapai tipa agu akitabu du rogo Baibiri.

Tonatona Afugo Tipa gu Buku Nga 1 Abakindo

Mo bi wai Yisaraere adu ti agu aregbo nga ga taarimo na ngbabase tii ga Bakindo Soromo zogarago daati gu kere aregbo nangia nga agu abakindo ue nga ga Yisaraere na Yuda.

Tonatona Afugo Tipa gu Buku Nga 2 Abakindo

Mo bingo wai abasamungu agberesi gu kindo nga ga aYisaraere naadu ku nodiyo, ono ki bingo wai Yekova afu maku fu gu bete aboro nairisoko ni ruruyo.

Tonatona Afugo Tipa gu Buku Nga 1 Pekapai

Mo pekefuo gu gene ngbatunga gbiati gu wene raka nangia ga Bakindo Davide tona ti gu regbo i moi ko ni bakindo aYisaraere dakuti gu regbo ko akpi ti ni.

Tonatona Afugo Tipa gu Buku Nga Ezara

Yekova abanda gu gako kidohe naadu tipa pa kusa gako zizi aboro Babera yo na pa karaga ndikidi irisombori berewe kubaha Yerusarema yo.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Nemaya

Gu buku nga ga Ziazia Kekeapai nga Nemaya, na nyanyakipa awirikapai rogoho fu ndikidi airisi Mbori dunduko areme.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Esetere

The dramatic events of Esther’s day will strengthen your faith in Jehovah God’s ability to deliver his people out of trials today.

Sakapai Tipa gu Kitabu Nga Eyobo

Agu aboro dunduko nakpinyemu Yekova duwa ka i gbiatiyo na asada. Gu pangbanga du tipa Eyobo nayugo gupai furani nga ani rengbe arengba ka nye ni rururani na ki songodipai kubara Yekova yo.

Sakapai Tipa gu Kitabu Nga Atambuahe

Gu kitabu nga Atambuahe nasongoda ga Yekova pagbia, kini undo agu aboro nakpinyemuko na kini fu wasa fuyo, na si nayugo wai ga Mbori Kindo nika mbakada apai rogo zegino.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Asanza

Get divine guidance for virtually every aspect of your life—from business dealings to family matters.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Batungusipai

King Solomon highlights the things that really matter in life and contrasts them with the things that conflict with godly wisdom.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu buku nga Ga Soromo Bia

The unfailing love of the Shulammite girl for a shepherd boy is described as “the flame of Jah.” Why?

Tonatona afugo tipa gu buku nga Yesaya

Isaiah is a book of unerring prophecy that can strengthen your confidence in Jehovah as the Fulfiller of promises and the God of our salvation.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu buku nga Yeremaya

Jeremiah faithfully stuck to his assignment as a prophet despite hardship. Think about what his example can mean for Christians today.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Abia Kpenunga

Written by the prophet Jeremiah, the book expresses grief over Jerusalem’s destruction and shows how repentance leads to divine mercy.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Yezekere

Ezekiel humbly and courageously carried out any God-given assignment, no matter how difficult. His example is invaluable to us today.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Daniere

Daniel and his companions remained faithful to Jehovah under all circumstances. Their example along with the fulfillment of prophecy can benefit us now, in the time of the end.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Osea

Hosea’s prophecy contains vital lessons for us today regarding Jehovah’s mercy toward repentant wrongdoers and the type of worship he requires.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Yoere

Joel prophesied about the approaching “day of Jehovah” and identified the key to survival. His prophecy takes on greater urgency today.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Amosa

Jehovah used this humble man for an important work. What valuable lessons can we learn from the example of Amos?

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Obadaya

It is the shortest book in the Hebrew Scriptures. The prophecy offers hope and promises the vindication of Jehovah’s kingship.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Yona

The prophet accepted correction, fulfilled his assignment, and was taught a vital lesson about God’s loyal love and mercy. His experiences will speak to your heart.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Abakuka

Ani rengbe arengba ka du na gu kido nga Yekova ima ino gu wene regbo na wene gene ko nika batasa gako aboro ti ni.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Mika

This divinely inspired prophecy can strengthen our confidence that Jehovah asks of us only what is reasonable and beneficial.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Nauma

The prophecy gives us confidence that Jehovah always fulfills his word and that he provides comfort for all who seek peace and salvation under his Kingdom.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Abakuka

We can have confidence that Jehovah always knows the best time and the best way to save his people.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Zefania

Why should we guard against thinking that Jehovah’s day of judgment will not arrive?

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Agai

The prophecy highlights the importance of putting God’s worship ahead of personal interests.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Zekaraya

Numerous inspired visions and prophecies strengthened God’s people in the past. These same prophecies continue to assure us of Jehovah’s support today.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Maraki

It is a prophecy about Jehovah’s unchanging principles, mercy, and love. The prophecy also provides vital lessons to situations in our day.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Matayo

Enjoy learning basic facts about this Bible book, the first of the four Gospels.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Marako

The shortest of the Gospels, Mark’s account provides a glimpse of Jesus’ future rulership as King of God’s Kingdom.

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Ruka

What information does the Gospel of Luke contain that is unique?

Tonatona afugo tipa gu Buku nga Yoane

John’s account highlights Jesus’ love for mankind, his example of humility, and his identity as the Messiah​—the future King of God’s Kingdom.

Tonatona Afugo Tipa gu Buku Nga Amokedi

Early Christians worked hard to make disciples of people of all nations. The Bible book of Acts can increase your zeal and enthusiasm for the ministry.

Tonatona Afugo Tipa Baibiri

Mo bingo wai abuku nibasasa nga ga Baibiri asongoda gu banguapai du rogo Baibiri yo—wai gu Kindo Yesu nika zogaha nika ziasi rimo Yekova.