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Followim Faith blo Olketa Man and Woman lo Bible

Olketa article lo disfala sekson bae storyim olketa man and woman lo Bible wea garem strongfala faith. a Gudfala example blo olketa man and woman hia and hao olketa showimaot faith blo olketa, bae helpem iu for garem strongfala faith and for fren gud witim God.

Wanfala video series wea title blo hem Garem Sem Faith Olsem Olketa hem stap tu wea savve helpem iu for lane moa abaotem olketa faithful man and woman lo Bible.

a Olketa article lo disfala sekson garem samfala extra information wea no stap insaed Bible. Diswan hem for helpem iu minim gud samting wea happen and piksarem datwan lo mind blo iu taem iu read abaotem olketa faithful man and woman hia. Mifala duim gudfala research for mek sure disfala information hem join gud witim story lo Bible, and tu, for mek sure hem stret followim wanem iumi lanem from history and archaeology.

Creation Go Kasem Flood

Enoch—‘God Hapi Long Hem’

Sapos iu garem famili for lukaftarem, or iu mas strong for duim stret samting, iu savve lane from faith bilong Enoch.

Flood Go Kasem Exodus

Sarah—“Iu Woman wea Luk Naes Tumas”

Long Egypt, olketa prince bilong Pharaoh lukim Sarah hem luk naes tumas. Samting wea happen maet mekem iu sapraes.

Sarah—God Kolem Hem “Princess”

Why nao hem fitim for God changem nem bilong hem for Sarah?

Rebekah—“Mi Willing for Go”

Rebekah hem garem faith, and tu, hem garem olketa gudfala wei.

Job—“Bae Mi No Lusim Wei wea Mi Faithful!”

Hao nao story blo Job lo Bible savve helpem iumi taem iumi kasem hard taem, taem nogud samting happen lo iumi, or nara samting testim faith blo iumi?

Job​—Jehovah Healim Hem

Sapos iumi faithful olsem Job, Satan bae kros tumas lo iumi bat Jehovah wea lovem iumi bae barava hapi lo iumi!

Miriam​—“Singsing lo Jehovah”!

Holy spirit muvim Miriam wea hem woman profet for leadim olketa Israelite woman for singim wanfala song bihaen olketa akrosim Red Sea. Iumi savve lane from wei wea hem no fraet, showimaot faith, and hambol.

Exodus Go Kasem First King blo Israel

Deborah—“I Arose as a Mother in Israel”

What can the Bible’s account of Deborah teach us about faith and courage?

First King blo Israel Go Kasem Taem Jesus Born

Jonathan​—No Eni Samting Savve Stopem Jehovah

Jonathan witim wanfala nara man tufala seleva go attakim full camp bilong wanfala army, and samting wea happen long datfala taem hem sapraesing samting long history.

David—“Disfala Faet Hem Bilong Jehovah”

Hu nao helpem David for winim Goliath? Wanem nao iumi lanem from story bilong David?

David and Jonathan—Jonathan Barava Fren Gud Witim David

Wanem nao mekem tufala man wea no sem age and wea garem difren living kamap olketa best fren? Hao nao example blo tufala savve helpem iu for garem olketa fren olsem?

Elijah​—Hem Faithful Go Kasem Taem Hem Dae

Example bilong Elijah for garem strongfala faith savve helpem iumi for no givap nomata iumi kasem hard taem.

Taem Jesus Born Go Kasem Taem Olketa Aposol Dae

Mary Magdalene​—“Mi Lukim Lord Nao!”

Disfala faithful woman kasem privilege for talemaot lo olketa narawan datfala gud nius hao Jesus laef bak.