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Young People Ask



Why Don’t I Have Any Friends?

You’re not the only one to feel lonely and friendless. Find out how others your age counteract these feelings.

How Can I Overcome Shyness?

Don’t miss out on rewarding friendships and experiences.

Should I Expand My Circle of Friends?

A small circle of friends can be comfortable, but not always beneficial. Why?

How Can I Improve My Conversation Skills?

Three tips that can help you start a conversation and keep it going.

Friendship or Romance?​—Part 2: What Signals Am I Sending?

Might your friend conclude that you want more than friendship? Check out these tips.

What if My Friend Hurts Me?

You should know that no human relationship is problem free. But what can you do if your friend says or does something hurtful?

What if I Don’t Fit In?

Is it more important to fit in with people with questionable values, or to stay true to who you are?

Why Do I Always Say the Wrong Thing?

What advice can help you to think before you speak?

What if People Are Gossiping About Me?

How can you deal with gossip so that it doesn’t destroy you or your reputation?

Is Flirting Harmless Fun?

Exactly what is flirting? Why do some people do it? Are there any dangers?

What Should I Know About Texting?

Texting can affect your friendships and your reputation. Find out how.


How Can I Get Along With My Parents?

Check out five steps that can help eliminate some conflicts and reduce the intensity of ones that do happen.

How Can I Talk to My Parents About Their Rules?

Learn how to speak respectfully to your parents and you may be surprised at the good results.

Are House Rules Really Necessary?

Are you struggling with your parents’ house rules? Here are some tips to help you have the right outlook.

I Broke a Family Rule​—What Now?

You can’t change what happened, but you can keep things from getting worse. This article will show you how.

How Can I Gain My Parents’ Trust?

Three practical steps that can help you to gain more freedom.

Why Won’t My Parents Let Me Have Any Fun?

Consider why your parents may say no to your request, and see how you can improve your chances of getting them to say yes more often.

What if My Parent Is Sick?

You are not the only young person to face such a situation. Learn what helped two others to cope.

What if My Parents Are Divorcing?

Facing your parents’ divorce is never easy. But you can cope successfully by following a few tips.

Why Make Peace With My Siblings?

You love them, but sometimes they can really get on your nerves.

How Can I Get Some Privacy?

Does it seem as if your parents are invading your privacy? Is there anything you can do to reduce the feeling of intrusion?

Am I Ready to Leave Home?

What questions should you consider before making such an important decision?


What Should I Know About Electronic Games?

They can have both benefits and drawbacks you may not have considered.

What Should I Know About Texting?

Texting can affect your friendships and your reputation. Find out how.

How Important Is Online Popularity?

Some people risk their lives just to get more followers and likes. Is online popularity worth it?

How Is Social Media Affecting Me?

Social media is addictive. These suggestions can help you stay in control.

What Should I Know About Online Photo Sharing?

Posting your favorite shots online is a convenient way of staying in touch with friends and family, but it also has potential dangers.

What if I’m Being Cyberbullied?

What you should know, and what you can do to protect yourself.

What Should I Know About Multitasking?

Can you really combine activities without losing focus?

How Can I Learn to Focus?

Consider three situations where technology might interfere with your concentration and what you can do to improve focus.

What Should I Know About Sexting?

Are you being pressured to sext? What are the consequences of sexting? Is it just harmless flirting?

What if My Parents Won’t Let Me Use Social Media?

It seems like everyone uses social media, but is that really true? What can you do if your parents don’t allow you to use it?


How Can I Get Along With My Teacher?

If you have a tough teacher, you don’t have to resign yourself to a school year of misery. Try these suggestions.

How Can I Finish My Homework?

If you’re having problems getting your homework done, the solution might be, not to work harder, but to work smarter.

How to Succeed at Distance Learning

Many students are now getting their education at home. Five tips can help you succeed in your new “classroom.”

What if I Can’t Stand School?

If you don’t like school, you are not alone. See what you can do to develop a positive view of your education.

What if I’m Failing at School?

Before giving up, consider six steps you can take to get better grades.

Should I Drop Out of School?

The answer may involve more than you realize.

What if I’m Being Bullied?

Many who are bullied feel helpless. This article explains what can be done to improve the situation.

Why Learn a New Language?

What are the challenges? And what are the rewards?

Creation or Evolution?​—Part 1: Why Believe in God?

Would you like to be more confident in explaining why you believe in God? Get tips on how to respond if someone questions your belief.

Creation or Evolution?​—Part 2: Why Question Evolution?

Two fundamental facts show why you should.

Creation or Evolution?​—Part 3: Why Believe in Creation?

Do you have to be antiscience to believe in creation?

Creation or Evolution?​—Part 4: How Can I Explain My Belief in Creation?

You don’t need to be a science genius to explain why you find creation to be a reasonable explanation for the natural world. Use the simple logic found in the Bible.

Life Skills

How Can I Improve My Conversation Skills?

Three tips that can help you start a conversation and keep it going.

How Can I Control My Emotions?

Emotional ups and downs are common among young people but can also be confusing. The good news, though, is that you can understand your emotions and learn to control them.

How Can I Avoid Negative Thinking?

You can learn to cultivate positive thinking by following these suggestions.

How Can I Control My Anger?

Five scriptures can help you to stay calm when you’re provoked.

How Can I Deal With Anxiety?

Five tips can help you make anxiety work for you rather than against you.

How Can I Cope With Grief?

It takes time for intense grief to subside. Consider the suggestions in this article, and see which ones are most helpful to you.

How Can I Deal With Tragedy?

Young people relate what helped them to cope.

How Can I Resist Temptation?

Consider three important steps to overcome improper desires.

How Can I Manage My Time?

Five tips can help you to avoid wasting your valuable time.

How Can I Prevent Burnout?

What causes this condition? Are you at risk? If so, what can you do about it?

How Can I Stop Procrastinating?

Get tips on how to stop putting things off!

How Can I Control My Spending?

Have you ever gone into a store just to browse but come out with an expensive item? If so, this article is for you.

How Can I Deal With My Mistakes?

Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone learns from them.

How Should I Take Constructive Criticism?

Some people have been called teacups—so fragile that they shatter at the smallest dose of constructive criticism. Are you like that?

Why Be Honest?

Don’t dishonest people have the advantage?

How Responsible Am I?

Some young people are granted more freedom than others. What makes the difference?

How Resilient Am I?

Because adversity is inevitable, it’s important for you to build resilience, no matter how trivial or how serious your problems may be.

How Can I Learn to Focus?

Consider three situations where technology might interfere with your concentration and what you can do to improve focus.

Why Learn a New Language?

What are the challenges? And what are the rewards?

Am I Ready to Leave Home?

What questions should you consider before making such an important decision?

How Can I Overcome Shyness?

Don’t miss out on rewarding friendships and experiences.

What if I Don’t Fit In?

Is it more important to fit in with people with questionable values, or to stay true to who you are?

Do Manners Really Matter?

Are they just old fashioned or are they relevant today?

Why Do I Always Say the Wrong Thing?

What advice can help you to think before you speak?

Why Should I Apologize?

Check out three good reasons to say ‘I’m sorry,’ even if you feel that you aren’t entirely in the wrong.

Why Should I Help Others?

Doing good things for others benefits you in at least two ways. What are they?

What if People Are Gossiping About Me?

How can you deal with gossip so that it doesn’t destroy you or your reputation?

What if My Friend Hurts Me?

You should know that no human relationship is problem free. But what can you do if your friend says or does something hurtful?

What if I’m Being Bullied?

Many who are bullied feel helpless. This article explains what can be done to improve the situation.


Why Reject the Media Stereotype?​—Part 1: For Girls

Many teenagers who think they’re carving out their own identity are just conforming to an identity that’s been handed to them.

Why Reject the Media Stereotype?​—Part 2: For Boys

Could copying the stereotype make you less appealing to others?

How Responsible Am I?

Some young people are granted more freedom than others. What makes the difference?

Why Be Honest?

Don’t dishonest people have the advantage?

How Resilient Am I?

Because adversity is inevitable, it’s important for you to build resilience, no matter how trivial or how serious your problems may be.

How Should I Take Constructive Criticism?

Some people have been called teacups—so fragile that they shatter at the smallest dose of constructive criticism. Are you like that?

How Can I Train My Conscience?

Your conscience reflects who you are and what you stand for. What does your conscience say about you?

Am I a Perfectionist?

How can you tell the difference between trying to do your best and chasing an impossible ideal?

How Important Is Online Popularity?

Some people risk their lives just to get more followers and likes. Is online popularity worth it?

How Can I Stop Living a Double Life?

Four steps to help you stop this deceptive course.

How Can I Choose a Good Role Model?

A role model can help you to avoid problems, reach your goals, and succeed in life. But whose example should you follow?

Why Should I Help Others?

Doing good things for others benefits you in at least two ways. What are they?

How Can I Deal With My Mistakes?

Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone learns from them.

How Can I Resist Temptation?

Consider three important steps to overcome improper desires.

How Do I Look?

Learn how to avoid three of the most common fashion mistakes.

Am I Obsessed With My Appearance?

If you have a problem with your body image, how can you gain a balanced view of yourself?

Should I Get a Tattoo?

How can you make a wise decision?

Bad Habits

Is Cursing Really That Bad?

What can be wrong with something as common as profanity?

Why Reject Pornography?

What do pornography and smoking have in common?

What if I’m Addicted to Pornography?

The Bible can help you to understand pornography for what it is.

How Can I Resist Temptation?

Consider three important steps to overcome improper desires.

What Should I Know About Multitasking?

Can you really combine activities without losing focus?

How Can I Stop Procrastinating?

Get tips on how to stop putting things off!

Free Time

Does It Matter Which Music I Choose?

Since music has power, learn how you can choose your music wisely.

What Should I Know About Electronic Games?

They can have both benefits and drawbacks you may not have considered.

What Should I Know About Sports?

Examine what you play, how you play, and how much you play.

How Can I Manage My Time?

Five tips can help you to avoid wasting your valuable time.

What If I’m Bored?

Is technology the answer? Can attitude make a difference?

Is the Occult Harmless Fun?

Many have developed interest in astrology, vampires, witchcraft, and zombies. Are there any dangers that you should be aware of?

Why Won’t My Parents Let Me Have Any Fun?

Consider why your parents may say no to your request, and see how you can improve your chances of getting them to say yes more often.


How Can I Deal With Sexual Harassment?

Learn what sexual harassment is and what to do if you are a victim of it.

What Should I Know About Sexual Assault?​—Part 1: Precautions

Three tips can help you to avoid being sexually assaulted.

What Should I Know About Sexual Assault?​—Part 2: Recovery

Read firsthand expressions from abuse victims who have recovered.

How Can I Explain My Beliefs About Sex?

If asked, ‘Are you still a virgin?’ can you explain your beliefs about sex from the Bible?

Is Oral Sex Really Sex?

Is a person who has had oral sex still a virgin?

Is Homosexuality Wrong?

Does the Bible teach that homosexuals are bad people? Can a Christian please God while feeling attracted to the same sex?

I’m Attracted to the Same Sex—Does That Mean I’m Gay?

Is it wrong to have homosexual urges? What should you do?

How Can I Resist Peer Pressure to Have Sex?

Consider some myths and facts about sex. This article can help you make good choices.

How Can I Keep My Mind Off Sex?

What practical steps can you take when thoughts about sex enter your mind?

What About Virginity Pledges?

Will they help you to abstain from sex before you’re married?

What Should I Know About Sexting?

Are you being pressured to sext? What are the consequences of sexting? Is it just harmless flirting?

Why Reject Pornography?

What do pornography and smoking have in common?

What if I’m Addicted to Pornography?

The Bible can help you to understand pornography for what it is.

How Can I Resist Temptation?

Consider three important steps to overcome improper desires.


Am I Ready to Date?

Five points to help you determine if you’re ready for dating and marriage.

What Should I Expect When Dating?

Three common things to consider as your relationship moves forward.

Is Flirting Harmless Fun?

Exactly what is flirting? Why do some people do it? Are there any dangers?

Friendship or Romance?​—Part 1: What Signals Am I Receiving?

Get tips that can help you figure out whether a person is sending romantic signals or just wants to be friends.

Friendship or Romance?​—Part 2: What Signals Am I Sending?

Might your friend conclude that you want more than friendship? Check out these tips.

Dating​—Part 3: Should We Break Up?

Should you stay in a relationship if you have doubts? This article can help you decide.

How Can I Deal With a Breakup?

Learn how to get past the intense emotional pain.

Physical Health

What if I Have a Health Problem? (Part 1)

Four young people describe what helps them cope with their health problems and maintain a positive attitude.

What if I Have a Health Problem? (Part 2)

Read first-hand experiences of young people who learned to cope with major health problems while maintaining a positive attitude.

What if I Have a Health Problem? (Part 3)

The experiences of three young people can help you learn how to cope.

How Can I Deal With Puberty?

Learn what to expect and how to deal with the changes successfully.

How Can I Prevent Burnout?

What causes this condition? Are you at risk? If so, what can you do about it?

What Should I Know About Alcohol?

Learn how to avoid legal trouble, a damaged reputation, sexual assault, addiction, and death.

What Should I Know About Smoking and Vaping?

There is more involved than the ‘fun’ that celebrities or your peers seem to have while doing it. Learn about the risks and how to avoid them.

How Can I Get More Sleep?

Seven practical steps can help you get a better night’s sleep.

How Can I Get Motivated to Exercise?

Besides improving your physical health, are there any other benefits to regular exercise?

How Can I Have a Balanced Diet?

Unhealthy youths often become unhealthy adults, so it’s good for you to develop healthy eating habits now.

How Can I Lose Weight?

If you need to lose weight, don’t think in terms of following a diet but of adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Emotional Health

How Can I Control My Emotions?

Emotional ups and downs are common among young people but can also be confusing. The good news, though, is that you can understand your emotions and learn to control them.

How Can I Avoid Negative Thinking?

You can learn to cultivate positive thinking by following these suggestions.

How Can I Deal With Depression?

These coping strategies can help you take the necessary steps toward healing.

How Can I Deal With Anxiety?

Five tips can help you make anxiety work for you rather than against you.

How Can I Control My Anger?

Five scriptures can help you to stay calm when you’re provoked.

Am I a Perfectionist?

How can you tell the difference between trying to do your best and chasing an impossible ideal?

How Resilient Am I?

Because adversity is inevitable, it’s important for you to build resilience, no matter how trivial or how serious your problems may be.

How Can I Cope With Grief?

It takes time for intense grief to subside. Consider the suggestions in this article, and see which ones are most helpful to you.

How Can I Deal With Tragedy?

Young people relate what helped them to cope.

What if I Don’t Want to Live Anymore?

Four practical tips that can help you overcome the feeling that your life isn’t worth living.

What if I’m Being Bullied?

Many who are bullied feel helpless. This article explains what can be done to improve the situation.

What if I’m Being Cyberbullied?

What you should know, and what you can do to protect yourself.

How Is Social Media Affecting Me?

Social media is addictive. These suggestions can help you stay in control.

How Can I Deal With Puberty?

Learn what to expect and how to deal with the changes successfully.

Why Do I Cut Myself?

Self-injury is a problem for many young people. If you have resorted to this behavior, how can you get help?

How Can I Prevent Burnout?

What causes this condition? Are you at risk? If so, what can you do about it?

What Should I Know About Sexual Assault?​—Part 2: Recovery

Read firsthand expressions from abuse victims who have recovered.


Creation or Evolution?​—Part 1: Why Believe in God?

Would you like to be more confident in explaining why you believe in God? Get tips on how to respond if someone questions your belief.

Creation or Evolution?​—Part 2: Why Question Evolution?

Two fundamental facts show why you should.

Creation or Evolution?​—Part 3: Why Believe in Creation?

Do you have to be antiscience to believe in creation?

Creation or Evolution?​—Part 4: How Can I Explain My Belief in Creation?

You don’t need to be a science genius to explain why you find creation to be a reasonable explanation for the natural world. Use the simple logic found in the Bible.

Why Should I Pray?

Is prayer just a psychological crutch, or is it something more?

Why Attend Meetings at the Kingdom Hall?

Twice each week Jehovah’s Witnesses hold meetings in their places of worship, called Kingdom Halls. What goes on there, and how can you benefit by attending?

How Can I Stop Living a Double Life?

Four steps to help you stop this deceptive course.

How Can the Bible Help Me?​—Part 1: Exploring Your Bible

If you came across a huge ancient treasure chest, wouldn’t you be curious about what’s inside? The Bible is just such a treasure chest. It contains many gems.

How Can the Bible Help Me?​—Part 2: Make Bible Reading Enjoyable

Five tips can make the Scriptures come alive for you.

How Can the Bible Help Me?—Part 3: Get the Most From Your Bible Reading

Four tips that can help you get the most from your Bible reading.

How Can I Train My Conscience?

Your conscience reflects who you are and what you stand for. What does your conscience say about you?

Should I Get Baptized?​—The Meaning of Baptism

If you are considering baptism, you should first understand what it means.

Should I Get Baptized?​—Preparing for Baptism

Use these questions to determine if you’re ready to get baptized.

Should I Get Baptized?​—What Is Holding Me Back?

If the thought of dedication and baptism makes you nervous, this article can help you confront your fears.

What Will I Need to Do After Baptism?​—Part 1: Keep Up Your Activity

After your baptism, maintain your friendship with God. Keep studying the Bible, praying, sharing your beliefs, and attending Christian meetings.

What Will I Need to Do After Baptism?​—Part 2: Maintain Your Integrity

See how you can live up to your vow of dedication to Jehovah.

Older Articles

“Young People Ask” Articles in Awake!

Read articles published in the “Young People Ask” series between 1982 and 2012.