Life Stories


Jehovah Rewarded the Work of My Hands

Learning sign language set Miles’ life on a new path. He looks back on the past five decades and recounts how rewarding it has been to help meet the needs of the deaf in Britain.


I Wanted a Life Fully Devoted to Jehovah

From an early age, Aster loved the truth. During a time of political unrest in Ethiopia, her faith was tested in prison. Later, Aster served at Bethel in New York and eventually raised three sons.


Fulfilling My Desire to Help Deaf People

Tapani traveled around Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, sharing the good news with other deaf people. Over 60 years after his baptism, his zeal is still strong!


I Made It My Goal to Be Obedient to Jehovah

Camilla and her husband, Eugene, made love of Jehovah and obedience to him and his organization the most important priorities in their life.


Jehovah Rewarded the Work of My Hands

Learning sign language set Miles’ life on a new path. He looks back on the past five decades and recounts how rewarding it has been to help meet the needs of the deaf in Britain.


I Wanted a Life Fully Devoted to Jehovah

From an early age, Aster loved the truth. During a time of political unrest in Ethiopia, her faith was tested in prison. Later, Aster served at Bethel in New York and eventually raised three sons.


I Made It My Goal to Be Obedient to Jehovah

Camilla and her husband, Eugene, made love of Jehovah and obedience to him and his organization the most important priorities in their life.


Fulfilling My Desire to Help Deaf People

Tapani traveled around Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, sharing the good news with other deaf people. Over 60 years after his baptism, his zeal is still strong!

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