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Supraveghere atentă pentru identificarea sângerărilor postpartum

Complications of the third stage of labour. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Baskett TF.

Sursă‎: In: Essential Management of Obstetric Emergencies. 5th ed. Bristol (England): Clinical Press; 2015. p. 178-99.

Index‎: ISBN 978-1-85457-064-2 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Peripartum hysterectomy. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Baskett TF.

Sursă‎: In: Arulkumaran S, Karoshi M, Keith LG, Lalonde AB, B-Lynch C, editors. A Comprehensive Textbook of Postpartum Hemorrhage: An Essential Clinical Reference for Effective Management. 2nd Edition. London; Sapiens Publishing; 2012. p. 462-5.

Index‎: ISBN 978-0-9552282-7-8 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Randomized trial of early detection and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Gallos I, Devall A, Martin J, Middleton L, Beeson L, Galadanci H, Alwy Al-Beity F, Qureshi Z, Hofmeyr GJ, Moran N, Fawcus S, Sheikh L, Gwako G, Osoti A, Aswat A, Mammoliti KM, Sindhu KN, Podesek M, Horne I, Timms R, Yunas I, Okore J, Singata-Madliki M, Arends E, Wakili AA, Mwampashi A, Nausheen S, Muhammad S, Latthe P, Evans C, Akter S, Forbes G, Lissauer D, Meher S, Weeks A, Shennan A, Ammerdorffer A, Williams E, Roberts T, Widmer M, Oladapo OT, Lorencatto F, Bohren MA, Miller S, Althabe F, Gülmezoglu M, Smith JM, Hemming K, Coomarasamy A

Sursă‎: N Engl J Med. 2023 6;389(1):11-21. Epub 2023 May 9.

Index‎: PubMed 37158447

DOI‎: 10.1056/NEJMoa2303966 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Sonographic evaluation for intra-abdominal hemorrhage after cesarean delivery. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Hoppenot C, Tankou J, Stair S, Gossett DR.

Sursă‎: J Clin Ultrasound 2016;44(4):240-4.

Index‎: PubMed 26302357

DOI‎: 10.1002/jcu.22289 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

National Partnership for Maternal Safety: consensus bundle on obstetric hemorrhage. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Main EK, Goffman D, Scavone BM, Low LK, Bingham D, Fontaine PL, Gorlin JB, Lagrew DC, Levy BS.

Sursă‎: Obstet Gynecol 2015;126(1):155-62.

Index‎: PubMed 26241269 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Patient blood management in obstetrics: prevention and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage. A NATA consensus statement. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Muñoz M, Stensballe J, Ducloy-Bouthors AS, Bonnet MP, De Robertis E, Fornet I, Goffinet F, Hofer S, Holzgreve W, Manrique S, Nizard J, Christory F, Samama CM, Hardy JF

Sursă‎: Blood Transfus 2019;17(2):112-36.

Index‎: PubMed 30865585

DOI‎: 10.2450/2019.0245-18 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)