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Bible Videos​—Essential Teachings

These short video lessons answer essential Bible questions, such as: Why did God create the earth? What is the condition of the dead? and Why does God allow suffering?

Why Did God Create the Earth?

Our world is full of beauty. It is placed at just the right distance from the sun, it is tilted at just the right angle, and it rotates at just the right speed. Why did God put so much effort into making the earth?

What Is the Condition of the Dead?

The Bible promises a time when many people will be resurrected from the dead, just as Lazarus was.

Is Jesus Christ God?

Is Jesus Christ the same as Almighty God? Or are they separate and distinct persons?

Why Did Jesus Die?

You may have heard that he died for our sins. But could one sacrifice really benefit millions of people?

God’s Kingdom Began Ruling in 1914

Over 2,600 years ago, God inspired a prophetic dream to a powerful king that is being fulfilled now.

The World Has Changed Since 1914

World conditions and attitudes evident since 1914 indicate that Bible prophecies about “the last days” are being fulfilled.

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

The Bible provides a satisfying and comforting answer.

Does God Approve the Use of Images in Worship?

Can they help us to feel close to a God whom we cannot see?

Does God Listen to All Prayers?

What if a person’s prayer is selfish? What if a husband mistreats his wife and then asks for God’s blessing?