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2 Samuel


Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • David hears of Saul’s death (1-16)

    • David’s dirge over Saul and Jonathan (17-27)

  • 2

    • David, king over Judah (1-7)

    • Ish-bosheth, king over Israel (8-11)

    • War between David’s house and Saul’s house (12-32)

  • 3

    • David’s house grows stronger (1)

    • David’s sons (2-5)

    • Abner defects to David (6-21)

    • Joab kills Abner (22-30)

    • David mourns for Abner (31-39)

  • 4

    • Ish-bosheth assassinated (1-8)

    • David has the assassins killed (9-12)

  • 5

    • David made king over all Israel (1-5)

    • Jerusalem captured (6-16)

      • Zion, the City of David (7)

    • David defeats the Philistines (17-25)

  • 6

    • The Ark brought to Jerusalem (1-23)

      • Uzzah grabs the Ark and is killed (6-8)

      • Michal despises David (16, 20-23)

  • 7

    • David not to build the temple (1-7)

    • Covenant with David for a kingdom (8-17)

    • David’s prayer of thanksgiving (18-29)

  • 8

    • David’s victories (1-14)

    • David’s administration (15-18)

  • 9

    • David’s loyal love for Mephibosheth (1-13)

  • 10

    • Victories over Ammon and Syria (1-19)

  • 11

    • David’s adultery with Bath-sheba (1-13)

    • David arranges to have Uriah killed (14-25)

    • David takes Bath-sheba as wife (26, 27)

  • 12

    • Nathan reproves David (1-15a)

    • Bath-sheba’s son dies (15b-23)

    • Bath-sheba bears Solomon (24, 25)

    • Ammonite city of Rabbah captured (26-31)

  • 13

    • Amnon rapes Tamar (1-22)

    • Absalom kills Amnon (23-33)

    • Absalom flees to Geshur (34-39)

  • 14

    • Joab and the Tekoite woman (1-17)

    • David detects Joab’s scheme (18-20)

    • Absalom allowed to return (21-33)

  • 15

    • Absalom’s conspiracy and revolt (1-12)

    • David flees Jerusalem (13-30)

    • Ahithophel joins Absalom (31)

    • Hushai sent to counteract Ahithophel (32-37)

  • 16

    • Ziba slanders Mephibosheth (1-4)

    • Shimei curses David (5-14)

    • Absalom receives Hushai (15-19)

    • Ahithophel’s advice (20-23)

  • 17

    • Hushai thwarts Ahithophel’s advice (1-14)

    • David is warned; he escapes Absalom (15-29)

      • Barzillai and others provide supplies (27-29)

  • 18

    • Absalom’s defeat and death (1-18)

    • David informed of Absalom’s death (19-33)

  • 19

    • David mourns for Absalom (1-4)

    • Joab reproves David (5-8a)

    • David returns to Jerusalem (8b-15)

    • Shimei asks for forgiveness (16-23)

    • Mephibosheth proved innocent (24-30)

    • Barzillai honored (31-40)

    • Dispute among the tribes (41-43)

  • 20

    • Sheba’s revolt; Joab kills Amasa (1-13)

    • Sheba pursued and beheaded (14-22)

    • David’s administration (23-26)

  • 21

    • Gibeonites avenged on Saul’s house (1-14)

    • Wars against the Philistines (15-22)

  • 22

    • David praises God for his acts of salvation (1-51)

      • “Jehovah is my crag” (2)

      • Jehovah loyal to the loyal ones (26)

  • 23

    • David’s last words (1-7)

    • Exploits of David’s mighty warriors (8-39)

  • 24

    • David’s census sin (1-14)

    • Pestilence kills 70,000 (15-17)

    • David builds an altar (18-25)

      • No sacrifices without cost (24)