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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Hosea’s wife and the children she bears (1-9)

      • Jezreel (4), Lo-ruhamah (6), and Lo-ammi (9)

    • Hope of restoration and unity (10, 11)

  • 2

    • Unfaithful Israel punished (1-13)

    • Restoration to Jehovah as husband (14-23)

      • “You will call me My husband” (16)

  • 3

    • Hosea redeems his adulterous wife (1-3)

    • Israel to come back to Jehovah (4, 5)

  • 4

    • Jehovah’s legal case against Israel (1-8)

      • No knowledge of God in the land (1)

    • Israel’s idolatry and promiscuity (9-19)

      • An immoral spirit leads astray (12)

  • 5

    • Judgment on Ephraim and Judah (1-15)

  • 6

    • A call to return to Jehovah (1-3)

    • The people’s fleeting loyal love (4-6)

      • Loyal love better than sacrifice (6)

    • The people’s shameful conduct (7-11)

  • 7

    • Ephraim’s wickedness described (1-16)

      • No escape from God’s net (12)

  • 8

    • Reaping the consequences of idolatry (1-14)

      • Sowing wind, reaping a storm (7)

      • Israel has forgotten his Maker (14)

  • 9

    • Ephraim’s sins lead to rejection by God (1-17)

      • Dedication to the shameful god (10)

  • 10

    • Israel, a degenerate vine, will be ruined (1-15)

      • Sowing and reaping (12, 13)

  • 11

    • God’s love for Israel from his boyhood (1-12)

      • “Out of Egypt I called my son” (1)

  • 12

    • Ephraim should return to Jehovah (1-14)

      • Jacob contended with God (3)

      • Jacob wept to get God’s favor (4)

  • 13

    • Idolatrous Ephraim forgot Jehovah (1-16)

      • “Where are your stings, O Death?” (14)

  • 14

    • An appeal to return to Jehovah (1-3)

      • Offering praise of lips (2)

    • Healing of Israel’s unfaithfulness (4-9)