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Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Genealogy of Jesus Christ (1-17)

    • Birth of Jesus (18-25)

  • 2

    • Astrologers’ visit (1-12)

    • Flight to Egypt (13-15)

    • Herod kills young boys (16-18)

    • Return to Nazareth (19-23)

  • 3

    • John the Baptist preaches (1-12)

    • Baptism of Jesus (13-17)

  • 4

    • The Devil tempts Jesus (1-11)

    • Jesus begins preaching in Galilee (12-17)

    • First disciples called (18-22)

    • Jesus preaches, teaches, and heals (23-25)

  • 5

    • SERMON ON THE MOUNT (1-48)

      • Jesus begins teaching on the mountain (1, 2)

      • Nine happinesses (3-12)

      • Salt and light (13-16)

      • Jesus to fulfill the Law (17-20)

      • Counsel on anger (21-26), adultery (27-30), divorce (31, 32), oaths (33-37), retaliation (38-42), love for enemies (43-48)

  • 6

    • SERMON ON THE MOUNT (1-34)

      • Shun show of righteousness (1-4)

      • How to pray (5-15)

        • Model prayer (9-13)

      • Fasting (16-18)

      • Treasures on earth and in heaven (19-24)

      • Stop being anxious (25-34)

        • Keep seeking Kingdom first (33)

  • 7

    • SERMON ON THE MOUNT (1-27)

      • Stop judging (1-6)

      • Keep asking, seeking, knocking (7-11)

      • Golden Rule (12)

      • Narrow gate (13, 14)

      • Known by their fruits (15-23)

      • House on rock, house on sand (24-27)

    • Crowds astounded at Jesus’ teaching (28, 29)

  • 8

    • A leper healed (1-4)

    • Faith of an army officer (5-13)

    • Jesus heals many at Capernaum (14-17)

    • How to follow Jesus (18-22)

    • Jesus calms a storm (23-27)

    • Jesus sends demons into swine (28-34)

  • 9

    • Jesus heals a paralytic (1-8)

    • Jesus calls Matthew (9-13)

    • Question about fasting (14-17)

    • Jairus’ daughter; a woman touches Jesus’ outer garments (18-26)

    • Jesus heals the blind and the speechless (27-34)

    • Harvest great but workers few (35-38)

  • 10

    • The 12 apostles (1-4)

    • Instructions for the ministry (5-15)

    • Disciples will be persecuted (16-25)

    • Fear God, not men (26-31)

    • Not peace, but a sword (32-39)

    • Receiving Jesus’ disciples (40-42)

  • 11

    • John the Baptist praised (1-15)

    • Unresponsive generation condemned (16-24)

    • Jesus praises his Father for favoring the humble (25-27)

    • Jesus’ yoke refreshing (28-30)

  • 12

    • Jesus, “Lord of the Sabbath” (1-8)

    • Man with a withered hand healed (9-14)

    • God’s beloved servant (15-21)

    • Demons expelled by holy spirit (22-30)

    • Unforgivable sin (31, 32)

    • Tree known by its fruit (33-37)

    • Sign of Jonah (38-42)

    • When unclean spirit returns (43-45)

    • Jesus’ mother and brothers (46-50)

  • 13


      • The sower (1-9)

      • Why Jesus used illustrations (10-17)

      • Illustration of the sower explained (18-23)

      • The wheat and the weeds (24-30)

      • The mustard grain and the leaven (31-33)

      • Use of illustrations fulfills prophecy (34, 35)

      • Illustration of the wheat and the weeds explained (36-43)

      • Hidden treasure and the fine pearl (44-46)

      • The dragnet (47-50)

      • Treasures new and old (51, 52)

    • Jesus rejected in home territory (53-58)

  • 14

    • John the Baptist beheaded (1-12)

    • Jesus feeds 5,000 (13-21)

    • Jesus walks on water (22-33)

    • Healings in Gennesaret (34-36)

  • 15

    • Human traditions exposed (1-9)

    • Defilement comes from the heart (10-20)

    • Phoenician woman’s great faith (21-28)

    • Jesus heals many ailments (29-31)

    • Jesus feeds 4,000 (32-39)

  • 16

    • Request for a sign (1-4)

    • Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees (5-12)

    • The keys of the Kingdom (13-20)

      • Congregation built on a rock (18)

    • Jesus’ death foretold (21-23)

    • True discipleship (24-28)

  • 17

    • Jesus’ transfiguration (1-13)

    • Faith like a mustard grain (14-21)

    • Jesus’ death again foretold (22, 23)

    • Tax paid with coin from fish’s mouth (24-27)

  • 18

    • The greatest in the Kingdom (1-6)

    • Stumbling blocks (7-11)

    • Illustration of the lost sheep (12-14)

    • How to gain a brother (15-20)

    • Illustration of the unforgiving slave (21-35)

  • 19

    • Marriage and divorce (1-9)

    • Gift of singleness (10-12)

    • Jesus blesses the children (13-15)

    • A rich young man’s question (16-24)

    • Sacrifices for the Kingdom (25-30)

  • 20

    • Vineyard workers and equal payment (1-16)

    • Jesus’ death again foretold (17-19)

    • Request for positions in Kingdom (20-28)

      • Jesus a ransom for many (28)

    • Two blind men healed (29-34)

  • 21

    • Jesus’ triumphal entry (1-11)

    • Jesus cleanses the temple (12-17)

    • Fig tree cursed (18-22)

    • Jesus’ authority challenged (23-27)

    • Illustration of the two sons (28-32)

    • Illustration of murderous cultivators (33-46)

      • Chief cornerstone rejected (42)

  • 22

    • Illustration of the marriage feast (1-14)

    • God and Caesar (15-22)

    • Question about resurrection (23-33)

    • Two greatest commandments (34-40)

    • Is the Christ the son of David? (41-46)

  • 23

    • Do not imitate scribes and Pharisees (1-12)

    • Woes to scribes and Pharisees (13-36)

    • Jesus laments over Jerusalem (37-39)

  • 24


      • Wars, food shortages, earthquakes (7)

      • Good news to be preached (14)

      • Great tribulation (21, 22)

      • Sign of the Son of man (30)

      • The fig tree (32-34)

      • Like Noah’s day (37-39)

      • Keep on the watch (42-44)

      • The faithful slave and an evil slave (45-51)

  • 25


      • Illustration of the ten virgins (1-13)

      • Illustration of the talents (14-30)

      • The sheep and the goats (31-46)

  • 26

    • Priests plot to kill Jesus (1-5)

    • Perfumed oil poured on Jesus (6-13)

    • The last Passover and betrayal (14-25)

    • Institution of the Lord’s Evening Meal (26-30)

    • Peter’s denial foretold (31-35)

    • Jesus prays in Gethsemane (36-46)

    • Jesus arrested (47-56)

    • Trial before the Sanhedrin (57-68)

    • Peter denies Jesus (69-75)

  • 27

    • Jesus handed over to Pilate (1, 2)

    • Judas hangs himself (3-10)

    • Jesus before Pilate (11-26)

    • Publicly mocked (27-31)

    • Nailed to a stake at Golgotha (32-44)

    • Death of Jesus (45-56)

    • Burial of Jesus (57-61)

    • Tomb securely guarded (62-66)

  • 28

    • Jesus is resurrected (1-10)

    • Soldiers bribed to lie (11-15)

    • Commission to make disciples (16-20)