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Fewer Pages, More Languages

Fewer Pages, More Languages

Beginning in January 2013, Awake! and the public edition of The Watchtower will be reduced from 32 to 16 pages per issue.

Because the magazines will contain less material, translation teams will be able to make them available in more languages. For example, the December 2012 issue of Awake! was translated into 84 languages, and the December 2012 issue of The Watchtower into 195. However, as of January 2013, Awake! is being translated into 98 languages, and The Watchtower into 204.

The study edition of The Watchtower will continue to be a 32-page magazine.

Fewer Printed Pages—More Web Pages

The changes in our printed journals will have an impact on our website in two ways.

  1. Some of the content previously published in the magazines will appear only on this website. For example, “For Young People,” “My Bible Lessons,” and the Gilead graduation report that appeared in the public edition of The Watchtower, as well as “For Family Review” and “Young People Ask” from Awake! will now be published only online.

  2. The Watchtower and Awake! will be available in an additional electronic format. For years, PDFs of The Watchtower and Awake! have been posted online at Now these journals will be available to read in HTML format, making them easier to access and read from a desktop computer or mobile device. You will also more easily be able to access our other literature, which is available online in about 400 languages.